PODIUM. Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, September-December 2022; 17(3):1194-1207
Translated from the original in spanish
Original artícle
Theoretical-methodological model of organizational culture for the sports initiation school in Santiago de Cuba
Modelo teórico-metodológico de cultura organizacional para la escuela de iniciación deportiva en Santiago de Cuba
Modelo teórico-metodológico de cultura organizacional para a escola de iniciação esportiva em Santiago de Cuba
Elia Eminda Castillo Carbonell1* https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7805-770X
Lida de la Caridad. Sánchez Ramírez2 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1782-6194
Borys Bismark León-Reyes3 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6936-9947
Pura de la Caridad Rey Rivas2 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2923-5124
1National Directorate of Inder. Havana Cuba.
2Oriente University. Faculty of Physical Culture. Cuba.
3Technical University of Machala. Ecuador.
*Corresponding author: elia.castillo@inder.gob.cu
Introduction: The study on organizational culture has been worked on since 2016 -2021, in
the understanding of its dimensions and components in relation to organizational performance, it
is systematically investigated to deepen this topic from a theoretical and methodological
perspective from the reality of the sports organization.
Objective: Hence, the purpose was stated to establish a theoretical-methodological model
of organizational culture, for performance in sports initiation schools in Santiago de Cuba.
Materials and methods: It used participant observation, group
techniques, modeling and discussion groups; for data processing and interpretation, a reliability coefficient of 95 % is required.
Results: As a result, the model is designed with its theoretical and methodological
components, where a new category relationship system is expressed: Organizational Involvement
and Organizational Consistency from the theoretical, as well as its practical implementation
proposal through diagnostic phases, design, and implementation through an organizational
cultural improvement plan; Its theoretical-practical
systematization allows the development of
organizational performance. The results obtained were subjected to inferential analysis through Kendall's W
test. where it was obtained that W is equal to .604 and p-value sig.(bilateral)= .000 , so they
gather enough empirical evidence to corroborate the conclusions issued by the discussion group,
which expressed the need for the model as an expression of the characteristics of the
organizational culture in its particularity in the sports teaching context.
Conclusions: Based on the value of the interpretation and argues of the discussion group, it
was possible to determine the theoretical- methodological improvements from the epistemological
and practical view, what allows affirming the need of setting and application of the declared
objective in the carried out research.
Keywords: Organizational culture; Theoretical-methodological model; Organizational performance; Transformational.
Introducción: El estudio acerca de la Cultura organizacional se viene trabajado desde 2016
-2021, en la comprensión de sus dimensiones y componentes en relación con el
desempeño organizacional, se investiga sistemáticamente en profundizar en esta temática a partir de
una perspectiva teórica y metodológica desde la realidad de la organización deportiva.
Objetivo: De ahí que, el propósito se enunció en establecer un modelo teórico-metodológico de
la cultura organizacional, para el desempeño en las escuelas de iniciación deportiva en Santiago
de Cuba.
Materiales y métodos: Se utilizó la observación participante, técnicas grupales, la modelación y grupos de discusión;
para el procesamiento e interpretación los datos, se precisa un
coeficiente confiabilidad del 95 %.
Resultados: Como resultado se diseña el modelo con sus componentes teórico y
metodológico, donde se expresa un nuevo sistema de relación de categorías: Involucramiento organizacional
y Consistencia organizacional desde lo teórico, así como su propuesta de implementación práctica
a través de fases de diagnóstico, diseño, e implementación a través de un plan de
mejoramiento cultural organizacional; su sistematización
teórica-práctica permite el desarrollo del
desempeño organizacional. Los resultados obtenidos se sometieron al análisis inferencial a través de la
prueba W de Kendall donde se obtuvo que W es igual a ,604 y p-valor sig.(bilateral)= ,000 por lo
que reúnen suficientes evidencias empíricas que permiten corroborar las conclusiones emitidas por
el grupo de discusión, los cuales expresaron la necesidad del modelo como expresión de
las características de la cultura organizacional en su particularidad en el contexto docente deportivo.
