PODIUM. Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, January-April 2022, 17(1): 57-74


Translated from the original in spanish


Original article


Methodological alternative to improve tactical thinking to Tashi Waza in judo athletes of Pinar del Río


Alternativa metodológica para mejorar el pensamiento táctico al Tashi Waza en los atletas de judo de Pinar del Río


Alternativa metodológica para a melhoria do pensamento tático no Tashi Waza em atletas de judô de Pinar del Río


Osviel Hernández Sotolongo1* https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3954-4107

Esteban Eddy Méndez Lazo1 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3775-1425

Ramón Martínez Vidal1 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4217-2014

Marcia Caridad Lanza Hernández1 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5280-4033


1University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca". Faculty of Physical Culture "Nancy Uranga Romagoza". Pinar del Río, Cuba.


*Corresponding author: estebanemendez@upr.ed.cu




The contemporary stage of sport development has certain characteristics that exert a great influence on the organization of the preparation and training of athletes, determining for the coach new tasks and more complex demands. The present work had as objective to design a methodological alternative for the improvement of tactical thinking to Tashi Waza in judo athletes, category 15-16 years old, of the Initial Sport School (Eide in Spanish) of Pinar del Rio. To get into the subject, the most important characteristics of judo strategy and tactics were outlined, as well as the essential principles that support them. In addition, the convenience of using auxiliary forms in the technical-tactical preparation and training of the judo athletes was pointed out. The study continued with a light analysis applied to judo as a relevant variable in the development of tactical thinking. Emphasis was placed on the different types of tactics in judo combat, as well as on the psychomotor processes in each of the phases of combat, all this taking into account the particularities of athletes at these ages. The empirical scientific methods used were observation and interview, and the theoretical ones were historical-logical and synthesis analysis, which offered greater rigor to the research. The idea of investigating the tactical thinking in judo arose a few years ago, in response to the question of teaching athletes to solve by themselves the innumerable problems that arise in combat.

Keywords: Strategy; Tactics; Tactical thinking; Technical-tactical preparation.


La etapa contemporánea de desarrollo del deporte posee ciertas características que ejercen una gran influencia en la organización de la preparación y del entrenamiento de los deportistas, determinando para el entrenador nuevas tareas y exigencias más complejas. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo diseñar una alternativa metodológica para el mejoramiento del pensamiento táctico al Tashi Waza en los atletas de judo, categoría 15-16 años, de la Eide de Pinar del Río. Para entrar en materia, se esbozaron las características más importantes de la estrategia y la táctica del judo, así como los principios esenciales que las sustentan. Además, se puntualizó la conveniencia de utilizar formas auxiliares en la preparación técnica-táctica y formación del judoka. El estudio continúo con un ligero análisis aplicado al judo como una variable relevante en el desarrollo del pensamiento táctico. Se hizo hincapié en los diferentes tipos de táctica en el combate de judo, así como en los procesos psicomotores en cada una de las fases del combate, todo esto teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de los atletas en estas edades. Los métodos científicos de carácter empírico utilizados fueron la observación y la entrevista, teóricos como el histórico lógico y el análisis síntesis, los cuales le ofrecieron mayor rigor a la investigación. La idea de indagar sobre el pensamiento táctico del judo surgió desde hace unos años, ante la interrogante de enseñar a los atletas a darle solución por sí mismos, a los innumerables problemas que se les presentan en el combate.

Palabras clave: Estrategia; Táctica; Pensamiento táctico; Preparación técnico táctica.


A fase contemporânea do desenvolvimento do esporte tem certas características que influenciam muito a organização da preparação e treinamento dos atletas, determinando novas tarefas e exigências mais complexas para o treinador. O objetivo do presente trabalho era projetar uma alternativa metodológica para a melhoria do pensamento tático no Tashi Waza em atletas de judô, categoria 15-16 anos, do Eide de Pinar del Río. Foram apresentadas as características mais importantes da estratégia e das táticas de judô, bem como os princípios essenciais que as sustentam. Além disso, foi apontada a conveniência de utilizar formulários auxiliares na preparação e no treinamento técnico-táctico do judô. O estudo continuou com uma análise leve aplicada ao judô como uma variável relevante no desenvolvimento do pensamento tático. Foi dada ênfase aos diferentes tipos de táticas no combate ao judô, bem como aos processos psicomotores em cada uma das fases do combate, tudo isso levando em conta as particularidades dos atletas desta época. Os métodos científicos empíricos utilizados foram a observação e entrevista, e métodos teóricos como a análise e síntese histórico-lógica, que ofereceram mais rigor à pesquisa. A idéia de investigar o pensamento tático no judô surgiu há alguns anos, em resposta à questão de ensinar os atletas a encontrar suas próprias soluções para os inúmeros problemas que surgem no combate. 

