Revista PODIUM, January-April 2020; 15(1): 127-141
The process of initial sport formation in volleyball: a glance of renovation for its learning
El proceso de iniciación deportiva escolar en voleibol: una mirada de renovación para su aprendizaje
O processo de iniciação desportiva escolar no voleibol: um olhar de renovação para a sua aprendizagem
Jorge Félix Arronte Mesa*
Belkis Ferro
1Dirección Provincial de Deportes. Pinar del Río, Cuba.
2Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Pinar del Río, Cuba.
*Correspondence author:
Received: January 8th, 2020.
Approved: January 21th, 2020.
The process of school sports initiation in volleyball is a current issue in the field of scientific-educational research, which analyzed in relation to the context and the time in which it takes place, needs to enrich its contents from new pedagogical perspectives. The objective of this work is to characterize the process of school sports initiation of volleyball in the "Ormani Arenado LLonch" EIDE in Pinar del Río. To achieve this goal, methods of the theoretical level (historical-logical, inductive-deductive, modeling, analytical-synthetic) and of the empirical level (documentary review, observation, surveys, interviews) were used to delimit the essences of the object and to scientifically organize the obtaining of the research results. Among the results, there is the systematization carried out that allowed to determine tendencies in the development of the object, to define it and to establish three dimensions for its study (cognitive-procedural, management of the methodological work and axiological) with its respective definitions, to specify strengths and weaknesses that characterize it in the sport institution of reference, as well as the integration of results of the diagnosis in the establishment of its regularities. It is stated that the dimensions of the analyzed variable, in its current state, present affected aspects, understood as challenges that deserve to be treated by the High Performance Methodological Department.
Keywords: school sports initiation; volleyball; sports training.
El proceso de iniciación deportiva escolar en el voleibol constituye un tema de actualidad en el ámbito de la investigación científico-educativa, que analizado en relación con el contexto y la época en que se desenvuelve, necesita enriquecer sus contenidos desde nuevas perspectivas pedagógicas. El objetivo de este trabajo persigue caracterizar el proceso de iniciación deportiva escolar del voleibol en la Eide "Ormani Arenado LLonch", de Pinar del Río. Para lograr este fin, se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico (histórico lógico, inductivo-deductivo, modelación, analítico-sintético) y del nivel empírico (revisión documental, observación, encuestas, entrevistas), para delimitar las esencias del objeto y organizar científicamente la obtención de los resultados investigativos. Dentro de los resultados, figura la sistematización realizada que posibilitó determinar tendencias en el desarrollo del objeto, definirlo y establecer tres dimensiones para su estudio (cognitiva-procedimental, gestión del trabajo metodológico y axiológica) con sus respectivas definiciones, precisar fortalezas y debilidades que lo caracterizan en la institución deportiva de referencia, así como la integración de resultados del diagnóstico en el establecimiento de sus regularidades. Se afirma que las dimensiones de la variable analizada, en su estado actual, presentan aspectos afectados, entendidos como retos que merecen ser tratados por el Departamento metodológico de Alto Rendimiento.
Palabras clave: iniciación deportiva escolar; voleibol; formación deportiva.
O processo de iniciação desportiva escolar no voleibol é uma questão actual no campo da investigação científico-educativa, que analisada em relação ao contexto e ao tempo em que se realiza, necessita de enriquecer os seus conteúdos a partir de novas perspectivas pedagógicas. O objectivo deste trabalho é caracterizar o processo de iniciação desportiva escolar do voleibol na EIDE "Ormani Arenado LLonch" em Pinar del Río. Para atingir este objectivo, foram utilizados métodos de nível teórico (histórico-lógico, indutivo-dedutivo, modelação, analítico-sintético) e de nível empírico (revisão documental, observação, inquéritos, entrevistas) para delimitar as essências do objecto e para organizar cientificamente a obtenção dos resultados da investigação. Dentre os resultados, destaca-se a sistematização realizada que permitiu determinar tendências no desenvolvimento do objeto, defini-lo e estabelecer três dimensões para seu estudo (cognitivo-processal, gestão do trabalho metodológico e axiológico) com suas respectivas definições, especificar os pontos fortes e fracos que o caracterizam na instituição desportiva de referência, bem como a integração dos resultados do diagnóstico no estabelecimento de suas regularidades. Afirma-se que as dimensões da variável analisada, no seu estado atual apresentam aspectos afetados, entendidos como desafios que merecem ser tratados pelo Departamento de Metodologia de Alta Performance.