Conclusiones: A partir del valor de las interpretaciones y argumentos de los grupos de
discusión se pudo determinar el perfeccionamiento del modelo teórico-metodológico desde lo
epistemológico y praxiológico, lo que permite afirmar la necesidad de su establecimiento y el cumplimiento
del objetivo declarado en la investigación realizada.
Palabras clave: Cultura organizacional; Modelo teórico-metodológico; Desempeño organizacional; Transformacional.
Introdução: O estudo sobre Cultura Organizacional tem sido trabalhado desde 2016 -2021, na compreensão de suas dimensões e componentes em relação ao desempenho organizacional, é sistematicamente investigado no aprofundamento desta temática a partir de uma perspectiva teórica e metodológica a partir da realidade da organização esportiva.
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer um modelo teórico-metodológico de cultura organizacional para o desempenho de escolas de iniciação esportiva em Santiago de Cuba.
Materiais e métodos: Foram utilizados materiais e métodos de observação dos participantes, técnicas de grupo, modelagem e grupos de discussão; para o processamento e interpretação dos dados, foi necessário um coeficiente de confiabilidade de 95 %.
Resultados: Como resultado, o modelo é projetado com seus componentes teóricos e metodológicos, onde um novo sistema de relacionamento de categorias é expresso: Envolvimento Organizacional e Consistência Organizacional do ponto de vista teórico, assim como sua proposta de implementação prática através de fases de diagnóstico, projeto e implementação através de um plano de melhoria cultural organizacional; sua sistematização teórico-prática permite o desenvolvimento do desempenho organizacional. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise inferencial através do teste W de Kendall onde se obteve que W é igual a ,604 e p-valor sig.(bilateral)=,000, de modo que eles reúnem evidências empíricas suficientes para corroborar as conclusões emitidas pelo grupo de discussão, que expressou a necessidade do modelo como expressão das características da cultura organizacional em sua particularidade no contexto do ensino esportivo.
Conclusões: A partir do valor das interpretações e argumentos dos grupos de discussão, foi possível determinar o aperfeiçoamento do modelo teórico-metodológico a partir do epistemológico e praxiológico, o que nos permite afirmar a necessidade de seu estabelecimento e o cumprimento do objetivo declarado na pesquisa realizada.
Palavras-chave: Cultura organizacional; Modelo teórico-metodológico; Desempenho organizacional; Transformacional.
The development of the study of organizational culture is not only the identification of problems or the realization of a diagnosis, but the determination of features and trends that allow the interpretation from the interaction of the factors which intervene in the dynamics of organizations, the structure, cultural system and organizational climate.
In this sense, some of the reasons that motivated this study are associated with the approach of an organization as a novel manifestation. This perception until a few years ago was quite different, an organization was seen as a functional entity that only served to direct, supervise and control a human group.
Today, the vision is different. Just like the people that make it up, an organization also has a personality and according to the subjects, it can be rigid or flexible, innovative or conservative, traditional or avant-garde. Authors like: Alabart (2016); Robles, et al. (2016 ) focused on the design of the model , methodology and tools for the diagnosis of the organizational culture; Cadena (2017) made reference to organizational theory and management skills; Yopan, et al. (2020) who dedicated themselves to establishing conceptual guidelines for the study of organizational culture in social institutions. In the cases of Nuviala, et al. (2020) carried out a study on the organizational culture of the sports technician and its relationship with the satisfaction and perceived value of users of extracurricular sports activities and determined the level of relationship of the variables involvement and mission, which lead to an increase in loyalty, which allow positively favor business profit, coinciding with Álvarez (2021).
In this sense, Alabart (2016) carries out a study on the relationship between culture and performance, from the approach of different authors who were based on the Denison model and were applied in Colombian companies. These studies confirmed that organizational culture has a significant impact on business performance. However, Alabart (2016) refers to the existence of shortcomings from a methodological perspective, in terms of methods and instruments that allow the approach of organizational culture, they also express limitations from a systemic approach for its analysis and its impact on life. business.
