PODIUM. Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, May-August; 2022, 17(2): 541-556


Translated from the original in spanish


Original article


Strategy of physical recreational activities for the adequate use of the free time in teenagers


Estrategia de actividades físico-recreativas para el uso adecuado del tiempo libre en adolescentes


Estratégia de atividades físico-recreativas para o uso adequado do tempo livre nos adolescentes


María Lorena Sandoval Jaramillo1* https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1532-1862

Aldo Pérez Sánchez2 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9063-9382

Juan Gabriel Tapia Pazmiño1 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3704-3920

Orlando Rodrigo Carrasco Coca1 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6995-2534


1University of the Armed Forces ESPE. Ecuador.

2University of Physical Culture Sciences "Manuel Fajardo". La Habana, Cuba.


*Corresponding author: mlsandocal1@espe.edu.ec


Received: 09/01/2022.
Approved: 28/02/2022.


In the strategy with physical-recreational activities, in the use of free time by teenagers, a methodological conception is assumed from the linking of quantitative and qualitative approaches, with the articulation of methods and techniques that made it possible to study the background and theoretical criteria about current approaches to this phenomenon. The objective of this work was to implement a strategy with physical-recreational activities that will contribute to the adequate use of free time by adolescents from the private lay units of Sangolquí. The results support the realization of a diagnosis of needs that facilitated the conception of the strategy on a scientific basis, in a structure that was consolidated in stages and actions with the control channels, which allowed a logical and coherent organization in the appropriate use. Free time for teenagers. This study favored the modification of the initial state of the use of free time by adolescents, by giving them a leading role in the pursuit of their interests and the satisfaction of their needs. This leads to arriving at the desired state and the fulfillment of the planned objectives, when considering the articulation and the cognitive, practical and axiological nature of the activities. The experts' assessment considered that the Strategy is Very Appropriate and ratified its value, expressing that it can be implemented, since it has a legal and methodological framework that supports its relevance, feasibility and applicability.

Keywords: Strategy; Recreational physical activities; Free time; Teenagers.


En la estrategia con actividades físico-recreativas, en el uso del tiempo libre por adolescentes, se asume una concepción metodológica desde la vinculación de los enfoques cuantitativos y cualitativos, con la articulación de métodos y técnicas que posibilitaron el estudio de los antecedentes y criterios teóricos acerca de los enfoques actuales de ese fenómeno. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en implementar una estrategia con actividades físico-recreativas que contribuirán al uso adecuado del tiempo libre por los adolescentes de las unidades particulares laicas de Sangolquí. Los resultados avalan la realización de un diagnóstico de necesidades que facilitó la concepción de la estrategia sobre una base científica, en una estructura que se consolidó en etapas y acciones con las vías de control, lo cual permitió una organicidad lógica y coherente en el uso adecuado del tiempo libre por los adolescentes. Este estudio favoreció la modificación del estado inicial del uso del tiempo libre por los adolescentes, al otorgarles un rol protagónico en la búsqueda de sus intereses y la satisfacción de sus necesidades. Esto conduce a arribar al estado deseado y el cumplimiento de los objetivos previstos, al considerar la articulación y la naturaleza cognoscitiva, práctica y axiológica de las actividades. La valoración de los expertos consideró que la estrategia es muy adecuada y ratificaron el valor de la misma, al expresar que puede ser implementada, pues tiene un marco legal y metodológico que avala la pertinencia, la factibilidad y la aplicabilidad de la misma.

Palabras clave: Estrategia; Actividades físico recreativas; Tiempo libre; Adolescentes.


Na estratégia com atividades físico-recreativas na utilização do tempo livre pelos adolescentes, assume-se uma concepção metodológica a partir da ligação de abordagens quantitativas e qualitativas, com a articulação de métodos e técnicas que tornaram possível o estudo dos antecedentes e critérios teóricos sobre as atuais abordagens a este fenómeno. O objectivo deste trabalho consistiu em implementar uma estratégia com atividades físico-recreativas que contribuam para a utilização adequada do tempo livre pelos adolescentes nas unidades privadas leigas de Sangolquí. Os resultados apoiam a realização de um diagnóstico de necessidades que facilitou a concepção da estratégia numa base científica, numa estrutura que foi consolidada em fases e ações com os meios de controlo, o que permitiu uma organicidade lógica e coerente na utilização adequada do tempo livre pelos adolescentes. Este estudo favoreceu a modificação do estado inicial de utilização do tempo livre pelos adolescentes, dando-lhes um papel de liderança na prossecução dos seus interesses e na satisfação das suas necessidades. Isto leva a chegar ao estado desejado e ao cumprimento dos objectivos planeados, considerando a articulação e a natureza cognitiva, prática e axiológica das atividades. A avaliação dos peritos considerou a Estratégia Muito Adequada e ratificou o seu valor, expressando que pode ser implementada, uma vez que possui um quadro legal e metodológico que endossa a sua pertinência, viabilidade e aplicabilidade.

