PODIUM. Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, September-December 2022; 17(3):892-910


Translated from the original in spanish



Original artícle


Pedagogical perspective of sexual diversity in sports educational centers


Perspectiva pedagógica de la diversidad sexual en centros educacionales deportivos


Perspectiva pedagógica sobre a diversidade sexual nos centros de educação esportiva


Alina Bestard Revilla1* https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6162-8534

Elizabeth Palma Cardoso2 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9650-8305

Elsa Sivila Jiménez3 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7001-2336


1University of the East. Faculty of Physical Culture. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

2Tolimense Institute of Professional Technical Training ITFIP. Colombia.

3University of Holguin. Holguin, Cuba.


*Corresponding author: abestard@uo.edu.cu




Introduction: Human beings have learned to live with the diversity that exists in the world, to understand it and even act in accordance with it. However, it still takes a bit of work to reason about those differences that have to do with people.
Objective: The objective of this study was to develop educational actions aimed at improving the sports performance of the women's softball team of the "Orestes Acosta" Eide in Santiago de Cuba.
Materials and methods: From the diagnosis applied to a sample of 27 team athletes and scientific observation, it was possible to discover difficulties with the acceptance of sexual diversity in training, competitions and other related sports activities. To carry out this study, methods, techniques and instruments were applied for the diagnosis of the approach to sexual diversity such as: survey, interview, group assessment
test (desired interrelationships).
Results: Some of the results obtained and the proposal for their solution are expressed in the teaching-educational actions developed for the preparation of coaches, teachers and athletes about sexual diversity in female softball athletes that fostered the sports and teaching performance of these athletes, while improving their interpersonal relationships.
Conclusions: By covering the problem of sexuality in sport, it is tried to open a space for reflection on this subject, not only for those people interested in gender and sexual diversity issues, but also and, mainly, for people linked to sport and physical activity. This space has been created since it is considered fundamental to demystify some socially constructed notions and, at the same time, it seeks to open the game so that debates, exchanges and modifications in exclusion and discrimination behaviors in the sports field can take place.

Keywords: Sexual diversity; Women's Softball; Educational actions.


Introducción: Los seres humanos han aprendido a vivir con la diversidad existente en el mundo, a entenderla y hasta actuar de acuerdo con ella. Sin embargo, todavía cuesta un poco de trabajo razonar sobre aquellas diferencias que tienen que ver con las personas.
Objetivo: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo elaborar acciones educativas encaminadas a mejorar el rendimiento deportivo del equipo femenino de softbol de la Eide "Orestes Acosta" de Santiago de Cuba.
Materiales y métodos: A partir del diagnóstico aplicado a una muestra de 27 atletas del equipo y la observación científica, se pudo conocer dificultades con la aceptación de la diversidad sexual en entrenamientos, competencias y otras actividades deportivas afines. Para la realización de este estudio, se aplicaron métodos, técnicas e instrumentos para el diagnóstico del abordaje de la diversidad sexual como: encuesta, entrevista, test de valoración de grupo (interrelaciones deseadas).
Resultados: Algunos de los resultados obtenidos y la propuesta para su solución quedan expresados en las acciones docente-educativas elaboradas para la preparación de entrenadores, profesores y deportistas acerca de la diversidad sexual en atletas femeninas de softbol que propiciaron el rendimiento deportivo y docente de estas atletas, al tiempo que mejoraron sus relaciones interpersonales.
Conclusiones: Al abarcar la problemática de la sexualidad en el deporte, se intenta abrir un espacio de reflexión sobre esta temática, no solo para aquellas personas interesadas en cuestiones de género y diversidad sexual, sino también y, principalmente, para las personas vinculadas al deporte y la actividad física. Se ha creado este espacio puesto que se considera fundamental desmitificar algunas nociones construidas socialmente y, al mismo tiempo, se busca abrir el juego para que se produzcan debates, intercambios y modificaciones en las conductas de exclusión y discriminación en el ámbito deportivo.

Palabras clave: Diversidad sexual; Softbol femenino; Acciones educativas.