Alabart (2016) provides a methodology that supports the relationships of coherence, organicity and adaptability between the leadership style, the soft and hard variables and these with the environment, as premises for the organic and dynamic functioning of the organization, which allows diagnosing which of these variables negatively affect the Cultural Product of that and define the corrective actions that allow effective results.
In this sense, this research focuses on organizational culture and its impact on organizational performance in the sports field and takes as its starting point the conceptual assumptions of psychology and sociology, which allow inquiring about the object of study from an integrative perspective.
Thus, the methodological theoretical model arises as a need for a theoretical systematization of culture from the perspective of the organization, which allows contributing to the development of performance in the sports organization, from a transformational character in the high-performance initiation school. In order to build this theoretical-methodological model, it is necessary to create, shape and order its configuring elements, in such a way that it allows guiding the actions that are carried out from the organizational point of view.
In this direction, what is stated by Castillo, cited by Chacín (2008), regarding the theoretical-methodological model is assumed : "what the models propose in all cases is to configure and structure a practice (application of the model) based on a theory ( theoretical part) in an open, adaptable and modifiable way" (p.57).
Thus, as the model designed by the researchers of this study, starts from the need to organize the knowledge that is produced in the interaction of the functions of the sports organization, through its reconstruction and systematization, taking into account the processes of analyzing, interpreting and generalizing projections that arise from this reconstruction of the organization from its culture.
Consequently, organizational involvement acquires significance, the consistency that manifests itself in stability; the adaptability and mission of the organization under study, variables declared in the Danison model (Alabart, 2016).
It is considered by the authors of this study that, despite the significant contributions of the cited authors, there are still limitations in the methodological theoretical order from the intentionality of establishing the relationships between the variables: Organizational involvement, Consistency, Adaptability related to their mission and vision, which allow identifying the coherent development of organizational performance in organizations that have in their essence the training of athletes, hence the need to design a theoretical-methodological model of organizational culture.
In high-performance sports in Santiago de Cuba and its "Capitán Orestes Acosta Herrera" School of Sports Initiation (Eide) for being the unit of analysis of this research, the need for managers, coaches to find the meaning of the work they do and contribute to the fulfillment of the mission and the achievement of the organizational vision. Where it is determined as a scientific problem: How to contribute to the development of an organizational culture for the achievement of organizational performance in the high-performance school in Santiago de Cuba? In such a journey, the objective is conceived: to establish the theoretical-methodological model of organizational culture, for the adequate performance in sports initiation schools in Santiago de Cuba.
The research is carried out from 2016-2021, at the sports initiation school in Santiago de Cuba. It is a descriptive research. As subjects of this investigative process, there will be twelve (12) coaches and a methodologist of artistic and rhythmic gymnastics (1) who make up said sport in the sports initiation school in Santiago de Cuba. It will work with the population. Among the techniques to be applied to obtain the data, there is participant observation, this implies the direct intervention of the observer, so that it is possible to intervene in the life of the group of subjects to be investigated. and discussion groups, as well as group techniques: to diagnose and at the same time, deepen the study of the internal and external factors that organizational culture presents for job performance in the sports initiation school in Santiago de Cuba and obtain information from specialized personnel related to the proposed model.
Within the theoretical methods used in this research is the modeling, with which the abstractions and logical procedures to penetrate the essence of the phenomenon and study the objective reality, and certain conditions, situations and relationships of the studied object were described. This result made possible a representation of that objective reality that in this research is expressed in the organizational culture in a particular way in the sports context with a transformational approach to improve organizational performance in the institution under study. A progressive approach to culture was carried out until reaching a more complete one that replaces the existing reality.
The interview facilitated the collection of criteria and opinions about the functioning of the organizational culture in organizational performance and to identify where the man-organization relationship is expressed, the structure, as well as the cultural system that is revealed in the school of sports initiation in the province of Santiago de Cuba. A review of documents was carried out on the INDER (National Institute of Sport, Physical Education and Recreation) work system, sports strategy, sports education program, comprehensive athlete preparation program, work planning, sports preparation and competitive system. This made it possible to determine how the functioning and development of the organizational culture is taken into account for the development of organizational performance in the institution under study.
