PODIUM. Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, January-April 2022; 17(1): 325-343


Translated from the original in spanish


Original article


Methodological actions for the management process of the Recreation Research Labor Practice subject


Acciones metodológicas para la gestión del proceso de la asignatura Práctica Laboral Investigativa de Recreación


Ações metodológicas para a gestão do processo do tema Experiência de trabalho de pesquisa em Recreação


Omar Álvarez García1*https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6135-422X

Reymer Sánchez Alberich2 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7610-6889

Orestes García Maceira1 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4688-8968

Yisel Álvarez Álvarez1 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7615-6904

Yilena Maceo Betancourt1 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5155-1070


1Manuel Fajardo" University of Physical Culture and Sport Sciences. Havana, Cuba.

2University of Havana. Havana, Cuba.


*Corresponding author: omar830119@gmail.com




The research proposes to show how the authors visualize the management process of the Research Labor Training or Research Labor Practice at the Manuel Fajardo University of Physical Culture and Sport Sciences. Starting from the approval of the Study Plan E, it is considered the integrating discipline of the career, it constitutes the transversal axis that favors the scientific direction of the teaching-educational process and integrates par excellence the contents of different subjects and the organizational components of the formative process through an interdisciplinary approach in the solution of professional problems that allows students to identify themselves, develop with what to do and their way of professional performance. For this purpose, it is proposed as an objective to elaborate methodological actions aimed at the management of the Research Labor Training process. In the research, historical background, theoretical and methodological references of the sample under study were systematized, as well as scientific methods of the theoretical, empirical and mathematical level, including document analysis, observation and interview. The results obtained in the diagnosis revealed the need to elaborate the proposal of methodological actions that will contribute to the management of the process and in turn will favor the development and praxis execution of the acquired knowledge and professional skills.

Keywords: Labor training; Process Management; Recreation.


La investigación propone mostrar cómo los autores visualizan el proceso de gestión de la Formación Laboral Investigativa o Práctica Laboral Investigativa en la Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y Deporte Manuel Fajardo. Partiendo de la aprobación del Plan de Estudio E es considerada la disciplina integradora de la carrera, constituye el eje transversal que favorece la dirección científica del proceso docente-educativo e integra por excelencia los contenidos de diferentes materias y los componentes organizacionales del proceso formativo a través de un enfoque interdisciplinario en la solución de problemas profesionales que permite que los estudiantes se identifiquen, se desarrollen con el que hacer y su modo de actuación profesional. Para ello, se propone como objetivo elaborar acciones metodológicas encaminadas a la gestión del proceso de la Formación Laboral Investigativa. En la investigación se sistematizaron antecedentes históricos, referentes teóricos y metodológicos de la muestra objeto de estudio, así como métodos científicos del nivel teórico, empírico y matemático, entre ellos, el análisis de documentos, la observación y la entrevista. Los resultados obtenidos en el diagnóstico, permitieron revelar la necesidad de elaborar la propuesta de acciones metodológicas que contribuirá a la gestión del proceso y a su vez favorecerá al desarrollo y ejecución praxis de los conocimientos y habilidades profesionales adquiridas.

Palabras clave: Formación laboral; Gestión de proceso; Recreación.


A pesquisa se propõe a mostrar como os autores visualizam o processo de gestão da Formação Laboral Investigativa ou Prática Laboral Investigativa na Universidade Manuel Fajardo de Cultura Física e Ciências do Esporte. Com base na aprovação do Plano de Estudos E, é considerada a disciplina integradora do curso de graduação, constitui o eixo transversal que favorece a direção científica do processo ensino-educacional e integra por excelência os conteúdos das diferentes disciplinas e os componentes organizacionais do processo de formação através de uma abordagem interdisciplinar na solução de problemas profissionais que permite aos alunos identificar-se, desenvolver-se com o que fazem e sua forma de atuar profissionalmente. Para este fim, propõe-se como objetivo elaborar ações metodológicas voltadas para a gestão do processo de Treinamento de Trabalho Investigativo. A pesquisa sistematizou os antecedentes históricos, referências teóricas e metodológicas da amostra em estudo, assim como métodos científicos de nível teórico, empírico e matemático, entre eles, a análise de documentos, observação e entrevista. Os resultados obtidos no diagnóstico revelaram a necessidade de elaborar a proposta de ações metodológicas que contribuirão para a gestão do processo e, por sua vez, favorecerão o desenvolvimento e a implementação prática dos conhecimentos e habilidades profissionais adquiridos.