Introdução: Os seres humanos aprenderam a viver com a diversidade existente no mundo, a compreendê-la e até mesmo a agir sobre ela. No entanto, ainda é um pouco difícil raciocinar sobre essas diferenças que têm a ver com as pessoas.
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo era elaborar ações educacionais destinadas a melhorar o desempenho esportivo da equipe feminina de softball do Eide "Orestes Acosta", em Santiago de Cuba.
Materiais e métodos: Com base no diagnóstico aplicado a uma amostra de 27 atletas da equipe e observação científica, foi possível identificar dificuldades com a aceitação da diversidade sexual em treinamentos, competições e outras atividades esportivas relacionadas. Para a realização deste estudo, foram aplicados métodos, técnicas e instrumentos para o diagnóstico da abordagem da diversidade sexual, tais como: pesquisa, entrevista, teste de avaliação em grupo (inter-relações desejadas).
Resultados: Alguns dos resultados obtidos e a proposta para sua solução são expressos nas ações ensino-educativas elaboradas para a preparação de treinadores, professores e atletas sobre diversidade sexual em atletas de softball feminino que favoreceram o desempenho esportivo e pedagógico dessas atletas, melhorando ao mesmo tempo suas relações interpessoais.
Conclusões: Ao cobrir a questão da sexualidade no esporte, tenta-se abrir um espaço de reflexão sobre este tema, não apenas para aqueles interessados nas questões de gênero e diversidade sexual, mas também e principalmente para as pessoas ligadas ao esporte e à atividade física. Este espaço foi criado porque é considerado essencial para desmistificar algumas noções construídas socialmente e, ao mesmo tempo, procura abrir o jogo para debates, trocas e mudanças nos comportamentos de exclusão e discriminação no campo do esporte.

Palavras-chave: Diversidade sexual; Softball feminino; Ações educacionais.


Individual differences are the set of characteristics or traits that differentiate a person from others. Each individual is different, since the individual psyche is processed and elaborated in different ways according to some factors. There are some innate causes, which are determined by nature and genetic reality, which make up to a certain extent what is called character, temperament, the personality of each individual.

It is necessary to understand and respect the true meaning of the words: equality between all human beings without distinction of sex, skin color, social class, physical appearance, religion or sexual orientation. Also added to this element: respect for any person, whatever their ideas, beliefs or practices when they are different or contrary to their own and diversity: the variety, dissimilarity and difference between all people (Caicedo, 2013, Cleland, 2014).

The differences between people, for example: the color of the skin, the forms of expression related to the educational level of life, physical and mental disabilities and sexual orientation, among others, can lead to unfavorable consequences for the human species. such as: divergences, exclusion, disagreements and conflicts. Diversity exists and should be accepted and respected rather than criticized. You can learn a lot from differences, this is an important task, especially in a world where realities mix.

There are no absolute rules or regulations that condition sexual expressions. Legitimacy in this sphere has much to do with assumed behavior patterns. Qualifying a certain behavior as good or bad would depend on what each society assumes as appropriate or natural. The norms regarding human behavior are subject to changes in the context, so societies vary their norms according to their historical evolution (Gordillo, 2018).

That is why respect for difference is a humanistic principle, which is not assumed by all people in the world. However, societies need to move towards the understanding that the acceptance of diversity favors the integration of peoples and, above all, the rapprochement of individuals who, due to their singularities, are minorities.

Anderson (2012) changed the way masculinity scholars theorized the relationship between masculinity and homophobia. His theory, inclusive masculinity theory, and his entrenched notion of homo hysteria explain how homophobia regulates gender. This belief puts the first turning point on the issue of sexual diversity in sport, in gender issues that reserve sport as a space for the development and socialization of the heterosexual male, by leaving aside all those who are alien to this heterosexist masculinity as a consequence of this premise, excluding any person who departs from this norm.

Cuba does not deviate much from this norm. González (2010) points out that in Cuba since the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century there are truly anti-feminist positions, where an androcentric vision prevails in society. With respect to the sports context, the exercise of the so-called violent sports is conceived only as typical of the hegemonic masculinity of Cuba in this period. It is not until after the triumph of the Revolution in 1959, that sport becomes a right for all, although it is not exempt from gender problems in some of the collective sports, especially women's.

Currently, the international community recognizes and accepts the benefits that sport brings to its practitioners, both physiologically and psychologically, sociologically or educationally. However, in certain contexts and situations, sport is a source of discrimination, harassment and aggression for certain people (Piedra, 2015; Moscoso and Piedra, 2019).

