PODIUM. Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, September-December 2022; 17(3): 925-941


Translated from the original in spanish



Original artícle


Psychopedagogical guidance strategy for educational quality: a claim in the training of athletes


Estrategia de orientación psicopedagógica para la calidad educativa: un reclamo en la formación de atletas


Estratégia de orientação psicopedagógica para a qualidade educacional: uma reivindicação no treinamento de atletas


Danaysi Álvarez Cobas1* https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0852-9630

Tania Yakelyn Cala Peguero2 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1172-9182

Mayra Ordaz Hernández2 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4729-2197


*Corresponding author: frisco19882016@gmail.com




Introduction: in the training process of student-athletes, conceived as subjects endowed with high capacities, the harmonization of teaching with the practice of high competition sports represents a challenge for educational institutions. So, the introduction of innovative resources that contribute to the correct development of this assignment constitutes a claim.
Objective: to design a series of psychopedagogical guidance actions for the comprehensive training of Taekwondo student-athletes of the "Ormani Arenado" Sport Initiation School (Eide in Spanish), so that they can harmonize sports practice with teaching activity.
Materials and methods: the methodology followed is based on a qualitative research perspective, where the descriptive and exploratory methods were fundamental in the diagnosis of the current conditions of the psychopedagogical guidance process. The analysis of documents, semi-structured interviews and the survey were the fundamental methods used to collect relevant information for the design of the proposed activities.
the study derives the need to implement actions that improve the process of psychopedagogical guidance to student-athletes, so
that they contribute to the optimal harmonization between sports and academic activity.
Conclusions: the main contribution of the proposed strategy is the recognition of the need to achieve coordinated work between teachers, coaches, psychologists, educational psychologists and the rest of those involved in the comprehensive training of student -athletes, in a process where the latter necessarily have to assume an active role.

Keywords: High capacities; Sport; Comprehensive formation; Psychopedagogical guidance; Special educational needs.


Introducción: En el proceso formativo de estudiantes-atletas, concebidos como sujetos dotados de altas capacidades, la armonización de la docencia con la práctica deportiva de alta competición representa un reto para las instituciones de educación. De manera que constituye un reclamo la introducción de recursos innovadores que tributen al correcto desarrollo de este encargo.
Objetivo: Diseñar una serie de acciones de orientación psicopedagógica para la formación integral de los estudiantes-atletas de taekwondo de la Eide "Ormani Arenado", de manera que logren armonizar la práctica deportiva con la actividad docente.
Materiales y métodos: La metodología seguida se apoya en una perspectiva de investigación cualitativa, donde los métodos descriptivo y exploratorio fueron fundamentales en el diagnóstico de las condiciones actuales del proceso de orientación psicopedagógica. El análisis de documentos, entrevistas semiestructuradas y la encuesta fueron los métodos fundamentales empleados para la recopilación de información relevante para el diseño de las actividades propuestas.
Resultados: Del estudio se deriva la necesidad de implementar acciones que perfeccionen el proceso de orientación psicopedagógica a estudiantes-atletas, de manera que tributen a la óptima armonización entre la actividad deportiva y académica.
Conclusiones: La principal contribución de la estrategia propuesta consiste en el reconocimiento de la necesidad de lograr un trabajo coordinado entre docentes, entrenadores, psicólogos, psicopedagogos y el resto de los implicados en la formación integral de los estudiantes-atletas, en un proceso donde estos últimos tienen necesariamente que asumir un papel activo.

Palabras clave: Altas capacidades; Deporte; Formación integral; Orientación psicopedagógica; Necesidades educativas especiales.


Introdução: No processo de treinamento dos estudantes-atletas, concebidos como disciplinas dotadas de altas capacidades, a harmonização do ensino com a prática do esporte de alta competição representa um desafio para as instituições educacionais. Portanto, a introdução de recursos inovadores que contribuam para o desenvolvimento correto desta tarefa é uma reivindicação.
Objetivo: Projetar uma série de ações de orientação psicopedagógica para o treinamento integral dos alunos-atletas taekwondo no Eide "Ormani Arenado", a fim de harmonizar a prática do esporte com as atividades de ensino.
Materiais e métodos: A metodologia seguida baseia-se em uma perspectiva de pesquisa qualitativa, onde os métodos descritivos e exploratórios foram fundamentais no diagnóstico das condições atuais do processo de orientação psicopedagógica. A análise de documentos, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e a pesquisa foram os métodos fundamentais utilizados para a coleta de informações relevantes para a concepção das atividades propostas.
Resultados: Do estudo derivamos a necessidade de implementar ações para melhorar o processo de orientação psicopedagógica aos estudantes-atletas, de modo que eles contribuam para a harmonização ideal entre esporte e atividade acadêmica.
Conclusões: A principal contribuição da estratégia proposta consiste no reconhecimento da necessidade de alcançar um trabalho coordenado entre professores, técnicos, psicólogos, psicopedagogos e o resto dos envolvidos na formação integral dos estudantes-atletas, em um processo onde estes últimos têm necessariamente que assumir um papel ativo.