Palavras-chave: Treinamento de trabalho; Gerenciamento de processos; Recreação.


Taking into account the foundational beginnings of the Degree in Physical Culture and the different modifications that arose from the constant improvement of the Ministry of Higher Education since its creation, according to article 144 of Resolution 210/07, the Ministry of Higher Education conceives the Research Labor Practice (PLI in Spanish) as the organizational form that aims to promote an adequate mastery of the modes of action that characterize professional activities and, at the same time, the development of values that ensure the formation of an integral professional, suitable for his/her future performance in society.

The University of Physical Culture and Sports Science "Manuel Fajardo" (UCCFD in Spanish), through the implementation of Study Plan E, established the new discipline of Research Labor Training (DFLI in Spanish), which constitutes the Main Integrating Discipline (DPI in Spanish) of the career, which fundamental objective is the labor and Research training of future professionals of physical culture and sports. It crosses all the activities of the curriculum from the first year; all the disciplines are involved in its design, implementation and evaluation. This training expresses the link between academic, labor, research and university extension activities.

In this context, recreation as one of the four spheres of action in the UCCFD Manuel Fajardo, has played a very important role since its discipline of the exercise of the profession, where the integration of the academic, labor, scientific and research components is of great importance, demanding study, preparation, permanent updating and independence, developing its capacity for self-learning, as reflected in the model of the professional of the Physical Culture career.

Consequently, the development of this discipline should encourage and emphasize that students appropriate not only the knowledge and skills for pedagogical Labor, but also acquire responsibilities in the fulfillment of Labor discipline and the tasks that, as workers, they will develop in the basic labor institutions, such as: fulfillment of the laboring day, participation in mega-events, recreational projects and other community sports labor. This contributes to the reinforcement of the values and qualities stated in the professional's model.

The discipline constitutes the seeds for the creative solution when exercising their profession tasks from the guiding basis for action, which enables students to possess the knowledge and skills necessary to reproduce or apply them to situations known or new to them, from ethical-professional positions. In other cases, the solution of certain tasks in practice constitutes the starting point for the development of theory, having as a fundamental scenario the sports complex (teaching unit), as a basic link. This justifies that the discipline be organized, oriented, controlled and evaluated by an interdisciplinary group, capable of guaranteeing the fulfillment of the functions that correspond to the students according to their Study Plan E.

Consequently, with the above, the Manuel Fajardo UCCFD develops improvements in search of excellence in the quality of its processes, where management and self-management occupy a significant place as an essential element in the professional conduct of the recreation teacher tutor.

In relation to the term tutoring, authors such as: Garibay (2003), Hernández and Torres (2005), Martínez (2008), Ojalvo (2012) relate common aspects in the definitions given: it is carried out by competent teachers prepared to exercise tutoring; its function is to support, advise, guide and accompany the tutored person in the process; the attention is personalized; it is directed to one or several designated students; the fundamental purpose is to contribute to the integral formation of the student.

On the other hand, (González and Achiong, 2018 p. 32), address that:

"'personalized tutoring implies the attention to the needs and potential of the tutored student in his/her formative process, in a direct and corrective way that favors his/her learning. The teacher-tutor must anticipate the student's needs, foresee them and follow them up through the projection and systematic evaluation of individual actions that favor the student's learning and development in general''.