In this sense, sport has traditionally integrated among its characteristics, not only the stereotyped visions of masculinity and femininity, but also the stereotypes linked to sexuality have determined it and continue to do so (Alcántara, 2016; Díaz de Greñu and Anguita, 2017;). Regardless of whether, in each country, work is being done to eliminate discrimination in society, in relation to sexuality, specifically in the diversity of sexual orientation, the issue continues to be clearly pointed out and repudiated in some sectors or contexts of society, such as sports.

The idea of tolerance is understood as a call to the attitudes of all people so that disagreements or differences between two or more groups do not lead to negative situations, such as discrimination and violence, which assumes that the parties in conflict accept the mutual obligation to live with other people. However, when some sector of the population is asked to be tolerant with certain people or groups, in reality a call is being made to keep things as they are, to the permanence of the status quo, since it is expected that the groups among the that there are differences react passively (Gordillo, 2018).

This attitude does not bring about a substantial change in social or institutional structures for people and groups to interact with each other and socialize or establish affective bonds, since it is an exhortation that does not seek a change beyond cordial coexistence. When tolerance is not mutual and unilateralism is present on the part of the one who tolerates, prejudices and stigmas are not eliminated and discriminatory practices are allowed to occur again at any time.

Respect is defined as the quality of accepting and understanding the way of being and thinking of others, even if it is not the same as one's own; it is also the consideration that someone has a value by itself and is established reciprocally. This implies, in the first place, the transformation of the prejudices that generate discrimination and then the understanding that what is different is, in a substantive and normative way, equal to oneself.

That is to say, it is another person like me, with equal rights and opportunities. The foregoing represents a paradigm shift in the way of understanding how a community is integrated, based on the recognition that all its members are equal before the law.

The fight against diversity of sexual orientation requires a structural change that modifies behaviors and favors the emergence of a social and political culture of equality, reciprocity and respect for people with a gender identity or sexual preference different from that of the majority. Only through respect for human rights and the acceptance that all people, regardless of their sexual preference, have the right to live in peace and be as they are, will it be possible to move to a society far from discrimination and stigmatization towards the different.

Sexual and gender diversity (SGD) or simply sexual diversity is a term that is used to refer in an inclusive manner to all the diversity of sexes, sexual orientations and gender identities, without the need to specify each of the identities, behaviors and characteristics that make up this plurality. Socially, sexual diversity is claimed as a form of acceptance of any way of being, with equal rights, freedoms and opportunities within the framework of DD. HH (human rights).

For many years, sport has been characterized as a space reserved for male heterosexuality and female homosexuality. However, this circulated more than in books or academic documents in the social imaginary. This belief sets the first turning point on the issue of sexual diversity in sport, in gender issues that reserve sport as a space for the development and socialization of the heterosexual male, leaving aside all those who are alien to this masculinity. heterosexist and, as a consequence of this premise, excluding any person who departs from this norm.

By covering the problem of sexuality in sport, it is tried to open a space for reflection on this subject, not only for those interested in gender and sexual diversity issues but also and, mainly, for people linked to sport and activity. physical, since it is considered fundamental to demystify some socially constructed notions and, at the same time, it seeks to open the game so that debates, exchanges and modifications in the behaviors of exclusion and violence take place.

Despite the progress and social changes achieved, a review of the literature has found a considerable number of authors (almost always foreigners) who have confirmed and continue to point out the existence of a climate hostile to diversity of sexual orientation in their societies. on the sport. Among the different guidelines and actions that generate marginalization in sport, the following are described: negative stereotypes, verbal harassment, discrimination in team selection, social isolation, loss of support, negative media attention (Griffin, 2014; Devís, Fuentes and Sparkes, 2015; Piedra, 2015; Díaz de Greñu and Anguita, 2017).

The longitudinal study with rugby and field hockey players in the United Kingdom by Anderson, McCromack and Lee (2012) highlights the reduction in recent years of negative attitudes towards homosexuality among athletes, with certain behaviors being accepted that were previously pointed out and rejected for men. Similarly, the studies by Oswalt and Vargas (2013); Ensign, Yiamouyiannis, White and Ridpath, (2016) find positive attitudes towards non-heterosexual athletes among coaches, with only 15% of male and female coaches demonstrating negative attitudes. The improvement of the climate towards non-heterosexual people becomes clearer when you come into direct contact with people from this group, creating a more respectful and inclusive climate (Adams and Anderson, 2012; Cunnigham and Melton, 2012, Ensign et al., 2016).