Palavras-chave: Estratégia; Tática; Pensamento tático; Preparação técnico-táctica.


The contemporary stage of sport development has certain characteristics that exert a great influence on the organization of the preparation and training of athletes, determining for the coach new tasks and more complex requirements, which stimulate the search for ways, often different from the traditional ones regarding the organization of the training process, Verkhoshansky, Y. (2001). The knowledge of the structural forms of the technique and tactics of judo, a sport that for its good mastery and specialization requires these fundamental parts of which the programs of the coach-athlete binomial consist. The modern technique is accessible to the sport because it has sufficient preparation. That is why the importance of increasing the development of the technical-tactical arsenal in the teaching-learning and study-training process, combined with the possibility of functional, physical and work capacity development, will lead to better and greater sports results. This work is fundamentally dedicated to judo coaches and practitioners and aims to provide a content that will serve coaches and specialists as a guide and methodological orientation to enhance the development of the judo training process, as well as the possibility to increase and develop tactical thinking in the different age categories.

Judo is classified as a combat sport, which has an acyclic character due to the variety of actions that occur in a combat. According to its predominant energetic component, it is classified as an aerobic power sport. Its main objective is to project the opponent in such a way that he/she rests his/her entire back on the tatami (the area where judo is competed) or to control the opponent in such a way that he/she maintains contact with the tatami for a period of 20 seconds. In order to televise more and more judo competitions, judo has undergone great changes in recent years, with the aim of making it a more spectacular sport and in which the projections have a greater predominance than in the past. That is why it is necessary that the levels of tactical preparation, which athletes require due to all these changes, should be increased since the fights are decided in fractions of a second and it is in that instant where a whole stage of preparation is decided, so it is required that teachers, in the time devoted to tactical preparation, use comprehensive exercises in which tactical thinking is activated in their athletes.

There have been several authors who have delved into the studies about tactics and its preparation in sports, such as (Negreira, 2002; Valdivia-Quintero et al. 2020) which adjust their ideas in that the tactic is expressed through productive thinking that allows conducting the sporting struggle; they recognize it as a theory of conducting the sporting encounter, as a recognized and accurate form of sporting competition with the opponent, governed by competitive rules and based on the collaborative capabilities of the various athletes who adapt to the conditions, whose goal is to achieve the highest possible result.

The search for solutions to achieve the improvement of the technical-tactical preparation within the sports training process has been increasing, because it has become the fundamental axis of sports preparation, in cooperation-opposition sports due to the growing search for sports mastery, which is manifested in giving priority to content designs with a technicaltactical approach throughout the preparation Copello, (2013); Calero, S. (2015a); Guillén, (2015), González, Solís, (2018).

According to López, (2014b) in one-on-one sports, in which the basic conventionality assumes among its functions the modification of the motor sequence that is established under the interactive concept of the actions of attacks and defenses, a reciprocal interpersonal relationship intervenes where the contestants mutually interfere in the construction of the sequence of the movement.

Tactics, according to the Russian coach Dragomir Kirkov (1975), is the rational adoption of individual or collective actions during the fight against the opponent, in order to achieve the maximum result. Forteza, (1988) defines it as the way to give solutions to game situations, through decision making against opponents, involving the development of the corresponding skills.

While Morales, (2011), defines it as the process that provides the mastery of conceptual content (knowledge, laws, principles, regulations, etc.), procedural (skills, habits, abilities, strategies) and attitudinal (values, norms, attitudes, etc.) related to the behavior of the athlete in competitions, that is, in conditions of opposition, which allows not only the solution of the various competitive situations that arise in this scenario, but also the decision making that determines the effectiveness of the solution of these problems.