In this sense, the tutor-teacher plays roles in relation to teaching, research, professional and personal help; taking into account the role he/she plays, the qualities and personality traits, as well as specific functions and purposes of tutoring according to its essential content.

Thus, tutoring implies taking into account certain pedagogical and didactic assumptions, as a professional teaching-learning process that must be projective and intentional, which guarantees personalized, direct and corrective attention, as well as an effective helping relationship, taking as a center the particularities of the student and according to the purposes set out in the training model of the Physical Culture professional.

In the context of the tutoring to be developed in the Recreation Research Labor Practice, the teacher-tutor should conceive how to offer the levels of help in each encounter, which responds to the needs and interests of the student, as well as contribute to the management of the process.

For this reason, it is necessary to seek, obtain results and solutions to problems, facts, events or educational phenomena, in an accurate way, which can only be achieved if the development of professional skills is guaranteed from the students' own training through the effective development of methodological and research Labor, based on the contributions and scientific results of the university and the research centers attached to it, which contribute to the integral formation of the student by making them flexible, innovative, creative, being them the main protagonists of their own learning.

Thus, the experiences proposed by Liston and Zeichner (1997) are taken, referring to the components that will guide the teaching process of the Research Labor Practice, these are: Teaching: activity in which the student comes into contact with the objective reality of the social context and becomes responsible for the current problematic situation. In that space the student becomes aware of what is implicit in the curriculum, discovers it, articulates it and at the same time carries it out, this will allow him/her to make adjustments according to the needs of the context.

Research: it enables students, during their placement in the social context, to develop abilities to research their own final Labor and acquire knowledge about everything related to the sociodemographic characteristics of their community. Based on this analysis, it is proposed the elaboration of a final Labor that responds to the lines of research approved by the Recreation Department, with a coherent methodological design and the solution of problems found during the whole semester. It is then, a collaborative research Labor between the student, the professors of the UCCFD "Manuel Fajardo" and the tutors of the teaching units.

Seminars: they are strategies linked to research and methodological preparations; they are jointly planned and focus on various issues, such as skills system, knowledge system, teaching learning processes, evaluation, etc. They arise from the students' experiences in the community, as well as from readings on experiences and problematic situations written by the students in their diaries with the intention of building different perspectives on certain Labor and research issues.

The internship diaries: a qualitative instrument where students reflect their impressions, experiences, situations and their evolution as a pre-professional internship, are also an important means to generate reflection and feedback processes.

Tutorials: a process that emphasizes the social conditions of the groups of trainees and their learning opportunities on the system of skills and knowledge, establishing observations to the recreational activities, accompaniment and subsequent counseling to assess and evaluate the crucial moments of the acquired professional skills.

It is evident that today, in view of the complexity of the management of the Research Labor Practice process in the social context, it is necessary to train capable, critical and Research professionals that lead them to improve their knowledge, their actions, from decision making to praxis.

The structuring of the Research Labor Practice in the Recreation Discipline, in spite of its planned condition in an integrative way, for being one of the four spheres of action of the Physical Culture career, brings the student closer to the leading role in the training process, since it is based on establishing the premises of an agreement between the tutors of the teaching units and professors of the UCCFD Manuel Fajardo, jointly outlining the guidelines to follow in their training in a flexible, harmonious and planned way. This premise emphasizes its motivating and guiding function as the student is a participant in the planning of their practical and methodological activities.

Many theories and points of view have emerged in relation to the term "labor practice" and many pedagogues and researchers have tried to conceptualize it throughout its historical development.

In this regard (Pérez 1993, p. 55), argues that:

"professional practice is a process of action and cooperative reflection, of inquiry and experimentation, where the teacher learns by teaching, and teaches because he/she learns, intervenes to facilitate and not impose or substitute the understanding of the students and, by reflecting on his/her intervention, exercises and develops his/her own understanding. Educational centers are thus transformed into centers for teachers' professional development where practice becomes the axis for contrasting principles, hypotheses and theories, in the appropriate scenario for the elaboration and experimentation of the curriculum, for the progress of relevant theory and for the assumed transformation of practice".