Palavras-chave: iniciação desportiva escolar; Voleibol; formação desportiva.
The process of school sports initiation of Indoor volleyball (PIDEVs) is a current topic in the field of scientific research, studied from different perspectives in relation to the context and the time in which it develops, which shows the transcendent character of its objectives towards the integral formation of the athlete that contemporary society demands.
The demand for comprehensive training finds a legal framework for its development in the field of sports since Title III of the Constitución de la República de Cuba, which stipulates the guidance, encouragement and promotion of Physical Culture, Recreation and Sports. Similarly, Guideline 135 of the economic and social policy emanating from the Seventh Congress of the PCC and its First Conference states that the quality of sports training must be improved through a commitment to the sustainability of competitive results.
For various researchers such as Blázquez, (1995); Hernández et al., (1995); Gómez, et al., (2014), the analysis of this object is important because it is considered the basis for the formation of the sports personality, the basis of the methodological work for this purpose, and because it identifies a scientific problem in the sciences of Physical Culture and Sport.
In the case of sporting activity, this concept has not always been clearly defined. There has been a transition from a behavioral concept to a vision of sports initiation, where more and more cognitive components are incorporated. And although there are as many concepts as there are theories to explain it, it could be said that it is associated with the teaching of the essential basis that guarantees a sports result and implies a learning process limited by the beginning of the practice in the selected sport and the participation in the first competitions, in which performance tasks must be fulfilled.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, research results on sports initiation have been found, which highlight the impact of movement education on thought at an early age and delimit modifications of the intellectual attributes conferred on the individual by the practice of physical exercise, constituting psychological science, the forerunner in contributions in this respect.
It is also defined in the sense of motor operation and it is recognized as a process related to the knowledge of the functional structure and necessary skills in a sport specialty, in which a subject has experiences of cognitive and motor character Sánchez, (2001); Hernández, (1988); Blázquez, (1995).
During the 21st century, its units of analysis have been extended to other socio-educational dimensions: sports performance; characteristics acquired in childhood and adolescence; development of cognitive-motor skills in the teaching-learning process, according to the age at which sport begins; and ethical education as a principle and premise of sports training (Amenabar and Arruza, 2002; Díaz, 2012).
Its projections in the research field are manifested in the didactics of the process, taking into account the lines along which the models of sports initiation in volleyball have evolved, the different ages at which they should be initiated and the classification of the contents. In the same way, differences are established between school-age sport, which is related to all sports physical activity with educational purposes, and school sport understood as the initiation to performance (Romero, 2000).
In this line of thought, the relationships that energize the process of school sports initiation are weighted, giving it a didactic focus, according to the purpose that is sought in the competitive period, in order to impact the integral formation of the athlete through methodological work (Sánchez, 2001; Mitchell, Oslin and Griffin, 2003).
Volleyball is distinguished, since its emergence, as a sporting spectacle for its beauty, as a fast and combined game, given by the manifestation of technical-tactical actions that weigh the leading role of preparation in training (Navelo, 2004). In response to this, sports initiation in volleyball, responds to its trends and characteristics worldwide.
In correspondence, Romero, (2006); Amenabar and Arruza, (2002), incorporate new attributes to the learning of Volleyball, since it is carried out not only, from conceptual and procedural contents, but also attitudinal, recognized in that order as a process facing socialization, where the student/player is proposed an approach to the sport practice and the formation of a strategic thought that allows him to offer answers to the demands of contemporary volleyball.
The inquires on PIDEVs start from the characteristics of the cooperation-opposition game in a stable environment, which is developed in separate spaces, with alternative participation of the teams and a high degree of perceptive motor involvement, which demands training with forms of intensive and effective exercises, going deeper scientifically into methodological approaches to the game and training process (Fiedler, et al., 1979).