Therefore, the tactical preparation should be individualized, it should take into account the physical capabilities of the athlete, his personal characteristics, the inclination to one or another tactical decisions and the level of development of individual psychological qualities of athletes. Individualization of tactical preparation presupposes the need to take into account the inclination of athletes to one or another strategy of behavior in the tactical struggle.

Tactical actions are fundamentally guided by knowledge and a large part of the tactical response is previously in the mind of the player (López, 2010; Castro-Sánchez, et al., 2019). This, as one of the main directions of sports training, fulfills essential functions in the formation of habits and skills specific to the sport Calero, S. (2015b).

Consequently, it is necessary to intuit the movements of the opponent, relying especially on the information obtained by the proprioceptive mechanisms, thanks to the contact with the opponent. Other determining factors are selective attention, anticipation of the opponent's action, as well as the ability to adapt to a high level of uncertainty, which characterizes it as a typical sport of external regulation. In this sense, it should be noted the importance of action-reaction, i.e., that a movement can be followed by another that favors a favorable situation for the achievement of the goal: the projection after the reaction of the opponent. The success of a technique in judo depends to a great extent on the exact moment of imbalance and this, in turn, on the maneuvers prior to the projection attempt, on how the movement is performed.

Tactical thinking in sport has the same characteristics as the so-called operative thinking; these, in turn, work by choosing a series of cognitive and transformative operations, when the information obtained creates for the athletes an image of the tactical situation; in this case, the thinking is based on the whole vision from the point of the whole resolution, from the beginning to the end.

According to López, (2014), tactical thinking allows to mentally assess the course of combat, establishing the possibilities of victory or the planning of one's own actions, taking into account that, in the course of the combat, perhaps, it should be changed by another decision. Its particularities operability, speed, flexibility, foresight and, above all, effectiveness characterize the type of thinking that should prevail in athletes. Together with these particularities, the development of creativity must be worked on, which can even include the possibility of finding new problems and not only solving them.

It is clear that thinking, as Petrovski, A.V. (1985) not only manifests itself in the solution of problems, since it also takes place in the conformation of these, in the revelation and awareness of new problems, in the assimilation of knowledge, in the comprehension of orientations, etc. It offers the possibility of elaborating concepts, judgments, conclusions about objects, phenomena and activities that in a general sense are developed. It also contributes to the orientation and regulation of the subject in his theoretical and practical realization, together with language, which acts as a superior regulator, as the immediate reality of the subject.

Thinking is a psychological process through which ideas are created, regulated and modified. In this sense, there is no doubt that each person thinks for him/herself, but it is no less certain that each person acquires this way of thinking, using different ways of thinking. To think logically is, above all, to obtain new ideas, starting from existing ideas, following precise rules. That is: reasoning. To reason is to conduct the flow of ideas, following a precise order, fixed by the rules that make up the logical system adopted. In line with the above, reasoning or inference is a product of logical thinking.

The athlete can estimate one and the same performance of the opponent as creating favorable conditions for the realization of his/her own ideas or as frustrating the tactical plan. Momentary evaluations of the situation and decision-making aimed at creating favorable situations, as well as the performance of rational operations directly in the process of resolution, determine the effective character of tactical thinking, which, unlike the operative decision, is also manifested in the fact that it always has its external expression in the form of operations aimed at overcoming active resistance.

This means submitting the opponent at will, inducing him/her to fight as planned, hindering his/her grips, looking for the right moment to direct the attack to his/her weaker side, putting all the will and determination to overcome everything that may arise in the course of the fight and if unforeseen situations arise, the tactical plan must be varied according to the situation that arises, using the accumulated experiences and the maturity of the knowledge acquired in the training process as well as the instructions of the trainer during the pauses of the fight.

The effective nature of this tactical thinking is also expressed through its variability. In studies, competitive situations, both in ball and combat sports, according to Sánchez (2005), occur one after another and vary rapidly, hence the previous and probable tactical plan during the competition is linked to the uninterrupted solution of multiple tactical tasks.

Externally, athletes who compete, act and outdo each other only taking into account the speed of the actions. In reality, actions constitute only the executive link of a complex act, which is tactical thinking. The thinking of the athlete, on the basis of which the concrete tactical task is solved, is subjected to the incessant experience of practice.

The tactical problem faced by the judo athlete must have a higher objective level of difficulty that can be in a more abstract and conceptual sense or in a sense of greater perfection in the resolution, but, in any case, the level of demand must be higher than what the judoka already knows or performs well.