Arias et al., (2020), define

"practice as an area of theoretical and methodological discussion; in it, within the same institutional framework, various political projects, social demands, the everyday world converge, and to the extent that these spaces converge, practices function as an element of continuity and rupture of learning constrained to the declared curriculum. The practice then is a space that allows certain margins for its own transformation and in this sense it must attend to the experiences of its actors, which makes its singularity in each university context where common professional knowledge is kept".

Consequently, Sanjurjo, (2017) points out that practices are really practices when they become opportunities to research and propose improvements in teaching, in processes of observation, planning, action and review of actions.

While (Addine et al, 2020, p. 15), points out that

"the Research Labor Practice results from a qualitatively superior process of professionalization by contemplating the research of daily Labor and the analysis of the practice as the pivot of the continuous improvement of their Labor".

In this research, the authors, after having analyzed the concepts previously seen, assume that of (Torres 1995 p. 22), which states: "the Research Labor Practice is the organized form of participation of students and teachers, who interact with each other and the community through real problems, taking into account the research methods for the solution". Hence, the Research Labor Practice has great importance in the pre-professional and social performance of the student. It becomes a revealing entity of what has been learned, since its actions show its gradual development to the extent that it overcomes the content of the discipline, allowing the formation of orientations or directions of his personality that will determine his ways of acting once the career is concluded.

Addressing the formation of the Physical Culture student in the institutional scenario is important for the social and formative role of today's university, which needs teachers with new energy capable of understanding and transforming the characteristics of the students entering from the first year, based on self-reflective processes, since the massive annual enrollment is one of the main challenges to be faced.

That is why the teacher must guarantee and manage with quality a teaching-learning process, starting with the subjects Basic Recreation and Recreational Activities in Nature as ways to achieve learning to learn, to interpret and manage the information they receive or that reaches them through the teacher, literature, the use of ICT (information and communication technology), it is a matter of having open, flexible, creative teachers, aware of the need for a renewed learning, of a teaching vulnerable to changes, to transformations, to the needs of the society of the future and, above all, to the social task of the student, as mentioned by Addine et al., (2020).

On the other hand, the term management is conceived from the Latin gestio, this concept refers to the action and the effect of managing or administering, to manage is to carry out diligences to the achievement of a business or of any desire. It implies a set of procedures that are carried out to resolve a matter or realize a project.

For Carranza (2009),

"Management is related to a wide variety of activities. We find different areas in which it is linked: environmental management, management by objectives, sports management, change management, quality management, knowledge management, etc."

Management in organizations is the association of a series of complex concepts and criteria that interrelate with each other to achieve the plans, objectives or goals that have been drawn up. These criteria seek to improve the performance of the resources available to any organization (human, economic, material, etc.) by seeking the best management of the goods and services of whatever its corporate purpose may be. Next, it will be referred to a series of definitions about management and try to broaden a little the criteria about this concept.

A very simple definition is given by Mestre, Brotons and Álvaro (2002) who define management as "a process undertaken by one or more people to coordinate the Labor activities of other people in order to achieve high quality results that any person laboring alone would not be able to achieve".

It can be stated that the objective of management is to provide a balance and harmony for growth in whatever area it is applied, by facilitating the administrative services that are generated within any organization, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and effectively to achieve the goals and objectives set.

Management, according to De Souza (2002), can be expressed in the following basic aspects: "building and sharing a vision of the future (new coherence), identifying and consolidating guiding elements of reference for the achievement of the objectives demanded by this vision of the future, making decisions consistent with these elements of reference associated with this vision of the future and building the conditions for this new coherence to be understood by the community".