Taking into account the above-mentioned research results, the studies about the process of school sports initiation of volleyball have a marked level of temporal and spatial evolution, as they go from the analysis of its functional structure to the increasingly methodological and axiological orientation of the process, based on the refinement of technical-tactical elements to obtain greater precision, safety and effectiveness of psychological and athletic volleyball performance (Fiedler, et al., 1979).
For this reason, the technological demands of the National Institute of Sport and Recreation (Inder in Spanish), at present, call the improvement of sensitive indicators in the development and quality of sport, among which the relationship between the mastery of the contents and components of the process of technical-tactical preparation and the guiding function of the system of methodological organization in the school indoor volleyball initiation (Navelo, 2004).
However, despite the importance given to this sporting phenomenon as a support for the competitive aspirations of volleyball, from practical-professional experiences, phenomenological manifestations of a scientific problem have been identified in its development, such as:
Considering the above, it is recognized that the school sports initiation process of indoor volleyball at the "Ormani Arenado LLonch" Sport Initiation School (EIDE in Spanih), in Pinar del Río, has shortcomings that are manifested in the lack of systematization, in the selection actions of the athletes and inadequate integration of its components in relation to the characteristics of the context and the demands of contemporary volleyball, which affects limitations in the pedagogical directionality of the sports preparation.
In this situation, a contradiction can be observed between the current state of the object that shows limitations in the execution of the process for the admission of athletes to Eide and the need to achieve a greater articulation between the didactic treatment, the methodological purpose and the guiding function of the technical-tactical preparation of the volleyball athlete, in order to overcome these limitations associated to its pedagogical directionality.
The objective of this scientific article is to characterize the process of school sports initiation in volleyball at “Ormani Arenado LLonch" EIDE, in Pinar del Río.
The theoretical-historical-logical, modeling, inductive-deductive and analytical-synthetic methods were used to obtain the systematization of historical and theoretical-methodological trends of the PIDEVs in the international and national context, the definition of the object, its operationalization as a variable and the determination of its regularities in the study context.
In the same way, the methods of the empirical level are used, such as the bibliographic review, consultation to specialists, interviews to athletes, coaches and directors, with the objective of determining strengths and weaknesses of the object and characterize it, based on which it will be possible to transform it into the "Ormani Arenado Llonch" EIDE, in Pinar del Río.
Finally, descriptive statistics are used to process the data obtained from the application of the diagnostic instruments.
The instruments are applied to a population of 12 indoor volleyball athletes, nine coaches, which conform the total of this and a sample of 8 managers and methodologists.
The population analyzed is characterized as follows: volleyball athletes: 12; coaches: 100 % are graduates in Physical Culture and Sports, of the total, (5) have more than 10 years of experience in high performance, which represents 55.5 % of the same; managers and methodologists: of the total of these, a sample of eight is used, which indicates 61.5 %. Of this sample, (4) 50 % are Masters of Science; (2) 25 % are EPGs and (2) 25 % are graduates. 100 % have more than 10 years’ experience in high performance.
The selection of the sample was done by simple random sampling and the selection criteria are specified on the basis that the athletes in this sport are actors in the process and receive the impact of the training. The coaches have permanence and sustainability in it and the managers and methodologists have knowledge related to the sport methodological work and direct it from the Methodological Department of High Performance Sport and the Volleyball chair.
The main results are as follows:
The historical and theoretical-methodological trends of the analysis on the process of school sports initiation of Indoor Volleyball in the international and national context are systematized:
The systematization carried out reveals coincidences with the initial exploratory study regarding the need to overcome and update on the subject, differences in the technical, methodological, scientific and cultural development of sports institutions, coexistence of various models of sports initiation, in addition to not finding evidence of its approach from the management of the methodological work.
The historical, theoretical-methodological and conceptual study carried out, allows the definition of the process of school sports initiation of indoor volleyball as a set of stages in the formation of the volleyball player's sports personality, scientifically coordinated, planned and evaluated, which takes place in a systemic and systematic way, from the integration of procedural and axiological cognitive action to the development of perceptive-motor skills, game stimulation and socialization, from the management of the methodological work of the chair, according to the integral preparation of the athlete.