Palavras-chave: Alta capacidade; Esporte; Treinamento abrangente; Orientação psicopedagógica; Necessidades educacionais especiais.


Within the Sustainable Development Goals, approved in the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the need to guarantee inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote learning opportunities throughout everyone's life is recognized (Organización de Naciones Unidas, 2015).

Authors such as Booth , Simón, Sandoval, Echeita and Muñoz (2015) point out that the central objective of the school is that all students learn, regardless of their condition. Although this is a term that in previous decades referred exclusively to those students who presented some type of intellectual or functional disability, nowadays, thanks to scientific development, its meaning increases in the popular, scientific and school imaginary. Since it is recognized that, like disabled students, there is a student population in need of an equally special education and they are the so-called students with high intellectual capacities.

Molina (2015) recognizes that students with high capacities belong to the typology of students with specific educational needs, being students who require adaptations that respond to their needs in order to avoid situations of school failure and/or demotivation.

According to Sierra, Aymes and del Rosal (2016), one can speak of high intellectual capacities when a person stands out in an outstanding way above the average of the population. This includes the student who excels in a certain area because he/she has a special talent, such as for sports.

Various authors such as Blumen (2015); Pfeiffer (2015); López - Aymes and Roger, (2017), among others, recognize that within the concepts that are related to high intellectual capacities, there is that of talent, which refers to people who show high performance in very specific areas (academic, mathematical, verbal, motor, social, artistic, musical, creative). In other words, talents are characterized by high performance in one or more specific areas, including sports.

Several authors, among which Olszewski -Kubilius, Subtonik and Worrel, (2015) stand out, recognize that talent in sport, or for sport, is part of high capacities.

The existence in Cuba of sports schools that promote the inclusion of students with high capacities in this area demands the introduction of increasingly innovative ways that contribute to the development of their training. So, it is about tempering education to the particularities of student-athletes, in a constant search to optimize the teaching-learning processes. Student-athletes have to combine their studies with high-level sports practice, two equally demanding activities that, without the appropriate support and accompaniment, will hardly contribute to their comprehensive training and could even hinder their harmonious inclusion in the curricular context and extracurricular.

This leads to the recognition that this double practice generates difficulties that can influence in these students being forced into situations of desertion or abandonment of studies. In fact, for Caniano (2015), without adequate resources and support throughout their life trajectory, the possibilities of effectively combining education with high-competition sports practice are considerably reduced.

Factors such as stress, demotivation, exhaustion or difficulties in organizing due to lack of time arise in the midst of this complicated relationship and alternation of tasks. What leads to think about the need to implement initiatives that contribute to the advice of a population at risk, vulnerable and, therefore, in need of special attention in the academic framework.

This attention to which reference is made, based on what is described by Álvarez, López, Hernández and Barroso (2016) can be conducted from the implementation of guidance actions, tutoring. In the educational field, the psychopedagogical guidance has been widely approached, where it has a significant flow of research, both interpretive and interventional. However, regarding the treatment of high-performance athletes, the subject of psychopedagogical guidance has been reduced to the search for the achievement of specific objectives linked almost exclusively to sports activity. So, during this research process, there is little literature that has been found based on the sources consulted on the attention to the student-athlete, from the psychopedagogical guidance, in areas that concern their integral formation, such as teaching, or the staff.

Before continuing, it is worth specifying the reason for choosing taekwondo athletes as the focus of this study. It should be noted that Taekwondo in Cuba has achieved such performance that it has allowed the achievement of six Olympic medals from Sydney 2000 to Tokyo 2020. Results that have contributed to its being considered a prioritized sport at the national level, which means that annually human and material resources for the improvement of the training of athletes of said modality.