According to Roque, (2017),

"Management is to direct with action and effect the set of activities and necessary means with the objective of materializing the services of physical and sports activities with the rational use of the available resources".

Meanwhile, Peña et al., (2016),

"refers to the theory of change in the management of Physical Recreation in the community, before an integrating vision of frameworks built and appropriated collectively by managers, allows considering the development of competent professionals, since it promotes beings with imagination, capacity and commitment, able to innovate overcoming the boundaries that their terms of reference and traditional management models".

A key aspect in the management of the PLI process in the teaching units is closely linked to the achievement of goals and objectives that are stated in the new Study Plan E, where it allows interpreting the process as a result of the methodological scientific activity from its dialectical materialist conception of history, taking into account the fundamentals that allow it to determine the development of Physical Culture, with a position consistent with the social objectives in search of efficiency and effectiveness in the training of the professional.

It is also associated with a contextual vision, making it possible to infer, a framework for thinking, which includes: a social vision; a Labor philosophy; an image of organization, planning and control of the processes that will allow it to generate hypotheses, premises and solutions of an amalgam of elements that revolve around it and that contribute to the cause of management.

Following the previous idea and in correspondence with a new vision of the future projected by the UCCFD Manuel Fajardo through the recreation department, in its objectives for this period of Labor, it addresses elements related to the university's commitment to manage recreation in the teaching units where a social and integrative approach should be assumed. The current situation in the teaching units of the capital city, demands to see the management of the PLI process, not as a means, but as a complex process in constant change, due to the precarious conditions in which they are developed. If yesterday the priority was focused on children, today the aging population implies a differentiated attention, through the recreation of adults and older adults, without neglecting other social and age groups.

In line with what was previously stated, each teaching unit has different characteristics, the opportunities to create circumstances for research, participation and social interaction of students and professors with the community, which are efficiently used, hence the construction of a good management of the Research Labor Practice (PLI) process favors the development of the student as a future professional, where the center of their actions (teaching units), assumes the development of capabilities, skills, knowledge and opportunities in the construction of an integral graduate.

Now, after having addressed the term process management of the Recreation Research Labor Practice, the authors decided to conceptualize it for better understanding.

Taking into account the concepts expressed above, the authors assume the management of the Research Labor Practice process as defining in the planning, organization, control and evaluation in the development of the integrating subject of the Physical Culture course. The responsibility assumed by the Department of Recreation (maximum responsible for the process) from the governing center (UCCFD), as the entity in charge of managing and guaranteeing among the responsible entities the fulfillment of the objectives set from the Discipline of Recreation, which plays an essential role in the preparation of the fundamental actors (professors, tutors, students), in the materialization of the development of all the activities to be carried out in the teaching units previously selected in each of the territories. It is important to highlight the communication bridges that should be established between the parties as a feedback mechanism, which responds to a management according to the real circumstances and conditions of each community, guaranteeing excellence in the training of the Physical Culture professional.

Figure 1 shows how the authors envision the management of the process and asserts that there is a basic principle of utmost importance in the Cuban education system, the study-Labor link, manifested in the broad profile of the Physical Culture career, which is based on the knowledge, skills, abilities and values required to meet the ethical, political and economic needs in the labor and social spheres.

The management of the Research Labor Practice process begins at the UCCFD "Manuel Fajardo", the house of higher education that regulates and guides the teaching and educational process mainly from the methodological point of view and whose responsibility lies with the Recreation Teaching Department. It is the guiding documents: Study Plan, the program of the discipline and its subjects, the Professional's Model, Resolution 210/07 of the Ministry of Higher Education, the established agreements, among others, in addition to the Labor of the university professor with the tutor teacher in each of the territories, which allow a greater understanding and orientation towards the development of the management of the process (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. - Management of the Research Labor Practice process in the Recreation Discipline

In the last five years, the Research Labor Practice has become the repetition of theories, with little analysis and confrontation, to the detriment of the development of argumentation, criticism and reflection, important aspects to understand and interpret the socio-cultural and educational reality of the surrounding environment where it is developed, as well as the evident disconnection between theory and practice.