From the theoretical review of the subject, the analysis of different models related to organizational culture was carried out, which gave way to a critical assessment in this regard and to compare how this variable has been approached in other studies. Proceeding from this, a proposal of indicators was elaborated that were submitted to the criteria of experts in the subject. From there, indicators were determined to evaluate the organizational culture such as: decision making, teamwork, coordination and integration, capacity development.
It was also worked with discussion groups, as a strategy for collecting information. To do this, a group of people was formed, whose criterion was that they had a common, homogeneous interest, conditioned by the objectives of the research and met to exchange ideas on the problem under study. This was done with the purpose of generating conclusions that allow determining the scope of the objective set for the investigation. The meetings were carefully planned according to the specific regulations of the investigative process
The results of the investigation show that there are different environments and circumstances regarding how the organizational culture is shown in the artistic gymnastics team at the sports initiation school in Santiago de Cuba, according to the selected indicators. In the following figures, the results of the educational community under study are shown, based on a group technique, which allowed identifying the reality of the organizational culture and where the theoretical modeling should be focused, as well as the action plan as an element methodological.
Related to decision making, 46.15 % agree that each member believes that they can have a positive impact on the group. 30.77 % are in the category of totally agree and 23.8 % indicate neutrality Another aspect related to decision making is that 30.77 % presented neutrality in terms of planning their work is continuous and It involves everyone to some degree. In this sense, 46.15 % agree and 23.08 % totally agree.
So, it is necessary to assess the percentage of existing neutrality in terms of recognizing how each subject can have a favorable impact on the group, where a weakness has been found for the development of an organizational culture that later affects organizational performance. Although the highest percentage agree and totally agree that the planning is carried out continuously and the existence of involvement of the subjects is recognized, there is still a not insignificant group that show neutrality.
In the case of the aspect of decisions, they are often made at the level that has the best information, 76.92 % take a neutral position and only 23.08 % agree.
Related to teamwork, 84% are neutral to the statement that cooperation between the different groups of this organization is actively encouraged, however, 15.38 % agree (Figure 1), this shows the need to conceive a proposal that provides collaborative and cooperative work in the specific educational community in the artistic gymnastics group.
Fig. 1 - Teamwork Indicator
However, 23.08 % and 76.92 % agree (Figure 2) and totally agree, respectively, that working in this group is like being part of a team. Favorable aspects for the development of an organizational culture.
Fig. 2 - Teamwork indicator
Although the category of totally agree, its percentage is favorable, they do not reach the maximum level, which indicates that the coaches and the methodologist consider that it may be an indicator to work with greater intention.
In the case of the coordination and integration indicator, people have a common perspective, in this case 23.08 % and 78.92 % agree to totally agree (Figure 3).
Fig. 3 - Coordination and integration indicator
Related to the participant observation, it is sought to determine the meaning that it has for the manager and coaches to work in the sports initiation school. Based on the results obtained, it is determined that the participants feel favorably in what they do and in the educational community in general, although they sometimes show discontent, adequate interaction between its members is shown.
From the theoretical approach, according to Yopan, et.al. (2020) in the conceptual foundation of the organizational culture construct, various disciplinary perspectives are integrated, such as Social Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, and Communication and Administration Sciences. However, two main approaches stand out: the conception of culture as a variable of the organization and the conception of the organization as culture.
On the one hand, the conception of culture as a variable of the organization supposes a positivist vision, which considers culture as one more intervening variable in organizational management. This management can be measured and related to other variables. On the other hand, the conception of the organization as a culture, from an interpretative-constructivist perspective, begins from the conception that every organization is itself a culture, built from processes of interaction and meaning. Therefore, capturing the elements that make it up is a complex and necessarily qualitative task.
Authors like: Yopan, et.al. 2020, recognize that organizational culture shares common characteristics with anthropological definitions of social culture. Well, it emphasizes shared values and beliefs and their effect on behavior.