Palavras-chave: Estratégia; Atividades recreativas físicas; Tempo livre; Adolescentes.


The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) (2019) recognizes teenagers as a stage of human life, in which changes occur and capacities are developed that ensure learning in different social processes: family, school coexistence And social. These favor and guarantee the development of these abilities and skills; they consolidate the doctrines that refer to the creation of strategies, focused on the different educational processes. This occurs both at school and in families and society in order to achieve the proper development of skills and/or abilities in adolescents, according to the criteria of authors such as Enríquez Villarreal, et al., (2021).

The creation of strategies to solve problems and conflicts in the adolescent stage assumes various objectives, structures and dynamics; among these, the pedagogical and didactic strategies stand out, Ramis, (2021). However, the need to continue delving into the subject and go in search of new ideas to attend to the multiple needs of adolescents in the Ecuadorian context is well known.

The study of the strategy concept occupies spaces for reflection and scientific debate at an international level, in which the need to use knowledge management to understand the relationships that can give rise to new ideas is valued. The purpose of this proposal is to search for ways and methods to reach a solution to a certain phenomenon under study or in process (Enríquez Villarreal et al., 2021; Chung, 2021).

In this interest, the analysis about the conception of a strategy assumed a line of scientific thought that considers, in common agreement, the relevance of the strategy. This translates into a conceptual approach that indicates relations of perspective, balance, coherence and contextualization Uceda, et al., (2014). Then a strategy can be a valuable tool that will contribute to the adaptation in the changing conditions of adolescents Gutiérrez, (2021).

In general, some authors specify that the formulation of a strategy should be based on the determination of the objectives and mission of the company. It also considers the identification of opportunities and threats from the environment and the context in which it is located (Enríquez, Sandoval, Morera Núñez, 2021; Gutiérrez, 2021). In this way, the collection of data and information will be vital to facilitate understanding of the behavior of the phenomenon and achieve the expected transformation; meanwhile, the strategy is understood as the means to achieve the short, medium and long term objectives.

In this sense, it was considered opportune to assume ideas that reveal the importance of reflecting in relation to the methodological structures of the strategies. In particular, when it comes to adolescents, it should be based on psych pedagogy and the culture of the institution where the adolescent lives (Huerta, Rodríguez, Favela, 2021).

Then, think of the strategy as the scientific way that can contribute to solving the needs of adolescents in certain conditions. In general, this will result in an organization-planning process, associated with the preparation of instruments that allow the search for latent needs and the necessary conditions for its implementation. This aspect reveals a meaning of renewal-transformation, reflection and exchange, control and feedback of the process.

In this case, it was considered necessary to resort to a strategy that contributes to the adequate use of free time by adolescents from the Lay Private Educational Units of Sangolquí. For this reason, this article is presented to socialize the result of a scientific work in option to the title of Doctor of Science; in this direction, the objective of the article is the presentation of a Strategy with physical-recreational activities that will contribute to the adequate use of free time by adolescents.

To achieve this objective, the methods and techniques are articulated based on the approaches of authors such as Hernández, Fernández, Baptista (2006).



Methodological conception in the elaboration of the Strategy with physical-recreational activities

The empirical methods used were:

The pairwise comparison was the technique used to assess the Esafira by the experts and professionals linked to the topic of Cuba and Ecuador participated in it.

The practical contribution is given by the structure that the Esafira assumes, determined in stages and actions that consider the control channels for the fulfillment of said actions, in order to achieve the adequate use of free time by adolescents.

The scientific novelty lies in the Esafira, since its stages and actions will allow modifying the initial state of the use of free time by adolescents; this grants a leading role in the pursuit of their interests and the satisfaction of their needs.

The study sample consisted of 175 adolescents from the Lay Private Educational Units of Sangolquí, intentionally selected. The results of the application of the observation guide allowed the presentation of information on the main factors that can enhance and affect the use of free time from physical-recreational activity in adolescents.