The idea of this work arises from the need to raise the technical-tactical thinking of judo athletes, juvenile category, of the Eide of Pinar del Rio, a fact that is influencing the competitive results of our athletes. The sports preparation process of these athletes is basically based on traditional conceptions that falsify contemporary approaches, attributed to a strong resistance to change or ignorance of novel alternatives that allow reformulating the predominance of directivity in teaching, the limited contextualization and the preponderant and encyclopedist role of the coach who attributes to such preparation a mechanistic character (Copello, 2013; Guillén, 2015b; Guillén, Rosero and Ale, 2016; Mesa, et al., 2017).

In the province, the sport of judo has been ranked among the first places at the national level in national competitions, but in recent years the results have not been the best, having the youth categories as the most difficult in terms of competitive performance. In observations made in the training sessions and control checkpoints of athletes in this category, it has been found that they have difficulties in terms of their tactical thinking, a fact that limits their competitive performance.

To develop this research, it became necessary to consult some works related to the methodology and didactics of Judo in function of making comparisons, reflections around the different contributions made from different perspectives (Mateo-Cubo, Montero-Carretero, 2017; García et al., 2017; Enriquez, 2017; Lira, 2017; Garcia, 2018; Franchini, EscobarMolina, 2018; Caravaca et al. , 2018; Robles et al., 2018; Góngora, Almeida, 2018; Pompa et al., 2019; Espinosa et al, 2019; Mildestein et al., 2019; Vidaurreta, Anaro, 2020; Gras Consuegra, Reyes-Palau, 2021; Uriarte, 2021; Estuardo, 2021; Preciado, Guillén, 2021; Martínez et al., 2021).

In addition, in interviews with coaches, it was found that coaches do not take into account a correct methodology to perform the exercises for the development of tactical thinking of these athletes, it was also found that athletes do not show much motivation to perform the exercises and that the exercises used by coaches fail to activate the operational thinking of these athletes; all these factors have negatively influenced the competitive results, both in tops and in national school games. All this led the authors to carry out this research in order to improve the tactical thinking of Tashi Waza in judo athletes, category 15-16 years old, of the Eide of Pinar del Rio. Thus, the objective of this work is to design a methodological alternative for the improvement of tactical thinking in Tashi Waza in judo athletes, category 15-16 years old, of the Eide of Pinar del Río.



Research methods and techniques

The scientific research methods and techniques, in this work, are based on the materialistic dialectical method as a fundamental theoretical-methodological basis for the interpretation of the objective reality of the training of tactical thinking in judo. In addition to the methods of the theoretical order, the following methods were used:

Documentary analysis: it allowed the study of background related to the training of tactical thinking in judo athletes, from the analysis of the main document for the preparation of judo athletes in Cuba, the Integral Program for the Preparation of the Athlete in its 2007, 2014, and 2017-2020 Olympic cycle editions. In the analysis carried out, the following were taken into account: the contents for the development of the technical-tactical preparation and tactical thinking of judo athletes, the dosage and distribution of the volumes of technical-tactical preparation in the preparation macro cycle, the methods, means and organizational procedures used for the development of tactical thinking in judo athletes.

Non-participant observation: the observation was carried out in 15 training sessions in the preparatory and competitive period and 6 control stops in the preparatory and competitive period, with the purpose of knowing the line of work followed in the technical-tactical training carried out by the coaches. Among the aspects assessed to the athletes, there are: kumikata as they look for grips, displacements to attack and to defend, moment of attack, direct relation between the given moment and the attack performed by the athletes, combinations of techniques, complex combinations in which more than two techniques are included and counter-attacks of the techniques.

Interview: this was applied to six judo coaches, in charge of carrying out the training process of this sport in high performance in the province, in different categories, who average, in this work, 15 years of experience, a level in this sport of 3rd Dan black belt and a level of schooling of bachelors, with the purpose of knowing their criteria on the development of the methodological treatment given to the tactical thinking within the process of technical-tactical preparation of judo athletes, as well as to know their experience in the implementation of the technical-tactical preparation. This interview was structured in a questionnaire of five complementary and fundamental questions.

The system approach was used to determine the components of the methodological alternative and the relationships between them, as well as their dynamics and operation.