Together with the indisputable benefits of practicing sports, it cannot be ignored that it can favor excessive competitiveness, stress, injuries and exhaustion. Due to this, facilitating the control of the environment in which this activity takes place is of great relevance. In the case of taekwondo, as it constitutes a martial art included within combat sports, this claim increases.

Within the opportunities and strengths that are perceived in this sports modality and that undoubtedly facilitate the possibility of intervention, its philosophy of promoting integrity, perseverance and self-control can be highlighted, particularities that can allow the development of guidance and tutoring its practitioners, especially when they are within school settings.

In the diagnosis made at the "Ormani Arenado" Sports Initiation School, it is identified that the psychopedagogical guidance to taekwondo student-athletes has been carried out basically from the activity of coaches, empirically or rather focused on performance sports, which does not necessarily lead to dismissing comprehensive training. In the same way, what refers to the attention for the facilitation of an adequate teaching-sport harmonization is still a little systematized area.

A quick analysis of the training process of high-performance taekwondo athletes belonging to the Eide " Ormani Arenado" of Pinar del Río allows us to identify that the instruction of those physical, technical-tactical elements and sports competitions that allow the athlete the achievement of sports mastery in terms of achieving optimal competitive results, to the detriment of the rest of the components that a teaching-educational process seeks, understood as education and development. Therefore, a coherently structured process aimed specifically at the personalized attention of student-athletes is not conceived, based on the double demand to which they respond.

Despite valid and laudable attempts to guarantee a quality training process for all athletes, essentially created by the school's Department of Psychopedagogy, there is no articulation between sport and teaching in the proposed initiatives, where teachers and sport staff (technicians, trainers, etc.) conceive a vision of joint work in the integral formation of the same subject.

Thus, the claim to provide psychopedagogical guidance, accompaniment, and support to student-athletes in the two fundamental activities they carry out: teaching and sports, in a holistic and inclusive manner, is incorporated. This undoubtedly requires the training of coaches, teachers and other educational agents to promote comprehensive training of student-athletes belonging to the Eide " Ormani Arenado". All this from an acting conception that highlights the role of coaches and teachers as the main ones in charge of developing the process of psychopedagogical guidance, based on collaborative work, without denying the active role of athletes in this process.

The objective of this work is to design a series of psychopedagogical guidance actions for the comprehensive training of Taekwondo student-athletes of the Eide " Ormani Arenado", so that they can harmonize sports practice with teaching activity.



The present research was developed with a qualitative approach, which allowed conducting a flexible and holistic inquiry process, with which it was contributed to the description, understanding and interpretation of the phenomenon under study (the psychopedagogical guidance for the improvement of the integral formation process of the student-athletes of Taekwondo of the Eide " Ormani Arenado"), through the perceptions and meanings produced by the experiences of the participants.

The diagnosis made on the process of psychopedagogical guidance in said center led to the establishment of its dimensions and indicators (Table 1), which allowed to recognize how the process was being developed to identify how the work could be projected in the center. future in such a way that a process of psychopedagogical guidance is achieved that truly contributes to the comprehensive training of athletes.

Table 1. - Dimensions and indicators of the Psychopedagogical Guidance Process

For the diagnosis of the process of psychopedagogical guidance to the athletes of the Eide, the Taekwondo athletes were chosen intentionally, not probabilistically, since the results achieved by our athletes have contributed to its being considered at the national level as a prioritized sport., which means that human and material resources are allocated annually to improve the training of athletes in this modality.

It is necessary to point out that the approach to this research topic was developed in two fundamental stages: the first stage of the use of theoretical methods (historical-logical and systemic-structural) to analyze, in its origin and evolution, the regularities of the guidance process psychopedagogical, in an attempt also to reveal how this should take place in sports spaces.

The second stage of data collection and analysis, consisting of the use of qualitative empirical techniques such as document analysis, semi-structured interviews and surveys, was established to obtain detailed information about the reality studied as it is experienced by the different subjects involved in the process.



As a result of the background research, it is highlighted that in the " Ormani Arenado" Eide , a psychopedagogical guidance process is currently being developed for Taekwondo athletes whose scope is limited, it is found that they lack relevance and systematicity, which negatively affects the consolidation of a comprehensive training of athletes that allows an adequate approach, both to the sports area and to the non-sports area.

The guidance process is conceived as the main responsibility of the specialists of the Center's Psychopedagogy Department, so that there is no work logic that includes coaches and teachers as fundamental actors in its design and implementation.