On the other hand, sport has traditionally integrated among its characteristics, not only the stereotyped visions of masculinity and femininity, but the stereotypes linked to heterosexuality and homosexuality have also characterized it and continue to do so ( Ayvazo and Sutherland, 2009). In Spanish and Venezuelan sports, the homophobic or heterosexist attitude is still present and there is a lack of studies, research, campaigns, programs, focused on knowing and making visible heterosexist discrimination and raising awareness both among athletes and society in general, especially in the field of sports. of the sports spectacle for its social influence.

Given this situation of scarcity of research in sports on sexual minorities, it is relevant to develop works that aim to know the opinions and positions of groups of university students, sports practitioners and future members of weight in the sports world, either as athletes in sports training and high-performance training, grassroots sports or in sports information, towards sexual diversity in sport, as well as comparing the possible differences in attitudes that exist between women and men participating in the studies (Garrido and Collado, 2018; González, 2019).

As has been said before, verbal harassment, that is, the use of language as a tool of aggression, is among the actions to attack the group that makes up athletes with a different sexual orientation and that allow the dominance and validity of heteronormativity in sport to be reproduced. The researchers mentioned above have been emphasizing for years that this is the most basic, but common, way to oppress homosexuals. Words used by way of insult and disqualification are heard daily on the playing fields and in the training fields. That is why, the improvement of the climate towards this group in sport goes through an increase in the use of inclusive language by the participants (Griffin, 2014).

In the field of Physical Education, there are studies such as those by Piedra, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Ries and Ramírez-Macías (2013) that confirm that Physical Education teachers are not very aware of homophobia in their classes, taking, in general, few measures to overcome the discrimination that may arise in the classroom in this regard. The lack of inclusion of attitudes towards other minority gender identities and sexual orientations such as transgenders, only increases negative feelings and attitudes towards these sports groups (Griffin, op. cit, 2014). Discrimination against these groups is highlighted, mainly due to ignorance and prejudice at both the institutional and individual levels. In sport, this ignorance and stereotypes translate into rejection and contempt for the transgender body. That is why it has become necessary to create instruments that integrate the evaluation of the attitudes of different sexual orientations.

When making a query to the teaching programs in the institution under study, it is stated that there are no specific indications to treat this need that sports teams have at the different levels of education. Other investigations coincide with these criteria such as (Franco et al., 2016; Rivera, 2017; Briceño, 2018).

In Cuba, in relation to other countries in the region, there are minimal figures in terms of violence due to discrimination according to sexual orientation, however, various NGOs point out that the common citizen does not accept sexual diversity, the reasons may go. The present study focuses specifically on the need to address sexual diversity in the women's softball team of the " Orestes Acosta" Sports Initiation School (Eide in Spanish) in Santiago de Cuba and aims to develop educational actions aimed at improving performance. sports of the aforementioned women's sports team.



These bibliographical antecedents have served as a basis for this research for the analysis of this phenomenon in the female softball modality in athletes of the Eide of Santiago de Cuba, where difficulties with the acceptance of sexual diversity could be observed, in training, competitions and other teaching activities.

The present study is part of the scientific culture research project in the professional of Physical Culture and Sports, attached to the National Program for Sport and Human Development and aims to develop educational actions to provide treatment and pedagogical guidance to individual differences and sexual diversity in female softball athletes of the Eide "Orestes Acosta" in Santiago de Cuba. Some of the partial results obtained by the project are expressed here.

The population and the sample are coincident, a total of 27 female athletes. In the selection of the sample, its particularities were taken into account in accordance with the needs of the research. For the selection of the sample, the following inclusion criteria were established: that they be female athletes of the selected team, that they present and/or share diverse criteria about sexual diversity and voluntariness.

Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to process this information.

From the conduct of interviews with teachers, the coach and students of the team, it was possible to collect the necessary information for this study. Some insufficiencies were noted within this female sports group, such as: the rejection of athletes with a diverse sexual orientation, sexual harassment that sometimes forces them to remain invisible, hidden, silenced by heteronormativity, physical, verbal or psychological violence, aspects that must be addressed as part of the student's training process. This situation derives (in the students): difficulties in solving practical and creative problems in sports training, indifference to the tasks of the group, insufficient development of individual and collaborative skills that contribute to the knowledge of the different positions in the game and to communicate their solution, limited communication in the group of athletes and with the coach and teachers.