Therefore, in order to carry out a systematization of the applied instruments, as well as the theoretical review carried out, the proposal for the registration of fundamental elements to be taken into account is designed, concerning the categories of Organizational Involvement and Organizational Consistency.
Model description
The theoretical components are divided into: internal components and external components. It is characterized by being systematic and comprehensive, considered as a renewal of the organizational culture in the sports field, which implies a transformational culture, with the individual being the center in the construction of their organizational culture to achieve their performance.
As components of an internal nature, it refers to those that function as a regulatory synthesis of organizational Involvement, where Consistency is found, where the stability of the organization is expressed, as well as the Mission. In the case of the external character: The Adaptability where the socializing actors are found. The functioning of the components of the model is guaranteed by the relationships between the inter- and intra-component links.
The methodological components of the model, as its name indicates, refer to those that guarantee its operation. The operation of the model is conceived from the basic elements of organizational culture and its relationship with organizational performance.
From these elements -which are stated later-, some phases are determined with their contextualized actions in the sports technical group for the development of the organizational culture and its favorable performance, which are conceived according to the objectives of sports preparation for the artistic and rhythmic gymnastics group.
The actions are conceived from the organizational goals and strategic objectives when considering the problems that affect them for their fulfillment. Those applicable to the sports preparation stage were taken and conveniently adjusted according to the demands of said group. As such, they were stripped of their specific operational structure and conveniently appropriated for transfer to new situations. So that they can function as guiding elements for the development of a favorable organizational culture in the sports community, such as high-performance sports initiation schools (Figure 4).
Fig. 4. - Theoretical-methodological model of the organizational culture, for the adequate performance in sports initiation schools in Santiago de Cuba
The analysis of the established indicators was carried out to assess the methodological theoretical model of organizational culture, for the coherent development of performance in the organization of physical culture, in a discussion group, obtaining according to the box diagram that, the level of utility the minimum value is 4 and the maximum is 5, evaluating between useful and quite useful. The mean was 4.43 and the median with a value of 4.57. Regarding the level of relevance, its values are between, very relevant and very relevant, the mean is 4.58 and the median has the value of 5.
The discussion group carried out its analysis regarding the feasibility, where the registration of their contributions was made, determining the mean was 4.25 and the median was 4, so that the evaluation in this indicator was considered quite feasible. The minimum value of 4 and the maximum value of 5. Regarding the level of correspondence between the denominations given the two subsystems and their components, also the mean and median values were between 4.42 and 4 respectively, the minimum value 4 and the maximum 5. And in the level of adequacy of the structure - functional of the model the average of 4.83 being quite adequate and the median was 5 very adequate. The minimum value 4 and the maximum 5.
On the one hand, in the discussion group, according to the analysis carried out, the generation of conclusions that allowed assessing the scope of the proposal can be summarized, which concluded that the phases of the methodological aspect express a degree of sufficiency and the possibilities that the actions offer for their implementation.
On the other hand, the discussion group declared the need for a greater circulation of the proposal due to the diversity of the existing sports groups in the sports initiation schools for which it is designed. The possibility of enriching it taking into account the resources and material and human conditions of the territories and considering the immediate preparation of the directors of the organization.
In addition, the following considerations were recorded: an evolution in the direction of the organizational culture in the sports organization is pertinent, specifically in the sports initiation schools, which is in accordance with the reality of the sports context, so that it allows inserting the performance of the organization in a coherent way where it acquires a superior quality and the individual is the center for the development of the organization. Given the characteristics of the context and taking into account the possibility of implementing the model, in practice a greater involvement of managers, coaches and all the staff of the institution is required.
Regarding the level of utility, the members of the discussion group consider the proposal very adequate; however, the following evaluative criteria were recorded: diagnosis, development and transformation in the organizational culture in the area of sports from sports initiation schools is a necessity, which corresponds to the characteristics of organizational behavior.
In this sense, the methodological theoretical model of organizational culture meets the essential requirements for the coherent development of performance in the organization of the Inder organization, specifically in the educational community subject to research in Santiago de Cuba, and even be generalized to other territories provided that a diagnosis is required that recognizes the particularities according to the place.