Therefore, the correct selection of the teaching units with the adequate human capital (tutor), means and existing infrastructure that guarantees the ideal scenario in the realization of the objectives established for this purpose is of great importance. In this sense, it is proposed to conceive the teaching units as an integrating axis in the training of the Physical Culture professional, which constitutes the articulating vehicle for reflection and debate during the training process, in order to strengthen the theory-practice relationship; this means guaranteeing the construction of professional knowledge that facilitates the formation of a critical, reflective and autonomous graduate.

A key aspect is the excellent communication that should exist between the university, teaching units, tutor teachers and students, allowing a systematic feedback, which evaluates the constant progress of the management of the Research Labor Practice process, its strengths, weaknesses and possible threats, making it possible to unite efforts in a common goal, the formation of the professional. The objective of this scientific article is to show and socialize a group of methodological actions aimed at the essential role played by the management of the labor practice process in ensuring the conditions for its development.



Different research methods were used, such as:

Theoretical level:

Historical-logical: to evidence the historical development of the Research Labor Practice, emphasizing the necessary elements for this activity to contribute in a positive way in the preparation of the students.

Analytical-synthetic: it was used to analyze contents, in order to determine the methodological criteria, theoretical positions, current trends of the aforementioned topic. The data recorded are based on the criteria and opinions that appear in the bibliography and, especially, those contributed to this Labor by the specialists interviewed.

Inductive-deductive: it was used throughout the research, particularly in the process of evaluating the central concepts through the deduction from the general to the particular in the management of the Research Labor Practice, also in the processing of the results of the instruments applied to arrive at conclusions, generalize or infer particular aspects of general situations.

Systemic-structural-functional: it made it possible to structure the theoretical frame of reference with an articulated internal logical structure, through the dialectic integration of the coinciding aspects in each budget and for the elaboration of the proposal of methodological actions in the management of the Research Labor Practice.

Empirical level:

Observation: it was used to collect information on the status of students in the PLI. Document analysis: allowed for the analysis of the PLI management process, diagnostic data, teaching programs and other regulatory documents of the recreation department.

Survey: it was used to obtain the criteria related to the teaching process of the PLI, from its organization to its performance in the teaching units.

Methodological triangulation: it was used to analyze and compare the information collected by the different methods and techniques.

Consultation with specialists: it was used with the purpose of corroborating the pertinence of the methodological actions proposed for the Research Labor Practice.


The empirical frequency distribution was used to establish the main empirical criteria based on the quantitative results derived from the application of the different diagnostic instruments.



In the survey, it is worth noting that 73 % of the students are unmotivated by PLI, alleging lack of vocation, stage fright, lack of methodological tools, among other issues that explain their lack of interest. It was also found that there are insufficiencies in the development of the skills and knowledge they have to overcome, with emphasis on diagnosing, planning, organizing, directing and evaluating recreational activities.

The interview with PLI tutors and methodologists showed that the teaching units do not meet the conditions, and students are perceived as unmotivated. They also added that they do not know what is stipulated in the study plan and it would be feasible to prepare a document explaining the contents to be taught and evaluated by the tutor professors, as well as to organize the management of the PLI process. They also recognize that the student supplies the needs of teachers in the territories.

The observation allowed perceiving the management of the process in its context, with irregularities in the methodological preparations, the organization, planning, control and evaluation of the process, the quality of the recreational activities and the preparation of the teachers of the territory. The lack of preparation of the teachers and the precarious conditions in the teaching units were also noted.

Normative and guiding documents that govern the management of the Research Labor Practice process were analyzed, which made it possible to know and interpret everything related to the process and in turn contributed to the elaboration of the theoretical framework of the research, as well as the elaboration of the methodological actions.