Statistics: To quantify the results, after having applied the empirical methods of the research. In the processing of the data obtained, the arithmetic mean, the proportion expressed in percent, frequency distribution tables were used.

Population: A population of 14 athletes, all belonging to the judo team, juvenile category, of the Eide de Pinar del Río, was used for the study (Table 1).

Table 1. - Sample of the judo team, juvenile category, of the Eide de Pinar del Río



In order to fulfill the proposed objective and to be able to conform the methodological alternative to be proposed, an exploration of the current state of tactical thinking in judo athletes, juvenile category of the province, was carried out, based on the methods and instruments foreseen and the main results which are described below:

Document review

When carrying out a deep analysis of the normative document that governs the sport preparation of judo athletes in Cuba, the Integral Program for the Preparation of the Athlete (Pipd) shows that the indications related to the technical-tactical preparation are inclined in favor of the acquisition of the motor habitus and, in lesser application, the cognitive aspect. The cognitive aspect needs space in the sports preparation and this should promote conflicts that encourage the rational understanding of the different combat situations, in addition, there are no instruments in the methodological order that contribute to eradicate these difficulties.

Results of the interview with the coaches

The overall analysis of the coaches' responses yielded the following elements:

The 100 % of the interviewees consider the methodological orientations provided by the PIPD on the work of tactical thinking in judo athletes to be imprecise and insufficient; they also express that they rely mainly on their personal experiences and as former athletes.

The 86 % do not attribute capital importance to the personalization of the athletes' tactical thinking, according to the technical and competitive level that they can present in these categories. Seventy percent of the coaches interviewed expressed ignorance of the tactical systems currently used in combat, so that the tactical training of athletes is limited in this aspect. The 100 % of those interviewed agreed that a methodological alternative structured by means, methods, procedures and precise methodological orientations would be very beneficial, allowing the appropriation of habits and skills to the athlete to provide a solution to tactical thinking in conditions similar to combat, in a creative and independent manner.

Results of observations of training sessions in the preparatory period

When evaluating the results of the 15 observations made to the training sessions, in the preparatory and competitive period, as well as those made to the 6 control stops of the judo athletes, juvenile category of the Eide "Ormani Arenado" of Pinar del Río, the following insufficiencies were found:

  1. Athletes show little creativity in the solution of tactical tasks, show incoherence in tactical thinking during the execution of techniques.
  2. Tactical preparation is not trained from the beginning of the judoka's preparation process and is only done when the judoka is close to the competitions.
  3. Limited use of creative teaching methods that allow the use of technical-tactical thinking, derived from the combat actions themselves.
  4. The particularities of each athlete are not taken into account during training in order to carry out actions that encourage the development of tactical-creative thinking, according to each subject.
  5. Athletes perform tactical actions during combat based on what they hear from the teacher, without having internalized why they perform them that way.
  6. Insufficient construction of unexpected actions to activate the operative thinking of the athletes in order to awaken the autonomy and decision making of those involved.
  7. Lack of didactic aids that contribute to the strengthening of the theoretical component, in the use of the athlete's tactical thinking.

Deficient operability of the general thinking of the athletes

In general, the results of the observations of the preparatory and competitive periods, the interview with coaches and the documentary analysis of the Integral Program of Preparation of the Athlete (Pipd), reflect that the orientations of the normative documents that govern judo in the country have gone through a process of irregularities, so that the categories, objective, content, dosage, method and control, have been treated in an irregular and inadequate manner; this situation has influenced the unfavorable technical-tactical performance of the athletes.

Methodological alternative to improve tactical thinking to Tashi Waza in judo athletes of the juvenile category of the Eide de Pinar del Río

The theoretical, methodological and scientific foundations of the proposed methodology respond to the need and social commitment that judo has in the Cuban sports system and the demands of the current sports universe, which lies in making possible the goals of the sports institution with the interests of Cuban society, which is why new forms are required.

The methodological alternative is based on the following tactical functions:

  1. Attack: characterized by the continuous taking of initiatives.
  2. Counterattacks: it is waited for the opponent's initiative to counter his technique with another one based on the imbalances caused by the first one.
  3. Combinations: it consists of performing actions to modify or transform one technique into another to deceive the opponent and to be able to project him with another desired technique, mainly it is usually associated, according to Newton's law of action and reaction performed by the opponent.