The potentialities are identified in the consideration of the physical-recreational activities in the Study Plans, having the human potential and facilities for its realization. The preference of adolescents for this type of activity is also included. Meanwhile, other aspects that interfere with the adequate use of free time by adolescents and that affect their development were observed. Among these elements, it is identified that the use of free time is of their own free will, without proper planning or guidance; then activities are carried out that, for the most part, do not meet a responsible choice. Rarely are these adolescents authorized or supervised by teachers, parents or other relatives. In addition, the participation of different factors that enable the integration of educational influences is very discreet. All this undermines the development of a fiscal-recreational activity that complements cognitive, healthy and responsible practice under ideas of solidarity, empathy, inclusion and mutual respect.

The following were analyzed as the latent needs in the behavior of adolescents towards the preferences in the practice of physical-recreational activities:

Assessment by the experts of Esafira

In the evaluation process, the expert criteria method was used and the paired comparison technique was used, the process of searching for experts, began from the analysis of sources, such as: participation in events and publications about the subject matter of the research (minimum five), participation as an exponent in congresses scientists (minimum two), years of experience (minimum ten), informed consent and teaching level described below.

The results warn that, of the 38 experts summoned, 30 had a high score in the competence coefficient K (78.9 %). Finally, thirty experts attend, selected from the degree of knowledge and theoretical analyzes on the subject; In addition, they argue from the domain of regulations and knowledge of the state of the problem in Ecuador, which is specified in the participation in events and from their experience acquired in practice. Therefore, the prior selection criteria are accredited.

The group of 30 experts was made up as follows: doctors in sciences (76.6 %), masters (23.3 %). In all cases, there is scientific experience that is linked to the research topic and the type of result that is proposed, since 66.6% have the teaching category of Full Professor, 33.3 % Assistant Professors, the years of experience are declared from 25 to 30 years old 20.0 %, from 31 to 40 years old 70.0 % and over 41 years old 10.0 %.

As planned, the experts offered their opinions through a direct survey, with the intention of confirming the recommendations made initially on the Esafira. Then they verified compliance with the suggestions offered; for this, the experts offered evaluative criteria, according to the results of the applied questionnaires. These included the evaluative categories: 1. Very adequate (MA), 2. Adequate (A), 3. Quite adequate (BA), 4. Little adequate (PA), 5. Not adequate (NA), following the Canto criterion from Ghent, et al., (2020). Once this moment had been reached, the experts gave the assessment of Very suitable and Suitable; In addition, they offered qualitative assessments that correspond to the quantitative assessments. Coinciding points were established in expressions that refer to Esaphira; an instrument that shows its validity, relevance, applicability and conditions for generalization to other contexts.



Diagnosis of needs in recreational physical activities, in the use of free time, by adolescents

The application of the survey to teachers and parents allowed to explore the ideas that revolve around participation in the use of free time by adolescents. Figure 1 shows the composition of the survey participants (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. - Composition of the survey participants

The result points to coincident ideas among the respondents. In this, they agreed in considering that attention to adolescents' free time is insufficient and that there is no mechanism that promotes such attention, although they pointed out that it is necessary to have it. In the analysis of the results, there is a consensus between teachers and parents in recognizing that they do not contribute to the development of creative thinking, to personal and collective recreation and to the choice of free time. Meanwhile, it is considered that they sometimes allow them to participate in social activities; the majority pointed out that the free time of adolescents should be devoted to activities such as reading, sports, recreation, with the use of open spaces in healthy and healthy environments.

They also recognized by majority that the attention they provide to adolescents' free time does not guarantee adequate use of it, since it is spontaneous and is not directed towards free time in an orderly and planned manner. On the other hand, the consideration towards a healthy and pleasant life is affected, as well as others such as: well-being and disease prevention, adequate mental health, inclusive, equitable and quality education. All this prevents a favorable comprehensive development. In relation to the benefits that attention to adolescents' free time will bring, teachers differ with parents or other relatives. The former allude, by majority, to promoting healthy and healthy lifestyles, promoting adequate mental health, self-esteem and social relationships and contributing to assertive communication, inclusion, respect for the rights of others, discipline and responsibility (Lorenzo, de la Rosa, 2016; González, et al., 2018 Torres, et al., 2020; Morales). Meanwhile, most of the seconds were inclined to prevent them from participating in activities that are not appropriate for their age.