This definition allows it to be operationalized for the application of empirical methods, based on three essential dimensions:
Documentary analysis, in order to ascertain whether the problems affecting the object are actually present in the guiding documents that guide the PIDEVs, confirms that the issue is addressed spontaneously and in isolation; it is not reflected in the participants' individual development plan; it is not highlighted in evaluations of coaches or in recommendations to them, nor do records appear in the minutes of meetings of the Chair. As a consequence, the planning and the training itself is unintentional towards the efficient development of the object of investigation.
For 100 % of the coaches, directors and methodologists (17), the level of satisfaction of the needs and motives of the Indoor volleyball athletes during the sports initiation at the "Ormani Arenado LLonch" EIDE, in Pinar del Río, is a determining factor for the fulfillment of the objectives of the sports system in Cuba and in the province, however, for 70.5 % of them (12) the highest levels are not achieved. It is evident the recognition of the existence of an action plan whose fulfillment does not always have the necessary effectiveness, among which are errors in the fulfillment of regulations and indications established for that purpose.
Among the systematized procedures to raise the quality of the sports reserve, stimulation to play and socialization most frequently used in the framework of the PIDEVs, the 90, 100 % (17) percentile tests, inter-center competitive events 70,7 % (12), technical-tactical evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of the API athletes, 52,9 % (9) and skills and abilities festivals 76, 4 % (15) stand out. Also, some point out training actions, among them, dissemination of main results in the history of sport 64,7 % (5); interaction with sports glories and knowledge of their life stories 41,1 % (7); others mention, in addition, deepening in the history of sport and the role they play in that history 11,7 % (2).
As can be seen, the most highly rated indicators are those directly related to capacity building for sport. In this order of ideas, the criteria coincide in the persistence of difficulties for the integration of the didactic components of the process, so that 100 % recognize difficulties in the formulation and gradual derivation of the objectives of the training system. Consequently, the objectives, in the opinion of 76.4 % (13) of those surveyed, do not always respond to the aims and objectives of the National School Games of High Performance.
The contents of the PIDEVs are not precisely recognized, while the 90th percentile, enrolment validation and 100 % pedagogical delivery (17) are highlighted with greater emphasis, without including others that form them. As for the methods, 100 % indicates observation, surveys, interviews. Only six (35,2 %) of the methods are the dialogical method; the explanatory one (11,7 %); sports training methods one (5,8 %). The data collected in this sense indicate weaknesses in the preparation of the PIDEV participants to manage it adequately.
As a teaching-learning tool, they recognize, in 100 % of the cases, the methodological folder. They also consider as teaching means for this object: pedagogical test two (11.7 %); skills test two (11.7 %); teaching materials nine (52.2 %); training with opponents one (5.8 %) and game one (5.8 %).
Another interesting aspect was the predominant recognition of the values Discipline and Responsibility as essential, 100 %, without mentioning others in which the values that give identity to Indoor volleyball are contextualized.
When asking about other proposals, as to what they would like to do about the methodological work in the sports preparation process, from the PIDEVs, they propose:
With regard to the meanings acquired by objects and phenomena in Indoor volleyball, which are transcendent to the athlete's social performance, 100 % agree in considering as the core of the process the project of political-ideological formation of the sports team with an anti-subversive approach.
In figure 1, it is shown that dimensions one and two (procedural cognitive and management of methodological work) have a higher percentage of indicators with unfavourable opinion, unlike dimension three (axiological) where moderately unfavourable indicators predominate, which justifies the relevance of the analysis, confirms the real existence of the identified scientific problem and coincides with the aspects that in the theoretical order reflect the need for scientific depth.
Fig. 1 -Status of dimensions
General results of the opinions on the process of sports initiation by dimensions (Figure 1).
