PODIUM. Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, September-December 2022; 17(3):942-860


Translated from the original in spanish



Original artícle

The collaborative-dialogical dimension in the pedagogical work of the soccer teacher


La dimensión colaborativa-dialógica en la labor pedagógica del profesor de fútbol


A dimensão colaborativa-dialógica no trabalho pedagógico do professor de futebol


Rosa Elvira Cabrera Acosta1* https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1302-9748

Alina Bestard Revilla2 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6162-8534

Carlos Roberto Sierra Barbado2 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9063-4557


1Provincial Directorate of Sports, Cuba.

2Faculty of Physical Culture of the Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.


*Corresponding author: rosa.cabrera68@inder.gob.cu


Received: 2022-04-05.
Approved: 2022-06-22


Introduction: Dialogic communication skills are a necessity for the good performance of the pedagogical work of the sports teacher. However, the little use of tools that place the student-athlete as a subject of their own learning process is still a problem.
Objective: It consisted of developing a training procedure focused on communication to treat the relationships established between teacher and student-athlete during the process of teaching the sport of soccer in the 11-12-year-old school category of District #4. " Abel Santamaría" Santiago de Cuba.
Materials and methods: From the diagnosis made to ten teachers of the male soccer team of the selected center, it was possible to verify the deficiencies in the assumption of developing, reflective and creative procedures for teaching the contents of sport. To carry out this study, methods such as: observation, survey and interview were applied, as well as the Linkert rating scale to assess the degree of acceptance and applicability of the proposal.
Results: A training instrument was obtained for the improvement of the collaborative-dialogical dimension of the soccer teacher in the subject-subject-object interrelation, based on main studies of authors, which made it possible to strengthen the pedagogical work in the acting subjects of the process and, consequently, the gradual transformation in the mode of pedagogical professional performance of the soccer teacher during the teaching-learning process.
Conclusions: The results of the application emphasize the need to express assertive communication reflected in a continuous process of denials and meanings in the objective behavioral orientation of the sports teacher.

Keywords: Communicative skills; Dialogic collaborative; Pedagogical work.


Introducción: Las habilidades comunicativas dialógicas constituyen una necesidad para el buen desempeño de la labor pedagógica del profesor de deporte. Sin embargo, todavía es una problemática el poco uso de herramientas que sitúen al estudiante-atleta en condición de sujeto de su propio proceso de aprendizaje.
Objetivo: Consistió en elaborar un procedimiento formativo centrado en lo comunicativo para dar tratamiento a las relaciones que se establecen entre profesor y estudiante-atleta durante el proceso de enseñanza del deporte de fútbol en la categoría escolar 11-12 años del Distrito #4. "Abel Santamaría" Santiago de Cuba.
Materiales y métodos: A partir del diagnóstico realizado a diez profesores del equipo masculino de fútbol del centro seleccionado, se pudieron constatar las deficiencias en la asunción de procedimientos desarrolladores, reflexivos y creativos para la enseñanza de los contenidos del deporte. Para la realización de este estudio, se aplicaron métodos como: observación, encuesta y entrevista, así como la escala valorativa de Linkert para evaluar el grado de aceptación y aplicabilidad de la propuesta.
Resultados: Se obtuvo un instrumento formativo para el perfeccionamiento de la dimensión colaborativo-dialógica del profesor de fútbol en interrelación sujeto-sujeto-objeto, basado en estudios principales de autores, lo que posibilitó el fortalecimiento de la labor pedagógica en los sujetos actuantes del proceso y, por consiguiente, la transformación gradual media en el modo de actuación profesional pedagógica del profesor de fútbol durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
Conclusiones: Los resultados de la aplicación enfatizan la necesidad de expresión de una comunicación asertiva reflejada en un proceso continuo de negaciones y significados en la orientación conductual objetiva del profesor deportivo.

Palabras clave: Habilidades comunicativas; Colaborativo dialógico; Labor pedagógica.