From observation to classes (12), (7) sports/recreational activities and sports training (two weekly frequencies) in the period of a school semester (six months from September (2018) to February (2019), it was possible to collect the information relevant to the study.

Specialists. Five specialists participated in the research, who assessed the proposed system of actions. These subjects were considered specialists based on the following characteristics:

Following the order, once the diagnosis was made, the method of specialist criteria was used, which has as its characteristic the use of people who are supposed to have a high knowledge of the matter to be treated. The system of actions was delivered to the selected group together with a survey containing questions about the feasibility of application and the possible obstacles to applying them.

The following variables were also considered for the scientific observation of the sample:

Independent variables: age: 11-17 years, female gender (f) and level of education: primary, secondary-pre-university

From the characterization made to the team, it was possible to know that the team includes school-juvenile ages, the social origin is worker-peasant-self-employed, that 16 students come from divorced parents, 6 are from the city of Santiago de Cuba and 11 from surrounding municipalities, their school performance is satisfactory and their sports performance is regular.

As a dependent variable: sexual diversity in its behavior

In the interviews with the coaches and teachers, the persistence of traditional educational paradigms in the treatment of students with a sexual orientation different from that of their gender was evidenced, rudeness in treatment, verbal violence, lack of of chivalry and respect for their condition as women.

In the teachers and coaches, it was found that there was a deficient teaching-methodological treatment of the sexual diversity of the team, weak sexual orientation towards the athletes, insufficient work of the teaching group with the families and the community, insufficient use of the interdisciplinary relationships between the subjects of the faculty. for the solution of the detected problem. This supports the need for sexual education for coaches and players regarding the acceptance of sexual diversity in Cuban women's sports teams. In the analysis of various situations in situ, difficulties such as: lack of group cohesion, difficulties in making decisions during matches, negligence in training, poor collaboration between athletes, misinformation, indifference to individual needs, verbal discussions, apathy towards teaching activities, among others.

In the interviews carried out, it was shown that these adolescents and young women have very little information about sexual educational topics in a general sense. This supports the need for sexual education for coaches and players regarding the acceptance of sexual diversity in Cuban women's sports teams.

The 100 % of the interviewees agree that the relationships between the athletes are not the best, since sometimes they mistreat each other both physically and verbally, some of them lacking a sense of camaraderie and solidarity, there is segmentation within the team, there is a lack of group cohesion, difficulties in making decisions during matches, negligence in training, poor collaboration between athletes, misinformation, indifference to individual needs, verbal discussions, apathy towards teaching activities. It has even reached physical and verbal aggression between the classmates, lack of respect and towards the teacher/coach.

According to the experience of teachers and trainers interviewed, not all of them have the best information about these issues or the necessary teaching mechanisms to do so. Many and varied are the causes that lead to violent demonstrations in sports training, known from the information from the surveys carried out, they can be mentioned: disagreement with the decisions of the referees and the coach, disagreement with the technical-sports performance of the athletes of the team, Disagreement with the loss of the match by their team, Disagreement with the material conditions of the place of sports performance (start time, late arrival of the athletes, poor hygienic-sanitary conditions), Rivalry with the teammates and Poor sports preparation of the team.



The result of the scientific observation carried out on classes and sports/recreational activities and, from there, the implementation of the offered proposal, made it possible to evaluate the behavior of the indicators established to treat sexual diversity in the sample studied.

The 80 % of the coaches state that diversity represents a problem for the achievement of sports objectives because it hinders the receptivity of the entrusted sports tasks. The teaching and sports community must overcome much more socioculturally in the issues of sexual diversity in the sports field because there are still contradictory criteria in this regard. The 20 % indicate that athletes of diverse sexual orientation should be treated differently compared to heterosexual players. They argue that these athletes often remain isolated from the rest of the team and do not want to join the group. The 80% of the coaches acknowledge that they do not handle psychopedagogical strategies to address sexual diversity and 20 % use orientation talks as a psychopedagogical strategy. Finally, 100 % of the coaches stated that they agreed to participate in talks, workshops and any activity where the issue of sexual diversity in sport is discussed.