The triangulation of the applied methods provided elements on the development, evolution and updating of the PIDEVs and the results obtained with its application to determine the following regularities of the object of research:
The school sports initiation process in volleyball: an overview of renewal in the international context
During the 20th century, theories with a pedagogical vision centralized forms of teaching in qualities of motor action, universalizing rules and parameters of normality or not. Hernández et al. (1995), analyze characteristics of sports initiation in its process and product dimensions, with perspectives centered on factors intervening in the development of the process.
In this sense, in the search for meeting points between the different contributions made by the researchers, the analysis of the concept is proposed in terms of continuum, from the binomials: process/product, (which of these two aspects of teaching and learning has more weight); specificity/inspecificity, (if only one or several sports modalities are dealt with at the same time) and based on the sports context or environment: recreational-health / educational-formative / competitive-high performance.
Since the 1980s, the bibliography on sports education has been exclusively on a methodological level, aimed at technical-tactical improvement. Subsequently, the intelligence of the game requires methodologically organized learning processes.
In the same way, within the framework of theories on school sports initiation, the technical-tactical preparation of the young volleyball player is analyzed as an unavoidable pedagogical process for the achievement of the objectives. Thus Navelo, (2004), states that its advantage lies in the delivery of individual and collective tools that are durable, in a time of rapid increase in competitive levels in the context of the constant struggle of opponents between the current skills and those that arise as a result of the training process and the game itself, creating conditions for a more spectacular, creative and intelligent volleyball.
According to Conde, Vera, Castillo, Giménez (2010), three essential factors must be taken into account when establishing the basis of the process of school sports initiation: the subject, sport and context, within the framework of sports training, which has been defined as that phase in which technical, conditional and cognitive foundations are established, together with a favourable attitude towards the sportsperson's training and competition based on respect and adaptation to the stages that delimit the course of sports life.
Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, school sports initiation is considered as a general process based on the acquisition of basic cognitive-motor patterns, within the framework of an institution where the formation of values and the relationship with the environment are factors to be considered (Romero Granados, 2000).
In general, in Ponce's opinion (2007), the existence of two basic models for sports initiation that are suitable for the purpose of this study is accepted in the sports scientific community: the traditional analytical, passive, directive or mechanistic model, centered on technique, which uses anatomy and biomechanics as a theoretical reference, and the alternative model centered on tactics and promoted by researchers in sports pedagogy, who conceive sports practice not as the sum of techniques, but as a system of relationships established between technical and gestural elements, allowing them to determine their structure.
More current research results reveal that strategic thinking, from the action of the player, will not make more sense than when it is related to the game and becomes a means to solve a tactical problem that, at this stage, should evaluate the degree of motor activity or psychomotor skills of children, whose genetic potential is consistent with physical development, determining the ability to overcome sports and detecting their personal skills for the practice of volleyball.
The methodologies that are applied in the initiation of sports have the purpose of achieving a development of the basic technical-tactical abilities; therefore, the abilities play a fundamental role in the initiation of any sports activity, especially in volleyball, since its essence lies in that they constitute the introductory phase of any action that one tries to dominate.
For Valero, (2005), the new methodological approaches are more appropriate to the playing environment of young athletes, who must be guided not only in how to execute motor skill, but also in how to process information and solve problems in a dynamic context of game activities.
In addition, from the methodology of sports training, associated with school sports initiation in volleyball, the importance of attending to the physiological or psychological limits of the athletes is raised in order not to generate alterations in the future sports and personal, while the main objective of initiation is to contribute to the best overall development of young athletes and ensure that, depending on their talent and ability to work, reach the best sports performance at the right time, without precipitating the events.
The theoretical-conceptual analysis, supported by research by Blázquez, (1995); Hernández et al., (1995); Mitchell, Oslin and Griffin, (2003); Sánchez, (2001); Romero & Becali, (2014), allows the determination of premises for the development of the PIDEVs: it must respond to the needs, interests and possibilities of the athletes when its object is the development of capacities; the contents must be presented in an attractive and motivating way because the game is a characteristic of the age. Cognitive activity, based on the education of moral and volitional qualities, determines effective decision-making in play situations. The cognitive, methodological and axiological interaction constitutes the basis on which the formation of the volleyball player's sporting personality is based; based on this, the need to acquire a great number of experiences is recognized.
