PODIUM. Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, September-December 2022; 17(3):1006-1017
Translated from the original in spanish
Original artícle
Booklet of compensatory corrective pre-sports games for students with intellectual disabilities
Folleto de juegos predeportivos correctivos compensatorios para educandos con discapacidad intelectual
Folheto de jogos compensatórios pré-esportivos compensatórios para alunos com deficiência intelectual
Marilin Páez Basabe1* https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7544-3194
Surlays Arcia Melgarejo1 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6366-9076
Clara Escalona García1 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2185-5484
Eglyis Vargas Géliga1https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6579-5241
Nancy Darias Ávila2 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0508-4904
1University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Faculty of Physical Culture Nancy Uranga Ramagoza". Pinar del Rio, Cuba.
2 "Manuel Fajardo" University of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences. Havana Cuba.
*Corresponding author: marilinfabio17@gmail.com
Introduction: Pre-sports games are a form of motor play of an intermediate type between game and sport, overlapping elements of the sports modality, responsible for revaluing the playfulness of sport beyond the existence of a winner or a loser.
Objective: The research aimed to develop a booklet of compensatory corrective pre-sports games for students with intellectual disabilities.
Materials and methods: Booklet that includes a total of 15 games inside, structured as follows: objective, name of the game, motor skills to train, communication skills to train, physical capacities that favors, method to use, procedures and organizational forms, it also complies with the methodological steps of the games, necessary materials, organization, development, rules and variants. Research methods such as document analysis, interview, survey, class observation and methodological triangulation were used.
Results: The booklet of compensatory corrective pre-sports games constitutes one more of the curricular adaptations designed for the teaching-learning process in students with special educational needs, in which the personalized treatment is enhanced in correspondence with the psychopedagogical characteristics that the students possess.
Conclusions: The pre-experiment carried out on the booklet of compensatory corrective pre-sports games for students with intellectual disabilities in the municipality of Pinar del Rio allowed us to examine its eloquent influence on the preparation of students for an adult and independent life that is reduced in better quality of life.
Keywords: Intellectual disability; pre-sport games; Compensatory corrections.
Introducción: Los juegos predeportivos son una forma lúdica motora de tipo intermedio entre
el juego y el deporte, imbrica elementos de la modalidad deportiva, encargado de revalorizar lo
lúdico del deporte más allá de la existencia de un ganador o un perdedor.
Objetivo: La investigación tuvo como objetivo elaborar un folleto de juegos
predeportivos correctivos compensatorios para educandos con discapacidad intelectual.
Materiales y métodos: Folleto que en su interior incluye un total de
15 juegos, estructurados de la siguiente forma: objetivo, nombre del juego, habilidades motrices a formar,
habilidades comunicativas a formar, capacidades físicas que favorece, método a utilizar, procedimientos
y formas organizativas, además cumple con los pasos metodológicos de los juegos,
materiales necesarios, organización, desarrollo, reglas y variantes. Se utilizaron métodos investigativos
tales como análisis de documentos, entrevista, encuesta, observación a clases y la
triangulación metodológica.
Resultados: El folleto de juegos predeportivos correctivos compensatorios constituye una
más de las adecuaciones curriculares diseñadas para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en
los educandos con necesidades educativas especiales, en el cual se potencia el
tratamiento personalizado en correspondencia con las características psicopedagógicas que poseen
los educandos.
Conclusiones: El preexperimento realizado al folleto de juegos predeportivos
correctivos compensatorios para educandos con discapacidad intelectual en el municipio de Pinar del
Rio permitió examinar su influencia elocuente en la preparación de los educandos para una vida
adulta e independiente que se reduce en mejor calidad de vida.
Palabras clave: Discapacidad intelectual; Juegos predeportivos; Correctivos compensatorios.
Introduction: Pre-sports games are a form of motor play of an intermediate type between game and sport, overlapping elements of the sports modality, responsible for revaluing the playfulness of sport beyond the existence of a winner or a loser.
Objective: The research aimed to develop a booklet of compensatory corrective pre-sports games for students with intellectual disabilities.
Materials and methods : Booklet that includes a total of 15 games inside, structured as follows: objective, name of the game, motor skills to train, communication skills to train, physical capacities that favors, method to use, procedures and organizational forms, it also complies with the methodological steps of the games, necessary materials, organization, development, rules and variants. Research methods such as document analysis, interview, survey, class observation and methodological triangulation were used.
Results: The booklet of compensatory corrective pre-sports games constitutes one more of the curricular adaptations designed for the teaching-learning process in students with special educational needs, in which the personalized treatment is enhanced in correspondence with the psychopedagogical characteristics that the students possess.
Conclusions: The pre-experiment carried out on the booklet of compensatory corrective pre-sports games for students with intellectual disabilities in the municipality of Pinar del Rio allowed us to examine its eloquent influence on the preparation of students for an adult and independent life that is reduced in better quality of life.
Keywords: Intellectual disability; pre-sport games; Compensatory corrections.
Introdução: Os jogos pré-esportivos são uma forma de jogos motorizados de tipo intermediário entre jogos e esporte, elementos imbricados da modalidade esportiva, encarregados de revalorizar a ludicidade do esporte além da existência de um vencedor ou um perdedor.
Objetivo: O objetivo da pesquisa era elaborar um livreto de jogos pré-esportivos compensatórios corretivos para alunos com deficiência intelectual.