A second round of in-depth interviews on sexual diversity was applied to the 27 athletes of the Eide softball team. It was specified that they had heard or witnessed inappropriate attitudes related to their sexual diversity. Of the players (10) they mention that women with sexual diversity are spoken of badly, in addition to causing rumors within the team and outside the institution. Also, five (5) of them state that they are isolated from the activities of the practices. Another four (4) have heard offensive words towards them. As a reaction to this situation, six athletes (6) recognized that they have applied isolation attitudes towards other teammates, for example, they have stopped talking to them, they do not socialize in recreational activities, they do not respect the rules of the game in matches. Offensive verbal language, isolation and loss of communication are the most connoted manifestations in the team. The sample coincides in affirming that this situation has repercussions on the sports performance of the team.

Most of the interviewees agree that it is through the television media that they receive the most information about sexual diversity. Only four of them express that the family has given them some information. They emphasize that at school the information they receive about sexual diversity is insufficient and not very motivating.

These criteria of the interviewees were taken into account and didactic actions aimed at their solution were elaborated. The table presented below summarizes how the actions designed improved the teaching/sports results based on respect for the diverse sexual orientation of the members of the team, since in relation to the initial survey, a growing progress is observed in all the indicators observed.

The consulted specialists considered that the didactic actions can be applicable as they are proposed because they offer the necessary tools for the coaches and teachers of the sports institution. When comparing these results with those of previous research, it is noted that, although modern societies work to eliminate sexual discrimination, specifically that related to the diversity of sexual orientation, the issue is still repudiated in contexts, such as sports, as they have pointed out (Oswalt, and Vargas, (2013); Cleland, 2014; Ensign et al., 2016; Diaz de Greñu, 2017; Gordillo, 2018 and Garrido, 2018). These investigations also stand out for offering ways to solve this problem from the different levels of education, with the improvement of the teaching and sports personnel who work in them. However, they do not project specific criteria aimed at guiding the family, the group of athletes and the institution where they are educated, as well as the awareness of society in general. These last elements are included in the actions proposed in this study.

As part of the discussion of the results, other sources were consulted (Piedra, 2015; Franco, 2016; González, 2019; Briceño, 2018; Moscoso, 2019) and it was agreed that sexual diversity still represents a problem for the achievement of the teaching/sporting objectives of the team.

The actions proposed for the sports framework of this educational institution highlight the need and relevance of these didactic actions based on the opinions of the specialists consulted, the teachers, coaches, relatives of the athletes and the analyzed team itself. With it, acceptance, respect, tolerance, as well as cooperation and teamwork will be facilitated. With this psychopedagogical strategy, an appropriate and adequate approach to sexual diversity can be achieved. They expressed the need and importance of training coaches regarding the application of psychopedagogical actions to address sexual diversity in athletes.

As results, it was evidenced:

  1. Deficient teaching-methodological treatment of sexual diversity among teachers and coaches. Not everyone has the best information about these issues or the necessary teaching mechanisms to achieve it and deal with the situation presented among the athletes.
  2. Weak sexual orientation towards female athletes.
  3. Insufficient work of the teaching group with families and the community.
  4. Little use of interdisciplinary relationships between the subjects of the faculty for the solution of the problem detected.
  5. Adolescents and young women have very poor information about sexual educational issues, in a general sense.
  6. The relationships between the athletes are not the best, since sometimes they mistreat each other both physically and verbally, some of them lacking the sense of camaraderie and solidarity
  7. There is segmentation within the team, lack of group cohesion, difficulties in making decisions during matches, negligence in training, poor collaboration between athletes, misinformation, indifference to individual needs, verbal discussions, apathy towards teaching activities.
  8. There have been physical and verbal aggressions between classmates, lack of respect and towards the teacher/coach.
  9. There is presence of verbal rudeness in its most significant form, verbal violence.
  10. Other difficulties are manifested, such as dysfunctional homes, excessive time of the athletes away from the family, little or no sexual orientation received in their homes and in the institution.
  11. Distance from their communities of origin as very important sociocultural factors in the motivation and sports performance of these athletes.
  12. Traditional educational paradigms persist in the treatment of students with a sexual orientation different from that of their gender, rudeness in treatment, verbal violence, lack of chivalry in the treatment of athletes because of their status as women are used in their training.