For the design of the alternative, it has started with exercises with actions very similar to those performed during judo combat, based on fights by grappling, movements of hawks, thrusts, feints, counterattacks and combinations to provoke the elevation of tactical thinking to the Tashi Waza in the athletes. In all these exercises, most of the tactical actions mentioned above are combined.

The alternative is based on the tactical principles and phases of tactical development outlined by González Catalá S. A (2013):

It was also taken into account that the psychomotor processes of a tactical action are carried out in three main phases:

  1. Preparation and analysis of the meeting.
  2. The mental solution of the special tactic.
  3. The motor solution of the tactical task.

Respecting the specificities of the athletes of this category, in which they already have a high technical level in many cases, but despite this, they still have some deficiencies that limit the need to start with simple and easy to understand exercises to gradually increase their complexity, where the athlete is able to self-correct and gradually develop their skills, thus activating tactical thinking to the different situations of combat.

The methodological alternative has:

The general objective is to improve the tactical thinking of Tashi Waza in judo athletes, juvenile category, of the Eide "Ormani Arenado" of Pinar del Río.

Table 2. - Contents and dosage

The data for each of the exercises that make up the alternative are shown in detail below.

Wrestling for grips (In this element, several exercises will be performed in a row)

Objective: to improve tactical actions in kumikata during combat by emphasizing posture, as well as displacements at the moment of the grip or when the opponent's grip is broken.

Exercise # 1: Struggle for back control.

Description: as its name suggests, this exercise will be performed by trying to perform the grip behind the uke's head and then position yourself at the angle to be able to attack.

Exercise # 2: Struggle to control the farthest sleeve.

Description: in this exercise, it will be tried to grab the sleeve furthest away from the uke and then position yourself at the most effective angle to perform the attack.

Exercises # 3: Head and shoulder out.

Description: in this exercise, it will be started with the opponent's grip behind the head and at the teacher's signal it will be tried to release the opponent's grip or take out the head and shoulder to position ourselves in the effective angle to be able to attack.

Exercise # 4: Fighting for grabs.

Description: in this exercise, the fight for the grabs will be carried out freely, with the only exception that one athlete will try to get the grabs first and at the sound of the whistle they will change roles.

Direct attacks

Objective: to improve the tactical actions of attacks in combat, taking into account the different ways in which this type of action is manifested.

Exercise # 1: Free attacks in any direction.

Description: In this exercise, athletes will perform direct attacks of their preferred techniques when the uke moves in any direction.

Exercises # 2: Attacks on uke when he moves away from us.

Description: in this exercise, the attacks will be performed by chasing the figure in (Oy Komi) in order to approach the uke when he moves away.

Exercise # 3: Attacks when the grip comes from behind the head.

Description: in this exercise, the attack will be performed when they try to grab us from behind the head; as soon as we feel the grab, the attack will be performed.

Exercise # 4: Attacks after shoulder out.

Description: this exercise will be performed by attacking after taking out the shoulder when we are controlled from behind the head.

Exercise # 5: Direct attacks with nothing more than grabbing the sleeve.

Description: this exercise will be performed by attacking almost at the same time the sleeve is grabbed.

Exercise # 7: Direct attacks with a single lapel grip.

Description: this exercise will be performed in the same way as the previous one, but with the grip of only one hand on the lapel.

Exercise # 8: Attack of Ouchi and Kouchi gari reaction techniques.

Description: this exercise will be performed by attacking the aforementioned techniques in reaction, which is nothing more than performing feints to one side and performing the techniques to the other side.

Exercise # 9: Attacking leg techniques with reaction leg techniques.

Description: this exercise will be performed by attacking the remaining leg techniques in reaction, which is nothing more than performing feints to one side and performing the techniques to the other.

Simple combinations

Objective: to improve the tactical actions of attacks in simple combinations, two techniques, taking into account the different forms and moments in which this type of actions can be manifested in combat.

Exercise # 1: Simple leg combinations.

Description: in this exercise, all the combinations of two techniques that can be performed in free displacements, according to the technical-tactical level of each athlete, will be performed.

Exercise # 2: Combinations of Tokui Waza with Ouchi gari technique.