The attention to the free time of adolescents is recognized by common agreement as not very orderly, planned and collegiate. This does not correspond to the interests and needs of adolescents and not take advantage of all the potential of the physical-recreational activities that take place in these Educational Units. In that direction, teachers focus their ideas on what is necessary to assist the subject in question towards theoretical and pedagogical foundations. This aspect works from the starting point of knowledge of the potentialities and needs of adolescents, which lacks the integration of educational influences.

In the same idea, both teachers and parents and relatives spoke for the search for a Strategy with physical-recreational activities that contributes to the adequate use of free time by adolescents. Meanwhile, the teachers pointed out that in said strategy, the theoretical pedagogical foundations, the characterization of the use of free time and the state of the art in the use of free time by adolescents should be taken into account. In addition, they were projected to consider actions for the participation of teachers and families with adolescents, the promotion of reflection and participatory analysis and practical and axiological activities.

The interview in the first block facilitated the analysis of aspects related to the use of free time and the practice of physical activity and sports. The second block provided data on the needs and preferences for participation in physical-recreational activities and the third block covered aspects related to extracurricular physical-sports activity.

The analysis of the results allowed the verification of the current state of the problem and the determination of the needs of the adolescents; the composition of the sample by age and sex is presented in Figure 2, females and the 17-year-old age group predominated (Figure 2).

Fig 2. - Composition of the participants in the interview

From this perspective, the results of the first block were determined and it was corroborated that both male and female, and in the three age groups, prefer vacations. These activities are recognized as the space with the freest hours, followed by weekends and, to a lesser extent, working days. The activities in which they spend their free time are passive activities, with preferences for online games, video games, watching television and videos, followed by social relations and fun activities.

Likewise, the majority showed interest in the physical-recreational activity they perform as part of their taste or choice. Most considered to agree that Physical Education classes were fun, taking advantage of the time during them. However, the majority agree that these classes do not allow recreational physical practice in free time. Thus, they downplay the role of teachers in this context. On the other hand, in relation to the hours they dedicate to the practice of recreational physical activity, they considered that it is between one and three hours per week.

Most agree that the facilities in Sangolquí cover little the need for recreational physical activity. It is recognized that the reasons why they go to the facilities are because of the proximity to home and/or school. The characteristics of the facilities, the state of conservation and cleanliness, as well as the treatment of the employees, are assumed to be positive. However, they contrast this idea with the preparation of technical personnel and the existing sports equipment for carrying out physical-recreational activities. The results derived from the analysis of the responses of the second block provided data that reveal the needs and preferences for participation in physical-recreational activities. Most recognized that they know little or nothing about the offers and programs of physical and sports activities that they develop in the institutions of their locality or environment. In the same way, they do not satisfy their needs, while they coincide in the attitude of the parents regarding the recreational physical activities carried out by them. According to them, generally they have not been concerned or they have been indifferent and a minority allude to being encouraged.

The majority of the respondents, in both sexes and in all ages, expressed their preference for carrying out physical-recreational activities in their free time, selecting weekends, followed by vacations and in order the following modalities:

  1. Passive recreational activities such as reading, watching TV and/or videos, surfing the Internet, video games, board games.
  2. Social recreational activities such as gatherings, parties, celebrations, going out to bars.
  3. Traveling to the beach, to another country, tourism in general.
  4. Outdoor activities such as walks in the countryside, fishing, mountaineering, camping, among others.
  5. Activities such as walking, playing with friends or family, dancing.
  6. Maintenance physical activity, for pleasure and health such as gym, swimming, cycling, running, among others.
  7. Individual and/or collective recreational sports activities.

In the third block, data are obtained that show the aspects related to extracurricular physical-sports activity and it was corroborated that:

In the evaluation of the extracurricular physical-recreational activities carried out in the educational center, the adolescents, by majority, declared that the information and promotion of the activities, the use of the sports facilities and the schedules were generally deficient (bad). In correspondence with this, the offers, the price and the operation did not respond to their interests, thus, in the same way, they valued the quality of the activities, materials, sports accessories available and offers. However, they considered the facilities to be good and the teachers and staff in general to be good to very good.