Integrating characteristics of the school volleyball sport initiation process
Hernández, et al., (1995); Romero (2000); Tabernero et al., (2001), point out areas of encounter in the acquisition of the basic cognitive-motor patterns that support the subsequent learning for the decision making in game situations, the development of specific motor skills of the referred sport, where the formation of values, the relation with the family and contextual environment and the coordination of actions of direction of the internal processes of the sport initiation constitute factors to consider.
Thus, it is characterized as a necessary process for the formation of new sports talents, for the implementation of strategies designed in the stages corresponding to the different levels of sports specialization and for constituting the selection a process prior to the preparation of each of these stages.
In the specialized literature, the PIDEVs is located in the framework of general characteristics related to other sports that find their closer antecedents in the countries of Eastern Europe, whose successes demonstrated the use of predictive procedures to develop it as a phase of the selection of talents and in function of achieving a greater performance of the athletes.
Developing didactic strategies that make players think, that develop their strategic thinking, giving them the opportunity to be the real protagonists of the social-motor situation they are part of, constitutes a common denominator in the alternatives that try to perfect this process, from any edge. In this sense, and if it is taken into account that playing volleyball is acting, above all thinking, interpreting, coding, decoding, reflecting and deciding, acting intelligently, solving problems that the game continuously emits, then, its importance in the research field will be understood.
The characteristics of the school sports initiation process of volleyball have also been defined within the framework of certain normative values that guide the technical-tactical behaviors in response to the problems that the situations, in themselves, of game, contain at the level of those who begin in this process.
In spite of this, the Thorpe and Bunker model introduces certain methodological actions in the sport practice, so that the athlete learns how to do it, involving the decision making before employing a work of technical domain. This model is perfected from other proposals that arrive to the application of the sport education, introducing the two aspects, technique and tactics.
For Valero, (2005), the new methodological approaches are more appropriate to the play environment of young people, who must be guided not only in how to execute motor skills, but also in how to process information and solve problems in a dynamic context of play activities.
Fuentes, (2001), prefers to give a series of methodological orientations for learning in the school sports initiation phase and considers necessary the professionalization of those who execute the PIDEVs, which constitutes an aspect of high significance in and for the analysis that is carried out, from which some of the limitations of the professionals involved in the execution of the process are explained and that transcend the insufficiencies in the selection of the athletes of immediate perspectives.
It coincides with the criteria of researchers who appreciate, in this proposal, a fundamental change of orientation in the teaching-learning process of volleyball, since it opens the possibility of addressing it, taking into account the common characteristics of specialties that belong to the same category: rules, tactical principles, techniques, spaces, form of relationship in them, time, etc.
The analysis carried out allows to establish some characteristics of the process of school sports initiation of volleyball, which constitute bases of the meaning, have in a performance prediction, from the evaluation of the capacities, the abilities and the associated psychosocial and pedagogic characteristics, integrating the formative sport:
In a general way, the analysis about the process of sport initiation is outlined towards the conceptualization, determination of its qualities, principles and premises, the inclusion of formative elements and the necessary link to the family context and the community in which it develops, making possible the development of diverse capacities that satisfy personal and social needs and motivations in the athlete.
As a conclusion, the theoretical and practical characterization of the PIDEVs in the "Ormani Arenado Llonch" EIDE, in Pinar del Río, reflects the meeting points between the weaknesses identified in the sensoperceptual study, the theoretical systematization carried out and the diagnosis in the context of analysis, confirming the need for its transformation.
The results of the diagnosis show the existence of an essential relationship that must be taken into consideration for the transformation of the object, between the integrated, systemic and systematic character of the process, the management of the methodological work and the integral formation of the athlete, which is currently injured.
It can be stated that the dimensions of the variable analyzed, in its current state, present affected aspects, understood as challenges that deserve to be treated by the Methodological Department of High Performance.
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Conflict of interests:
The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.
Authors' contribution:
The authors have participated in the writing of the work and analysis of the documents.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.
Copyright (c) 2020 Jorge Félix Arronte Mesa, Belkis Ferro