In the scientific observations carried out, four (4) indicators were specified that allowed verifying the aspects to be evaluated in the proposal of didactic activities to solve the problem detected. Each indicator has four parameters and each parameter is given a value of 1 point. The total of each indicator is evaluated as follows: 1: M, 2: R, 3: B, 4: MB.

Teaching-educational actions to address sexual diversity in female softball athletes of the EIDE in Santiago de Cuba.

General objective: to offer teaching-educational actions for the preparation of coaches, teachers and athletes about sexual diversity in female softball athletes.

The actions take into account factors, environments and special moments conducive to achieving the stated objective. They include participatory and evaluative actions, both individual and collective, which consist of the interaction and exchange of ideas and diverse opinions. Athletes and coaches participated. Promotional actions, sexual education, are also proposed, in order to inform, promote and raise awareness of attitudes, ways of seeing sexual diversity, which help to understand and explain the experiences that athletes face and, among them, the acceptance of sexual diversity. sexual diversity and its implications. These actions are both individual and collective.

Teaching-educational actions

  1. Offer information to coaches and athletes on the subject of sexual diversity.
  2. Provide precise notions about the attitudes that should be maintained in the face of sexual diversity.
  3. Guide the athletes about their behavior in the team.
  4. Give weekly talks of 1 hour and 30 minutes on the theme: Educating in values: respect for differences based on sexual orientation.
  5. Promote conversations about the need to stimulate respect for sexual diversity, from a perspective that takes into account the possibility of living as sexual beings without being presented as deviations from the heterosexual norm.
  6. Make it known that some attitudes and behaviors have been identified in relation to sexual diversity, which are affecting the proper functioning and sports performance of the team. To do this, all participants will be provided with the results obtained in the diagnostic phase of the research.
  7. Provide coaches and athletes with broader and more grounded knowledge about sexual differences, different types of attraction and relationships.
  8. Influencing the appropriate attitudes, favorable to respect and acceptance of sexual diversity within training, competitions and before society, in coaches and athletes.
  9. Offer workshops on: Human Sexuality, Personality and Diversity; How did they learn about sexuality? Role of family, school and community in their knowledge of sexuality; concepts of gender identity, gender role and sex-erotic orientation; sexuality-personality relationship.
  10. Carry out collective exchanges on the strengths (potentialities, values, qualities, virtues) and weaknesses (prejudices, taboos, stereotypes, limitations) that are possessed in the sphere of sexuality; concepts: heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual; possible causes of homosexuality: family, respect and acceptance of children's sexual orientation.
  11. Explain about attitudes favorable to respecting differences in sexual orientation in athletes, coaches and managers, through recreational activities and cooperative games to modify attitudes and interpersonal relationships between teammates.

Assessment of the feasibility of applying the proposal. Specialist criteria results

In the research carried out, the teaching-methodological actions were applied, each of them has four parameters and each parameter is given the value of 1 point. The total of each indicator is evaluated as follows: 1: M, 2: R, 3: B and 4: MB. Observe how the criteria issued by the specialists are appreciated in the following table (Table 1).

Table 1. - Measurement indicators

Results obtained

When comparing these results with those of the diagnosis, it was possible to verify that the educational-educational actions stipulated to introduce in the sports teaching-learning process of the women's softball team of the Eide of Santiago de Cuba, qualitatively improved interpersonal relationships in the team. and increased their sports and teaching performance. This is expressed in the analyzed indicators.

The specialists consulted considered that the teaching-methodological actions can be applicable as proposed because they offer the necessary tools for the coaches and teachers of the sports institution.

Example of some extracurricular recreational activities that can be done to improve group cohesion in the team:

Objective: to manifest good interpersonal and communication relationships through activities.

Scheduled activities: Excursions where group integration is highlighted in activities such as: dramatization, group unity and love of nature, holding group birthdays, exchanging gifts, holding educational galas aimed at developing communication, holding camping, dance competition, singing competition, campfires.

Description of the activity: selection of the day and place of the activity, preparing the activity in advance, evaluating the results.

Cooperative Game Example:

Name: Don't drop it.

Materials: balloons, strings and whistle.

Objective: to develop teamwork and temporal-spatial perception.

Organization: the students are scattered on the ground, each of them will have a balloon in their hand which they must inflate and tie the mouth so that the air does not go out.