In an analysis of the quantitative data of the survey applied to teachers and coaches, it was found that 100% of the subjects recognize that the psychopedagogical guidance process is very important for the comprehensive training of student-athletes. Consistent with this is the degree of completion of the process (Figure 1).

Fig. 1 - - Execution of the psycho-pedagogical guidance process by teachers and trainers

However, 51.9 % of the population admits to being partially prepared to carry it out. On the other hand, only 44 % state that they have ever been trained to conduct psychopedagogical counseling and 59 % admit that they do not have sufficient access to information about the psychopedagogical counseling process that takes place at school.

On the other hand, the analysis of the survey carried out on the students yielded revealing data that are collected below (Table 2).

Table 2. - Frequency table

Regarding the tendency of most athletes to consider, coaches and teachers are fully prepared to conduct this process, there is a discrepancy with what is perceived by the coaches and teachers themselves, who 51.9 % acknowledge being partially prepared and in 16.7 % state that they are poorly prepared to carry out psychopedagogical guidance; This may be due to the fact that athletes feel motivated to positively evaluate their coaches and teachers.

In general, the degree of dispersion of the data obtained speaks of a scenario where teachers and trainers, without sufficient knowledge or preparation, try to carry out a guidance process that consequently does not have the degree of structuring and coherence necessary, in a way that contributes to the comprehensive training of athletes. Studies conducted by Sáez (2007) reaffirm what was previously stated since they recognize that the athlete's training process is currently limited to "manipulating" the intellectual, emotional and social variables to speed up sports performance. This information coincides with what was found by Molina and Hernández (2009) who conclude from research carried out on management processes in the Cuban sports school, that the comprehensive training processes of our athletes, coaches and workers should be further improved. in general, with an emphasis on the formation of values from an even more inclusive perspective.

Based on this reality, the design and implementation of a psychopedagogical guidance strategy is proposed to improve the comprehensive training process of students with high sports abilities. For this, it is necessary to make a brief mention of related strategies that can serve as a reference in the design of the one proposed in this work.

For authors such as Rojas, Domínguez, Torres and Pérez (2020), the strategy is a valid way of articulating psychopedagogical intervention processes, which allows establishing a relationship of help, individually and/or in groups, to reach higher levels in human development and personal growth. In their study, they conceive the psychopedagogical guidance strategy as a system of flexible, systemic and systematic guidance actions, aimed at establishing an individual or group help relationship. However, the focus of this strategy is aimed at promoting the personal, social and/or professional spheres, with which there are no references to the sports area.

On the other hand, and relevant to the present study, the study by Abad, Torres, Pérez and Díaz (2020) was found, who identified four stages to propose in a psychopedagogical guidance strategy, namely: diagnosis, elaboration, execution and evaluation. Although it is aimed at school coexistence, moving away from our interest in promoting the comprehensive training of athletes, the consideration of the elements to be taken into account in the diagnosis and evaluation is shared. As a distinctive element and in contrast to what is being defended in this work, the strategy proposed by Abad, Torres, Pérez and Díaz (2020) it is proposed to be implemented by a guidance specialist, leaving out the other guidance agents that we consider in this work.

Based on these referential elements and then assuming what was proposed by Aguilar and García (2012), who affirm that a strategy as a generality consists of an action guide, in the sense that it guides in obtaining certain results, giving meaning and coordination to everything that is done to reach the goal. It can be argued that this strategy is conceived from:

I. Introduction: The need to implement a concepion of the psychopedagogical guidance process that contributes to the comprehensive training of high-performance Taekwondo athletes, belonging to the Eide " Ormani Arenado" for successful performance in the sports, academic and personal spheres was founded.
II. Diagnosis: It was directed towards the determination of the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities to implement the conception of the psychopedagogical guidance process through the presented strategy. It was characterized by its flexible and participatory nature.
III. General objective: To improve the psychopedagogical guidance process for high-performance Taekwondo athletes from the Eide "Ormani Arenado" in Pinar del Río, based on a system of actions that contribute to the comprehensive training of athletes.
IV. Specific strategies:

  1. Sensitization to subjects involved in the process of psychopedagogical guidance to athletes, from the ideas that are defended in the conception.
  2. Redesign of the work system of the Department of Psychopedagogy as the organizational structure designated administratively to lead the coordination of the psychopedagogical guidance process.
  3. Upgrading to teachers and coaches involved in the process of psychopedagogical guidance to athletes, from the ideas that are defended in the conception.