Introdução: As habilidades comunicativas dialógicas constituem uma necessidade para o bom desempenho do trabalho pedagógico do professor de esporte. Entretanto, o pouco uso de ferramentas que colocam o estudante-atleta como assunto de seu próprio processo de aprendizagem ainda é um problema.
Objetivo: Consistia em elaborar um procedimento de treinamento centrado na comunicação para tratar as relações estabelecidas entre professor e aluno-atleta durante o processo de ensino do esporte do futebol na categoria escolar 11-12 anos de idade no Distrito #4 "Abel Santamaría" Santiago de Cuba.
Materiais e métodos: Com base no diagnóstico realizado em dez professores da equipe de futebol masculino do centro selecionado, foi possível confirmar as deficiências na assunção de procedimentos de desenvolvimento, reflexivos e criativos para o ensino do conteúdo do esporte. Para a realização deste estudo, foram aplicados os seguintes métodos: observação, pesquisa e entrevista, bem como a escala de avaliação da Linkert para avaliar o grau de aceitação e aplicabilidade da proposta.
Resultados: Foi obtido um instrumento formativo para a melhoria da dimensão colaborativa-dialógica do professor de futebol na inter-relação assunto-sujeito-objeto, com base nos principais estudos dos autores, o que possibilitou o fortalecimento do trabalho pedagógico nas disciplinas de atuação do processo e, conseqüentemente, a gradual transformação média na forma de atuação pedagógica profissional do professor de futebol durante o processo de ensino-aprendizagem.
Conclusões: Os resultados da aplicação enfatizam a necessidade de expressão de comunicação assertiva refletida em um processo contínuo de negações e significados na orientação comportamental objetiva do professor de esportes.

Palavras-chave: Habilidades de comunicação; Dialógica colaborativa; Trabalho pedagógico.


Today's society requires educational processes that are based on the investigation of new pedagogical practices leading to the construction of new educational environments of participatory and collaborative transformation. From this approach, it is necessary to emphasize that each mediation process would require the fulfillment of certain essential characteristics within the classroom: it favors the establishment of a dialogical, collaborative and close relationship between the educator and the student, Sandoval and López, (2017).

Hence, collaborative-dialogical communication makes possible the educational pedagogical practices of school sports. This process is conceived as part of the preparation of the soccer teacher to achieve cognitive development in sports teaching.

In addition, this process facilitates the understanding of the capacity for change and resilience from a medium level of performance to a more complex one. This acts in accordance with creativity, based on the functional analysis of professional practice for competent and responsible performance in accordance with social demands.

The dialogic collaboration in the performance of the professional has been considered from the perspective of dialogic interactions that involve the student in dialogue sequences. This is made up of themes that promote reflection, giving rise to an intersubjective and dialogical construction, which materializes when several people respond to each other, support the idea of another, criticize and even enter into conflict with them (Vygotsky, 1978; Bakhtin, 1981; Fullan y Hargreaves, 1999; Sedova, 2017; Alexander, 2018; Ferrada, 2019).

The approach to this topic leads to evaluating the condition of the soccer teacher for the development of the construction of dialogical interactions based on their professional performance to the extent that they are empowered and produce their pedagogical knowledge (Labarrere, 2016).

Collaboration facilitates dialogic exchange between professionals, allows questioning, reasoning and generating knowledge about the practice itself (Muñoz and Garay, 2015).

From the contributions of sociocultural theories with a focus on critical pedagogy, new spaces have been defined for the teacher's performance as: expert, socializing agent, who operates from the codes of collaborative research and makes wise practice a reality by questioning and applying knowledge, situated where everyone teaches and learns from each other (Sagor, 2010; Sahabani, 2016, Soto, Figueroa, Yáñez-Urbina, 2017).

In this sense, the sports preparation process requires assuming the new challenges of science and technology in the area of educational pedagogy, since contemporary sport raises the given demands, the evolutions in the order of training directions, which are produced in the special form of human activity and improve sports performance. Therefore, collaborative-dialogical communication acquires great significance, however, the existing methods and procedures in the components of this area of knowledge are not enough.

Such postulates invite the search for participatory inquiry processes, where knowledge is built from the position of the soccer teacher as the leader of knowledge and having the possibilities of making decision using sociocultural tools to address the problems that arise in the sports pedagogical experience.

In this sense, it is convenient to highlight the studies of (Villena and Turra, 2015; Figueroa, 2017; Robin, 2018; Ferrada, 2019) in the application of collaborative research for the transformation of teaching work, based on the principles of dialogical pedagogy.

Therefore, the need to apply participatory action research in research is reaffirmed, through collaborative interaction between subject-subject-object, for the achievement of successful communication, which leads to the mastery of motor skills, the learning of technique, as well as correct problem solving and decision-making during game situations.