For the most part, the adolescents pointed out that the offer of extracurricular physical-recreational and sports activities that take place in the educational center to which they belong satisfy their needs little or not at all. These preferably take place in the courtyard or on sports courts within the center itself. Therefore, these offers are insufficient for the practice of physical-recreational activities, however, they recognized that the support they receive from the educational center to carry out physical-recreational activities is good.

The triangulation of the applied methods allowed verification of the current state of the problem and revealed the main regularities in the diagnosis:

The decisions emanating from the results of the diagnosis pointed to the need in the elaboration of the Esafira and for that purpose the design of the same was carried out, which considered the needs identified in the adolescents, showing the graphic.

Expert opinions include:

In addition, the experts agreed on other opinions that indicate the possibilities of usefulness of the Esafira in which each stage leads to the other in a network of relationships that allows closing a cycle. This begins with the diagnosis and ends with feedback, so that the weaknesses that may remain in that cycle are covered. On the other hand, this study leads to an end from a planned, organized, deliberate act; therefore, it requires the support of managers, teachers and family members, an aspect that they considered should be reconsidered in future versions.

From another perspective, the experts made proposals that corroborate the criteria analyzed above:

… "the Strategy is adequate, necessary, convenient, [...] it is a laudable proposal, in which the theoretical demands that refer to the articulation and the cognitive, practical and axiological character of the activities, give it a distinctive quality [. ..] will allow coherence in the relationships that will take place in the activities where the adolescents will be the protagonists." (Uceda, et al. 2015 p. 25).

In general, the experts confirmed that the Esafira fosters positive changes, since it offers the possibility of modifying the current state of the research problem and bringing it to the desired state and its evaluations. They remained in the index of Very Adequate and Adequate; they did not modify the initial conception of the Strategy, nor the proposed structure. They insisted on its application, even though it should occur under conditions of extreme security considering the international epidemiological situation that brought the presence of Covid-19 to Ecuador. Thus, its application would demonstrate its validity in pedagogical practice and in analogous situations, considering that it can be assumed as a criterion of rigor.

In addition, the authors considered in the assessment of the Esafira, to assume the doctrines expressed by De Armas, Valle, (2011) who identify "the requirements that scientific results must meet based on the requirements of relevance, feasibility, applicability and generalization". (p.32). These requirements are explained in this section, based on considering that the assessments carried out by Puentes et al., (2018) provided information through the data obtained for the triangulation of results. In this way, the rigor of the research is corroborated and the information is processed, with the aim of provoking the exchange of opinions. The different perspectives with which the events developed in the investigated scenario are interpreted are compared.

The confrontation of the results grants first order value in the collective reflexive analysis, when analyzing the results through a process of exchange and participation in situations of equal opportunities.

When conducting a discussion of the results of this research and comparing these findings with other studies, it has been possible to discern that this Recreation Strategy has favored the empowerment of its executors in relation to the characteristics of their age, interests and needs. On the other hand, it has generated physical and spiritual well-being, adjusted to the natural and historical conditions of the area, imprinting values of national identity and sustainable practice of physical activity in nature (Quijano-Gómez, 2019; Tolosa, 2019; Betancourt et al., 2020; Méndez-Giménez, 2020;).



In the elaboration of the strategy with physical-recreational activities for adolescents, a methodological conception was assumed from the linking of quantitative and qualitative approaches. This is consistent with the articulation of methods and techniques that made it possible to study the background and theoretical criteria about physical-recreational activities in the use of free time by adolescents and the determination of current approaches to this phenomenon.

The diagnosis of needs in physical-recreational activities and the use of free time by adolescents facilitated the conception of the Strategy on a scientific basis, in a structure that was consolidated in stages and actions with control channels. This proposal facilitated a logical and coherent organization in the adequate use of free time by adolescents, all of which favored the modification of the initial state of the use of free time by adolescents. Through it, a leading role is granted in the search for their interests and the satisfaction of their needs, by leading to the desired state and the fulfillment of the foreseen objectives, which recognize the articulation and the cognitive, practical and axiological nature of the activities.

The experts' assessment considered that the Strategy is very adequate and ratified its value; these express that it can be implemented, since it has a legal and methodological framework that supports its relevance, feasibility and applicability.



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Conflict of interests:
Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de intereses.


Authors' contribution:
The authors have participated in the writing of the work and analysis of the documents.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license
Copyright (c)
2022 María Lorena Sandoval Jaramillo, Aldo Pérez Sánchez, Juan Gabriel Tapia Pazmiño, Orlando Rodrigo Carrasco Coca.