Description: in this exercise, combinations of the preferred technique with the Ouchi gari technique will be performed in all directions.

Exercise # 3: Combinations of Tokui Waza with Kouchi gari technique.

Description: in this exercise, combinations of the preferred technique with the Kouchi gari technique will be performed in all directions.

Exercise # 4: Combinations of Tokui Waza with leg techniques.

Description: in this exercise, combinations of the preferred technique with the remaining leg techniques will be performed in all directions.

Exercise # 5: Combinations of the Tokui Waza with the hip techniques Description: in this exercise, combinations of the preferred technique with the hip techniques will be performed in all directions.

Exercise # 6: Combinations of Tokui Waza with arm techniques.

Description: in this exercise, combinations of the preferred technique with arm techniques in all directions will be performed.


Objective: to improve the tactical actions of counterattacks taking into account the different forms and propitious moments for this type of actions in combat.

Exercise # 1: Counterattacks on leg techniques.

Description: in this exercise, the athlete will perform the counter-attacks of the free leg techniques in all directions.

Drills # 2: Counterattacks on the Ouchi gari leg technique.

Description: in this exercise, the athlete will perform counter attacks on the Ouchi gari leg technique in all directions.

Exercise # 3: Counter-attacks on the Osoto gari leg technique.

Description: in this exercise, the athlete will perform counter attacks on the Osoto gari leg technique in all directions.

Exercise # 4: Counterattacks with Tokui Waza on leg techniques.

Description: in this exercise, the athlete will perform counter attacks on the leg techniques with the Tokui Waza in all directions.

Exercise # 5: Counterattacks with Tokui Waza on hip techniques.

Description: in this exercise, the athlete will perform counter attacks on the hip techniques with the Tokui Waza in all directions.

Exercise # 6: Tokui Waza counter-attacks on complex combinations.

Description: in this exercise, the athlete will perform counter attacks with the Tokui Waza on complex combinations in all directions.

These exercises will be performed with the following dosage:

Dosage: 2 to 3 repetitions should be performed.

Time: 1'-2:30' of work in each of the series.

Methods: Problematic and competitive situation.

Methodological indications for the proposed alternative



The diagnosis developed in the research showed deficiencies in the treatment of the content of the technical-tactical preparation for the improvement of tactical thinking in judo athletes, which was reflected in the poor solution of problems in the fights by the athletes, which affects sports performance.

Based on the above, the proposed methodological alternative reveals the structure, content and planning for the development of tactical thinking in judo athletes, as well as the particularities of each athlete, the technical and competitive level of this in terms of combat, under the laws and principles of sports training.

For this reason, the inconsistencies that, from the cognitive and practical profiles, have affected the training process of the technical-tactical preparation, specifically of tactical thinking in judo athletes, justify the opening of new researches where the categories: objective, content, dosage, method and control are integrated, with integral care and attention to the individual component, where the process of technical-tactical preparation of the athletes acquires a higher level of quality.



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Conflict of interests:
Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de intereses.


Authors' contribution:
Osviel Hernández Sotolongo: Conception of the idea, literature search and review, instrument making, instrument application, compilation of information resulting from the instruments applied, statistic análisis, preparation of tables, graphs, and images, database preparation, general advice on the topic addressed, drafting of the original (first version), review and final version of the article, article correction, authorship coordinator, translation of terms or information obtained, review of the application of the applied bibliographic standard.

Esteban Eddy Méndez Lazo: Lliterature search and review, instrument making, instrument application, compilation of information resulting from the instruments applied, statistic análisis, preparation of tables, graphs, and images, translation of terms or information obtained, review of the application of the applied bibliographic standard.

Ramón Martínez Vidal: Lliterature search and review, instrument making, instrument application, compilation of information resulting from the instruments applied, statistic análisis, preparation of tables, graphs, and images, translation of terms or information obtained, review of the application of the applied bibliographic standard.

Marcia Caridad Lanza Hernández: Lliterature search and review, instrument making, instrument application, compilation of information resulting from the instruments applied, statistic análisis, preparation of tables, graphs, and images, translation of terms or information obtained, review of the application of the applied bibliographic standard.


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Copyright (c)
2022 Osviel Hernández Sotolongo, Esteban Eddy Méndez Lazo, Ramón Martínez Vidal, Marcia Caridad Lanza Hernández