Cuban researchers: Sivila, (2004); Guerra, (2017) and Bosque, (2018) showed in their studies the educational nature of communication through the use of dialogue.

Lora, et al. (2020), point out that collaborative learning allows the student to get involved in their own knowledge; but this is based on competency-based development, founded on the use of certain categories such as: dialogue and problem solving, focused on reciprocal teaching and problem-based learning.

These elements must be assumed by the soccer teacher for a better performance of their professional skills through the subjective-objective apprehension of the collaborative-dialogical centered on communication.

Despite the results achieved in each case, the contributions made to sport that transform traditional teaching styles into active and collaborative participatory methods, focused on the use of communicative dialogue, are still insufficient.

The need to continue delving into the use of collaborative dialogue is highlighted given that, in any of the cases, the training actions in the use of the principles of dialogic learning in communication have been insufficient.

Hence, the objective of this research is the development of a collaborative-communicative training procedure to treat the relationships established between teacher and student-athlete during the process of teaching the sport of soccer in the school category 11- 12 years from District #4.



The study of the antecedents has served as theoretical references of the research for the analysis of the existing weaknesses in communication, in the sport of soccer in the school category 11-12 years of District # 4 of Santiago de Cuba.

The present study was carried out in the second quarter of 2019, with a sample of ten soccer teachers and 35 student-athletes, distributed in four sports complexes.

For the selection of the sample, the following selection criteria were taken into account: experience in the development of pedagogical work, mastery of knowledge of the subject under study, motivation for change and willingness. The criteria of specialists on the subject, methodologists and commissioners, as well as the sports psychologist were used.

The methodology used is a mixture of approaches: qualitative, through participatory-action-research, because the actors are the soccer teachers during the development of their sports activity, with the aim of improving the learning of the collaborative- dialogical in his pedagogical work.

To develop the proposal, methods and techniques were used that allowed diagnosing the state of the collaborative-dialogical aimed at the pedagogical work of the soccer teacher.

Among the theoretical methods were used analysis and synthesis to characterize, from the epistemology, collaborative-dialogical communication, dialogical skills and pedagogical work, as well as the dialectical hermeneutical method for the interpretation, explanation and interpretation of the Research.

Within the empirical methods, surveys were conducted on teachers (10) and soccer student-athletes (35), officials and managers (4), with the aim of evaluating the knowledge they had about collaborative-dialogical communication skills.

In addition, the observation technique was applied to classes and methodological activities, as well as the documentary review (Athlete preparation programs, teaching program, minutes of meetings of the technical councils and teacher improvement plans to know the treatment of collaborative dialogue in the teaching-methodological order.

The specialist criterion was applied to validate the feasibility of the proposal during the application of the workshops in the interactive stage of the evaluation of the phases of the method.

Therefore, conducting interviews and tabulating surveys of soccer teachers and student-athletes were able to gather the necessary information for this study.

Consequently, some insufficiencies were indicated within this sports group of the category under study, such as: imposition of the contents that are taught, which do not allow an active participation of the student-athlete, little cognitive independence of the same, little depth in the contentsn, an inappropriate language that prevents asking problematic questions, the teacher speaks and the student remains silent until the end of the class.

In order to comply with the valuations determined by the application of the aforementioned methods and techniques, the following indicators were determined:

  1. Assumption by soccer teachers of the communicative-collaborative-dialogical in their pedagogical work.
  2. Interest in knowing and using the communicative-collaborative-dialogical procedures in the teaching of sport.
  3. Development of the practice of knowledge of collaborative-dialogical communication skills during sports activity.



The results obtained from the application of the methods and techniques set forth above are explained below. The strengths and weaknesses that soccer teachers present in the communicative-collaborative-dialogical aspects in their pedagogical work are illustrated (Table 1).

Table 1 - Results of the surveys carried out on teachers

In the survey carried out, 80 % (PA) of the teachers surveyed showed poverty in the levels of learning of dialogic collaborative skills, 70 % (PA), poor integration to the professional pedagogical work with the knowledge of the collaborative communicative practice dialogic and 40 % (MA), plus 30 % (BA) of teachers recognize the need for its apprehension.

In this sense, this ratifies the need for collaborative-dialogical skills issues between soccer teachers and student-athletes, regarding the assumption of dialogue in the teaching of sport and its pedagogical work.