Procedure: at the teacher's signal, the students throw the balloons upwards as hard as possible; Among all the students they must hit the balloons consecutively to prevent them from reaching the ground, even if it is not the balloon itself.

Rule: The game ends when one of the balloons hits the ground.

These actions must be systematically followed by the coach and team members, especially in their impact on the sports results of the competitions.

Communication is an effective instrument for the athlete's understanding of coexistence with others of diverse orientation, which will allow him to raise his sports performance and improve his competitive results.

Didactic aspects to take into account in communication with athletes with sexual diversity: personality traits of the athletes, levels of information that are established, depth in the analysis of the situation of their sexual diversity, response of the athlete to the treatment provided.

The specialists consulted considered that the actions designed offer the necessary tools for the coaches and teachers of the sports institution. The research proposed for the sports framework of this educational institution highlights the need and relevance of these didactic actions based on the opinions of the specialists consulted, the teachers, coaches, relatives of the athletes and the analyzed team itself. With it, acceptance, respect, tolerance, as well as cooperation and teamwork will be facilitated. With these teaching-educational actions, an appropriate and adequate approach to sexual diversity can be achieved. They expressed the need and importance of training coaches regarding their application to address sexual diversity in athletes.

In summary, the specialists agree in positively assessing the feasibility of applying teaching-educational actions for the orientation of sexual diversity in female softball athletes of the Sports Initiation School (Eide) in Santiago de Cuba.

The didactic proposal evidenced some educational aspects to be taken into account in the treatment with athletes who have sexual diversity, such as: personality traits of athletes, levels of sexual information that are established according to the age of the athlete, respect for their orientation sexual diversity, depth in the analysis of the situation of their sexual diversity, the athlete's response to the treatment provided, the school, family and community bond, the need for interdisciplinary work by the teaching staff for the adequate sexual orientation of the athletes.

From the implementation of these actions as part of the scientific project that promoted them, an improvement could be seen in terms of sports and teaching results. It is important in these educational contexts the mutual understanding between teachers and athletes, the inclusion of the whole team in the tasks of the group. Education in the values of collectivism and responsibility for sports results is a factor to be taken into account by teachers and that, due to the age diversity of the team, requires a more precise and personalized pedagogical strategy.

At the end of this study, some gaps were exposed that still need to be studied, such as the need for coaches, teachers, family members and athletes to systematically and systematically incorporate some of the actions proposed with the purpose of improving the sports performance of these athletes. The proposal made is aimed at guaranteeing inclusive, equitable and quality education to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The achievement of quality education is the foundation for improving people's lives and sustainable development that, among other aspects, is gender-sensitive and offers safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all.



By covering the problem of sexuality in sport, we try to open a space for reflection on this subject not only for those interested in gender and sexual diversity issues, but also and, mainly, for people linked to sport and activity. physical. This space has been created since it is considered essential to demystify some socially constructed notions and, at the same time, it seeks to open the game so that debates, exchanges and modifications in exclusion and discrimination behaviors in the sports field take place.

Even when the benefits that sport brings among its practitioners are recognized and accepted, both physiologically and psychologically, sociologically or educationally, in certain contexts and situations, sport can be a source of discrimination, harassment and aggression for certain people. For this reason, it is necessary to strip sport of stereotyped visions of masculinity and femininity and of stereotypes linked to sexuality. Regardless of whether each country works to eliminate discrimination in society in relation to sexuality, specifically in the diversity of sexual orientation, the issue continues to be clearly pointed out and repudiated in some sectors or contexts of our society, such as the sport.



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Conflicts of interest:
The autors declare that does not exist an interest conflict.


Authors contribution:
Alina Bestard Revilla: Conception of the idea, search and review of literature, preparation of instruments, application of instruments, graphics and images, preparation of database, general advice on the subject addressed, writing of the original (first version), revision and final version of the article, correction of the article, authorship coordinator.

Elizabeth Palma Cardoso: Search and review of literature, application of instruments, statistical analysis, correction of the article, review of the application of the applied bibliographic standard.

Elsa Sivila Jiménez: Preparation of instruments, application of instruments, compilation of the information resulting from the instruments applied, preparation of a database, translation of terms or information obtained.


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Copyright (c) 2022 Alina Bestard Revilla, Elizabeth Palma Cardoso, Elsa Sivila Jiménez