V. Evaluation of the strategy: Compliance with the defined indicators is evaluated.


It has been a permanent premise in this research that the Cuban sports and government authorities have placed special interest in developing in athletes the qualities and values that determine the characteristics of loyalty, fraternity, commitment and integrity throughout their training as athletes and students, where a constant improvement of the treatment provided to athletes inserted in sports schools is sought, in order to guarantee an efficient training process.

According to this, it is our opinion that the comprehensive training of the Taekwondo athletes of the Eide " Ormani Arenado" can be improved from the implementation of a psychopedagogical guidance strategy. So, it is proposed that its design should be based on:


In general, the information found allows the elaboration of a SWOT matrix, within which the following is found:


The goals demanded by high performance at the national level are of an urgent nature, which threatens the fulfillment of activities that are planned in the short, medium and long term.


Government intention to establish an educational policy in sports schools where attention is paid to pedagogical-sports training and the teaching use of base athletes, specifying the need to work on the design and improvement of training processes for athletes.



General objective

Improve the psycho-pedagogical guidance process for high-performance Taekwondo athletes from the Eide " Ormani Arenado" in Pinar del Río, based on a system of actions that contribute to the comprehensive training of athletes.

Specific strategies

1. Sensitization to people involved in the process of psychopedagogical guidance to athletes, from the ideas that are defended in the conception.

2. Redesign of the work system of the Department of Psychopedagogy as the organizational structure designated administratively to lead the coordination of the psychopedagogical guidance process.

3. Upgrading to teachers and coaches involved in the process of psychopedagogical guidance to athletes, from the ideas that are defended in the conception.

Strategy evaluation

It was conducted from the control of compliance with the proposed strategic actions to evaluate their effectiveness and relevance. Similarly, to detect possible biases or methodological limitations for its proper implementation.

Until the moment of presentation of this work, the psychopedagogical guidance strategy has been successfully implemented, while support has been received from the teaching and management staff of the Eide " Ormani Arenado" that has provided full access to athletes and relevant documentary information. Similarly, work with athletes has been carried out, so that they receive personalized attention based on the intention of achieving harmonization between sports and teaching. The training work for teachers and coaches continues and the application of an instrument that allows measuring the evolution of the process of psychopedagogical guidance to students with high sports capacities to evaluate how the perceptions about the phenomenon in sports has changed over time. study and its impact.



Psychopedagogical guidance to high-performance Taekwondo student-athletes constitutes a claim for comprehensive training. This justifies the need to design and implement a psychopedagogical guidance strategy, based on conscious and preventive interventions.

The specific strategies designed, with the purpose of perfecting the training of student-athletes in the sports, teaching and personal areas, are directed towards the resignification of the process of psychopedagogical guidance, the redesign of the work system of the Department of Psychopedagogy of the Eide " Ormani Arena do" and the improvement of teachers and coaches to raise the levels of training in the development of the psychopedagogical guidance process for student-athletes.

The main contribution of the proposed strategy is the recognition of the need to achieve coordinated work between teachers, coaches, psychologists, educational psychologists and the rest of those involved in the comprehensive training of student-athletes, in a process where the latter have necessarily have to take an active role.



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Aguilar, R y García, F.E. (2012). Consideraciones sobre estrategias didácticas. Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte "Manuel Fajardo". La Habana, Cuba.

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Conflicts of interest:
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


Authors' contributions:
Danaysi Álvarez Cobas:Conception of the idea, literature search and review, preparation of instruments, application of instruments, collection of information resulting from the instruments, applied, statistical analysis, preparation of tables, graphs and images, preparation of database, Drafting of the original (first version), Authorship coordinator, translation of terms or information obtained, review of the application of the bibliographic standard applied.

Tania Yakelyn Cala Peguero: Preparation of instruments, general advice on the subject matter, drafting of the original (first version), revision and final version of the article, correction of the article, authorship coordinator, translation of terms or information obtained, review of the application of the bibliographic standard applied.

Mayra Ordaz Hernández:Preparation of instruments, general advice on the subject matter, drafting of the original (first version), revision and final version of the article, correction of the article, authorship coordinator, translation of terms or information obtained, review of the application of the bibliographic standard applied.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2022 Danaysi Álvarez Cobas, Tania Yakelyn Cala Peguero, Mayra Ordaz Hernández