In the analysis of various teaching situations and interactions such as speech acts, the sense of listening, participation and interaction, reflection and criticism, it was observed that 84.4% of the relationships occur between teacher and students- athletes, shortcomings are observed in pedagogical training that limit good professional performance, negatively influencing the performance of the task.

The bibliographic review and official documents made it possible to consult research, antecedents about the existing communicative profiles, it is shown that, in almost all of them, the treatment of this subject is insufficient. All this enriched the author's position for the elaboration of the theoretical-conceptual and praxiological framework that supports the research.

Different documents in hard and digital support were consulted, among them, master's and doctoral theses in Physical Culture Sciences, Study Plans, Comprehensive Athlete Preparation Program and teaching programs and other Social Sciences.

When considering the positive criteria of: methodologists, managers, specialists and professors, it was possible to confirm the need to carry out methodologies and procedures that guide based on the apprehension of communicative skills, focused on collaborative-dialogical, which contribute to solving problems, presented in the pedagogical performance and its incidence in the quality of the teaching of the soccer sport.

The observation of the class sessions allowed to verify in practice the insufficiencies in the content and moment of the information, as well as the perception to capture the willingness to communicate and establish empathic relationships, which demonstrates the need to create alternatives to prepare teachers in order to gradually transform the insufficiencies.

The existence of potentialities in teachers for the development of the pedagogical-communicative-praxiological process is considered, by showing mastery of the presented system.

In addition, the little sense of listening that prevents critical and objective reflections during the performance of the task was observed, which exerts a negative influence on the pedagogical work of the soccer teacher and, in turn, on the quality of sports learning.

This situation results in students:

In soccer teachers:

Therefore, as a result, in this research it was proposed: the application of a training orientation method for the development of the practice of communication skills, from the collaborative-dialogical dimension in the pedagogical work of the soccer teacher in the context of teaching sporty.

The proposal consisted of a method of formative procedural orientation towards the collaborative-dialogical communicative profile of the soccer teacher, from the teaching of sport, guided by task rules that derive from the interaction that is formed between their qualities.

It is dynamized through a system that is structured as follows: a) Channels the transversality of the dialogical in the sports context, b) requires a participatory systemic approach, c) executes the task in the procedural approach d) confirms the progress in the appropriation of the communicative procedural culture from the teaching of the sport of soccer (Figure 1).

Fig 1. - Dynamics of the method in the pedagogical work of the soccer teacher

This method was adopted in the research as an instrument for the work of the soccer teacher, aimed at the positive transformation of the communicative-collaborative-dialogical attitude in the soccer teaching process where mediation constitutes the main axis so that the student- athlete becomes the subject of active and interactive participation with the teacher.

The conception of the Method is in the improvement of the development of the dialogic collaboration in the pedagogical work of the soccer teacher, which takes into consideration:

Fig. 2. - Assessment of the training procedural method through the phases of teaching

At first, in the proactive phase, considered as a preparatory phase, it is necessary to devise, plan and organize the creation of the different relationships.

In the first phase of the assessment, in order to familiarize the soccer teachers and student-athletes, previous meetings were held with the teachers of the selected sample to have a first approach to the method proposal and its components, links and chores.

Other actions were developed such as the analysis of the teaching program, methodological indications, indications from FIFA and the National Soccer Commission, the teaching programs, the plans for the scientific-methodological work of sport and courses.

Pre active phase

It is the application phase of the method where value judgments are used, organized by discussion group. The actions developed in this objective are used to sensitize teachers, methodologists and cadres in general with the need to apply the method in the teaching of the sport of soccer and its conformation properly.

The group of selected teachers recognizes the usefulness and need to have a proposal for didactic-methodological tools that is integrated into the training orientation method.

Until that moment, a method for the development of communicative, collaborative-dialogical skills that would promote a way of thinking and acting in correspondence with the pedagogical work in sport had not been conceived, especially for soccer teachers.

Interviews were conducted with professors, methodologists and heads of department who work with sport to find out their criteria about how the training orientation method, with its links, procedures and tasks, allows them to acquire the necessary knowledge to develop the practice of collaborative-dialogical skills focused on communication during their pedagogical work.

In this regard, the methodologists and professors who work with sport admit in a preliminary way to assess the validity and usefulness of the training orientation method, both for the pedagogical group and for the student-athlete, as it allows revealing the potentialities of the same for the concretion of a comprehensive, creative and developer education in the sport of soccer.