They also considered that the system of relationships provided by the model enables organizational culture and its consistent relationship with performance in the organization that must be developed from a transformational culture , with the definition as a theoretical core, where reality must be constructed from in a collaborative way Sánchez (2020), that is, establishing the link between the organization and collective and interactive action.
The following hypotheses were designed to corroborate the evaluation of the discussion group:
A significance level is established, Significance level (alpha) =5%=0.05 margin of error. The W Kendall test statistic was selected. P value<0.05.
Kendall `s W a is equal to .604 and p-value sig.(bilateral)= 000, which shows the existence of sufficient empirical evidence to affirm that the conclusions generated in the discussion group were enriching and allowed recognizing the scope of the purposes set for the research.
In studies about organizational culture, the authors of this research recognize the Implication variable with a high incidence in sports organizations. These results are similar to those found by Nuviala, et.al. (2020) and Escamilla, et.al. (2016).
Also, in a similar way, the organizational culture variables are related to performance, which coincides with Alabart (2016), although this author performs the analysis from a company and not with the particularities of an organization with sports interests. According to the results obtained, it is coincides with García (2017) when declaring the dimensions that Denison distinguishes (mission, adaptability, participation and consistency), from this he designed a model that allows contributing not only in the methodological aspect for the diagnosis of the culture but, in the self-knowledge of the organization, aspects considered in the analyzed proposal. Likewise, there is agreement with Cadena, (2017), when referring to organizational theory and management skills, from an analysis of teamwork awareness, which is related to organizational involvement, the consistency that is manifested in the stability and adaptability in the organization.
From these authors, it is generally assumed, the link of the organization and collective action, the stimulation of the development of the subjects with the use of help levels; the organization, as a premise of all collective enterprise; As an institution, the organization explains human interaction and performance in its social, political or economic dimensions, in addition to recognizing that organizational culture is governed by values, norms, conventions and traditions, which change over time, but condition the performance of individuals, that is, it guides the social practices of people and each organization has a specific way of expressing culture, creating it and developing it, based on the uniqueness of its reality.
Likewise, the existence of inconsistencies in the interpretation of organizational culture and its impact on organizational performance in sports initiation schools is recognized.
Among the contributions of practical significance, the methodological procedure of the model is pointed out, conceived from the interrelation between organizational Involvement and consistency based on the development of the organizational culture that allows the achievement of performance in the organization in the sports initiation school. These methodological components are considered as guiding elements for the design of both individual and group work actions. The group workshops designed for coaches and managers with the purpose of preparing them for said implementation also constitute a practical contribution.
From the scientific point of view, the adaptation of the most current experiences in organizational culture to the conditions of local sports organizations with the specificities of the environment of high-performance sports initiation schools, in which they carry out their work and in the conditions of a current model of organizational development.
Based on the value of the interpretation and argues of the discussion group, it was possible to determine the theoretical- methodological improvements from the epistemological and practical view, what allows affirming the need of setting and application of the declared objective in the carried-out research.
The relevance of the methodological theoretical model is determined from its theoretical foundations. The essential relationships express their social relevance and the feasibility of their application. Therefore, it allows to respond to the current needs of an organizational culture in the sports context, in its specificity as a sports initiation school. So, for the performance of the organization from the transformational point of view, it is confirmed that it meets the requirements to be able to be evaluated in its implementation and in its results.
Due to the scientific rigor with which the modeling was obtained, the application of the instrument for data collection meets the reliability requirements using statistical techniques. Therefore, the establishment of the theoretical-methodological model of the organizational culture, for the adequate performance in sports initiation schools in Santiago de Cuba, becomes a reference for future research in other institutions with similar characteristics.
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Conflict of interests:
The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.
Authors contribution:
The authors have participated in the writing of the work and analysis of the documents.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2022
Elia Eminda Castillo Carbonell, Lida de la Caridad. Sánchez Ramirez, Borys Bismark León-Reyes, Pura de la Caridad Rey Rivas