The methodological triangulation made it possible to analyze and compare the information gathered by the instruments applied in the diagnosis, namely surveys, interviews, document review and observation. It is demonstrated which are the points in common in relation to the existing deficiencies in the PLI process. They allow the authors of this research to establish a critical judgment on the objective reality of the process over five years. These results also provide the opportunity to implement alternatives as a solution to the problems encountered.

In order to assess the relevance of the proposal, the criteria of specialists were applied, yielding the following results:

The specialists also added a group of suggestions that they considered necessary to strengthen the methodological actions, which were taken up by the authors and added to the proposal.

Methodological actions for the management of the Recreation Research Labor Practice process

The proposal consists of four stages with a systemic character, as it allows the logical relationship between its activities, which in turn allows the systematization, and thus the consolidation of knowledge and mode of action of students where their participation in the Research Labor Practice in the Recreation Discipline is enhanced.

The following Labor stages were taken into account in the preparation of the proposal.

Stage 1. Diagnosis of the current state of Research Labor Practice in the Recreation Discipline:

A diagnosis was carried out to verify the current state of the Research Labor Practice in the Recreation Discipline, in which scientific research methods were applied that allowed a critical analysis of the object of the research, as well as to determine the strengths and limitations to elaborate the proposed methodological actions.

Stage 2. Elaboration of the methodological actions for the Research Labor Practice in the Recreation Discipline.

The methodological actions were elaborated based on the results obtained in the diagnosis of the current state of the Research Labor Practice, taking into account theoretical references that allowed guaranteeing the structure of the proposal, the documents that govern the process of the subject, as well as the experience of the authors of this research.

Stage 3. Evaluation of the proposal.

At this stage, an evaluation was carried out by professors of the Recreation Discipline from different provinces, including the UCCFD Manuel Fajardo, with the objective of critically evaluating the proposal of methodological actions, most of whom considered it adequate and made suggestions for its implementation.

Socialization and execution of the methodological actions for the Research Labor Practice in the Recreation Discipline.

At this stage, once the research is completed, it can be made available to the Physical Culture Rector Center through the Methodological Teaching Direction for its analysis, socialization and approval. Once these steps have been completed, the proposed methodological actions will be submitted to the consideration of the department with the objective of analyzing them and putting them into practice. The outline of the methodological actions is shown below.

Actions 1. Preparation of the teacher of the Research Labor Practice in the Recreation Discipline.

Step 1. Characteristics that the teacher must have:

Use innovative ways and means to ensure that students are stimulated according to their performance.

Professional charisma that he/she shows during his/her communicative performance with students.

Step 2. Management of the teaching-methodological Labor:

Step 3. Treatment of the Research Labor Practice:

The teacher should be aware of the following normative documents:

Step 4. Development of the Research Labor Practice (PLI):

Actions 2. Participation of students in the Research Labor Experience.

Step 1. Challenges to be assumed:

Step 2. Tasks to be developed:

Actions 3. Selection of teaching units.

Step 1. Characteristics of the teaching units:



Finally, the authors of this article refer by way of summary that the theoretical foundations allowed supporting the importance of good management and self-management by tutor teachers responsible for the Recreation Research Labor Practice. Criteria are shown and the favorable context for a good communication between the UCCFD "Manuel Fajardo" and the base entities ( sports complexes) is visualized, which allow to act in the search for solutions to material and human needs (human capital), which determine the good attention of the student during the course of the discipline.

The methodological actions elaborated respond to the need to look for ways to manage the process of the Research Labor Practice in which a system of methodological actions is contributed, adjusted to the new current demands of Higher Education.



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Conflict of interests:
Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de intereses.


Authors' contribution:
The authors have participated in the writing of the work and analysis of the documents.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license
Copyright (c)
2022 Omar Álvarez García, Reymer Sánchez Alberich, Orestes García Maceira, Yisel Álvarez Álvarez, Yilena Maceo Betancourt