A survey was applied to these specialists with the intention of establishing the validity and consistency of the training orientation method with its links, procedures and tasks in the pedagogical work of the teacher during the soccer teaching process (Figure 3).

Fig. 3. - Result of applying the survey to the specialists in the pre active stage

Based on the estimated evaluations of the specialists with teaching experience in the pedagogical work of the sport of soccer at the time the proposal is implemented, the results of the applied surveys show that:

Valuation criteria of the practice of collaborative-dialogical skills

The scale is established based on the theoretical references assumed by the author and the interaction with the soccer teachers who will apply the proposal with respect to:

The comparison made with the action indices determined for the evaluation of the methods and procedures showed a higher score in favor of the training orientation method, its links, procedures and tasks, showing in general how necessary they are for the pedagogical work of the soccer teacher in the orientation and execution of teaching tasks, since they facilitate interaction, cooperation and integration of knowledge, dialogic skills and methodologies assumed by teachers to gradually transform their performance.

Interactive phase

The implementation of the training orientation method: its links, procedures and tasks in the practice of collaborative-dialogical communication skills, during the pedagogical work of the soccer teacher, are carried out with the cooperative participation of those entrusted with its execution: sports teachers, professors and methodologists who acted as collaborators.

This phase is developed through participatory workshops conceived for this purpose, in the search for essential aspects, which in the development process of collaborative-dialogical communication skills occupy a mode of expression in the pedagogical work of the soccer teacher.

It also leads to the effect, a case study, used as a method that agrees to delimit possibilities of functional use and derived effects.

The logic used consists in verifying if the links, procedures and tasks, based on the formative orientation method, in the pedagogical work of the soccer teacher, are consistent for its application.

The workshops were organized with the sports teachers with emphasis on the implementation of the formative orientation method in two directions: a) importance of the development of collaborative-dialogical communication skills and their involvement in the pedagogical work during the teaching of sports b) possibilities of the application of the formative orientation method.

The first workshop was developed in an interactive, reflective and critical environment about the main insufficiencies that sports teachers present in the domain of collaborative-dialogical communication skills in their pedagogical work. It recognizes that it is a problem that has been coming for some time, but has not reached the necessary answers for its solution, so it becomes an imperative for the most efficient performance of sports teachers.

During the question made to the participating subjects: do you consider significant the mastery of collaborative-dialogical communication skills to assume the new challenges of developing teaching and improve pedagogical work? The need for reflective, critical thinking in correspondence with the results of the use of new technologies was confirmed.

It was required to make transformations in the theoretical-methodological approaches of sports teaching, to assume new pedagogical styles with the objective that teachers be trained to assume the proposals.

The analysis moved the thoughts of those present from self-reflection in the group to reflexive criticism, judgments and evaluative criteria on the subject of the practice of collaborative-dialogical communication skills in the process of sports teaching in general. These are the most significant phrases:

The third group of methodological workshops for the establishment of the method and procedures revealed the need to apply it in the sports teaching process during its pedagogical work.

The workshops were organized in the following thematic axes:

The analysis of the workshops carried out with the soccer teachers revealed: better structuring of this training orientation process, greater precision in the concepts that define the metacognitive actions for the collaborative-dialogical learning, centered on communication, as well as the creation of meaning, meaning in their work performance.

Post active phase

Post active phase is carried out to assess the application process of the formative orientation method and the procedures in the pedagogical work, allowing the conclusions to be drawn about their validity. As a significant aspect, it culminates with a grounded proposal for the functioning of the soccer teacher's performance.

Results of the evaluation of the formative orientation method from the application of the teaching phases

The criteria or requirements to be considered in the analysis of the results of the validation of the post - active phase are those of efficacy, efficiency, functionality and impact.

Efficacy is the component that favors the validation of the results and the foreseen goals to achieve the planned purposes or tasks. It constituted the content of the application of the formative orientation method and its procedures.

The valuation of the method and its formative orientation procedures propitiated a permanent disposition of the participants of the selected centers, a favorable psycho-pedagogical environment of security was created, confidence in the feasibility of application of the method and its procedures, which promoted the theoretical preparation and methodology of the teachers involved.

To evaluate the degree of acceptance of the proposal, 10 specialists were selected, taking into account the selection criteria for the practice of collaborative-dialogical communicative skills, which the soccer teacher should assume in order to transform the traditional teaching method into a creative and developer (Table 2 and Figure 4).

Table 2. - Result of the application of the training method

Fig. 4 - Graphic representation of the application of the training method

The valuative criteria of the specialists were around the meaning and sense that is given to each of the indicators exposed in table 2.

Independence and degree of motivation: 90 % of the specialists assumed the need for the soccer teacher to think of creative actions that develop independence and motivation in their student-athletes, based on the depth of knowledge of the sport, mastery of participatory techniques, for which he outlined actions that moved the thinking of his student-athletes.

Levels of interaction: 80 % consider that the levels of interaction in the collaborative-dialogical dimension are given in the way in which the teacher allowed symmetry to be established between the subjects of the teaching process, where communicative interaction occurs through of the speech acts and the equality of difference of the communication between both subjects is established. It is considered that this indicator is a consequence of the previous one.

Individual responsibility, conflict resolution and autonomy in the student-athlete: it is only acquired because the teacher was able to understand that, with the mastery of sports knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and his own experience in his sports work, they were able to develop actions aimed at the search for meaningful learning, capable of mobilizing the thinking of the student-athlete in search of the unknown.

Decision-making: It becomes the articulating axis and driving force of all knowledge, since it allows the teacher to work on the need to implement tasks that lead the student-athlete to total autonomy and independence.

Soccer teachers

Evaluation of the task: The results of this indicator allowed the teacher to self-evaluate their pedagogical performance, based on the transformation achieved in the student-athlete, in the performance of the task, which constitutes the feedback of the implementation of actions metacognitive skills developed from the practice of collaborative-dialogical skills.

The application of the dialogical collaborative in the professional pedagogical work of the soccer teacher constitutes an important step for the objective gradual transformation of the traditionalist style of teaching to the developer, from the implementation of their own interaction strategies.

Therefore, "teachers have the duty to generate daily didactic situations of dialogue and reflect on them to perfect their communicative model in the classroom, thus enhancing their professional development as teachers Alvarez, (2016).

Hence, when approaching the subject, the author emphasizes the need for soccer teachers to assume the communicative-collaborative-dialogical aspect in their pedagogical work, because it has been a subject very little treated in the area. of physical culture and sport.

Therefore, it constitutes a scientific argument assumed for the study of the relationships that occur between the sports teacher and the student-athlete in the sports teaching process from its interactive nature, systematized by the principles of the tasks. His cognitive and meaning approach is seen in this way by Sivilia (2004), Guerra, (2017) and Bosque, (2018).

The results achieved with the development of the practice of knowledge of collaborative-dialogical communication skills are consistent with what was stated by Castro, (2014) when he points out that there is very little literature on dialogic learning in Physical Education, which is why it demands a science urgency.

The training method for the development of collaborative-dialogical communication skills becomes the missing link that gives way to sports education based on the principles of dialogic learning, aimed at transforming the pedagogical work of sports professionals.



With the application of the training orientation method of the collaborative-dialogical communicative, the following was obtained:

In correspondence with the transversality of the communicative dialog in the sports context, the participatory training systemic approach was determined.

The integrative approach of the method confirmed the progress in the appropriation of the dialogic communicative training culture, focused on the interaction and collaboration of the pedagogical work of the soccer teacher in the teaching of sport through its links, principles and tasks.

The results of the application emphasize the need for the expression of assertive communication reflected in a continuous process of denials and meanings in the objective behavioral orientation of the sports teacher.

It made possible the maturation of the experience and the balance during the subject-subject-object interrelation, which led to the average gradual transformation of behavior in the context of pedagogical action.



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Conflicts of interest:
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


Authors' contributions:
Rosa Elvira Cabrera Acosta: Conception of the idea, literature search and review, preparation of instruments, application of instruments, preparation of tables, graphs and images, preparation of database, general advice on the subject matter, drafting of the original (first version), revision and final version of the article.

Alina Bestard Revilla: Compilation of the information resulting from the instruments applied, statistical analysis, coordinator of the authorship.

Carlos Roberto Sierra Barbado: Proofreading of the article, authorship coordinator, translation of terms or information obtained, review of the application of the bibliographic standard applied.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2022
Rosa Elvira Cabrera Acosta, Alina Bestard Revilla, Carlos Roberto Sierra Barbado