Materiais e métodos: O livreto inclui um total de 15 jogos, estruturados da seguinte forma: objetivo, nome do jogo, habilidades motoras a serem treinadas, habilidades comunicativas a serem treinadas, habilidades físicas a serem favorecidas, método a ser usado, procedimentos e formas organizacionais, assim como as etapas metodológicas dos jogos, materiais necessários, organização, desenvolvimento, regras e variantes. Foram utilizados métodos de pesquisa como análise de documentos, entrevista, pesquisa, observação em sala de aula e triangulação metodológica.
Resultados: O livreto de jogos compensatórios corretivos pré-esportivos constitui mais uma das adaptações curriculares destinadas ao processo ensino-aprendizagem em alunos com necessidades educativas especiais, em que o tratamento personalizado é reforçado em correspondência com as características psicopedagógicas dos alunos.
Conclusões: A pré-experimentação realizada no caderno de jogos pré-esportivos compensatórios corretivos para alunos com deficiência intelectual no município de Pinar del Rio permitiu examinar sua influência eloqüente na preparação dos alunos para uma vida adulta e independente que resulta em uma melhor qualidade de vida.
Palavras-chave: Deficiência intelectual; Jogos pré-esportivos; Atividades corretivas compensatórias.
In the declaration of universal human rights, on December 10, 1948, the member countries of the United Nations Organization recognized that children have the right to special care. Hence, by virtue of these special cares, the 20 November 1989, in the convention on the rights of children, survival, development, participation and protection were determined as fundamental areas, which complement and interrelate in order to achieve a more comprehensive approach on the topic.
In order to promote the comprehensive development of students in school institutions, Ruiz (2007) argues that the practice of physical exercise in all its manifestations, aimed at improving the quality of life and limited as a repeated systematic motor act, constitutes the main means to carry out the tasks of Physical Education and Sports where its fundamental means are gymnastics, sports and games.
Pompa (2017) maintains that life with games has been for millennia a natural and spontaneous way to transmit from one generation to another the best traditions, norms of social behavior and thus develop the capacities that allow facing and solving the problems that life poses. This important activity as an intrinsic element of life has been and will continue to be present in everyday life, because it is a pleasant act, with qualities of plasticity and freedom that define it as a fantastic activity due to its impact on the different stages of life development with less or greater depth; this historical-social phenomenon should not be underestimated or left to spontaneity, for which the influence of the adult is decisive.
The pre-sports games, Ruíz (2010) and Blázquez (2017), maintain it as a form of motor play of an intermediate type between games and sport that contains elements related to any sport modality. In opposition to sports games, these have less complexity from the structural and functional point of view, which objective is to bring the student closer to competitive physical activities. Here, the relaxation of the rules leads to the fact that, without losing the condition of adversaries, the participants have the possibility of developing cooperative rather than competitive strategies.
Among the recommendations offered by Sánchez (2014), teachers are conceived as responsible for the organization of pre-sport games. As an important aspect, the possibility to revalue the playfulness of sport beyond the existence of a winner or a loser, the teacher, stands out. This trainer must provide freedom and possibilities so that the game adapts to the needs and individualities; precisely there is the main characteristic of pre-sport games, absent in formal sports.
Undoubtedly, the game is one of the forms of activity that contribute to the comprehensive development of students, Leyva, M. and Barreda, M. (2017). These authors state that enriching life with games has been an act maintained for millennia, a natural and spontaneous way to transmit traditions from one generation to another. In addition, norms of social behavior and for the development of capacities that allow facing and solving the problems that life poses are also radiated. Infants play with pleasure and enthusiasm by using all their senses and intelligence, they release their emotions. For them, the game is not only entertainment, but a vital necessity. Playing is exploring the surrounding world, learning about that world and about oneself. It is to unfold the imagination and fantasy, without games there is no childhood or full development. It is specifically necessary for those students with intellectual disabilities where their possibilities must be strengthened for the sake of a preparation that allows them to face the demands of today's society.
Consequently, Pascual (2017) supports that the child with intellectual disability presents a general insufficiency in the formation and development of higher psychic functions. Significantly, this affects their compromised cognitive activity, caused by significant involvement of the central nervous system in the prenatal and postnatal periods. This is frequently caused by genetic and biological factors, acquired in the early evolutionary stages.
Among its most significant characteristics are the variability and the degree of functional compromise. These depend on the intensity and extent of the affectation in the central nervous system, the quality of the social situation of development and the timely performance of educational stimulation actions.
From another perspective, Páez (2018) nourishes the psychopedagogical characteristics of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities with the existence of educational demands in the cognitive sphere. This affects thinking, language, memory, attention, and imagination. This is the reason why the Physical Education teacher is required to prioritize actions aimed at strengthening fine and gross motor skills, self-validity, independence, creativity, self-esteem and socialization.
In order to improve the educational system that integrates students with special educational needs, specifically those with intellectual disabilities, materials are developed that in a personalized way allow curricular adaptations in the teaching and learning process, for which the objective is to develop a booklet of compensatory corrective pre-sports games for students with intellectual disabilities.
The present research concluded in November 2019, after two years affected by Covid-19 that interrupts the generalization process, the same context is resumed that gives continuity to the aforementioned phase that took place in three special education schools, located in the municipality of Pinar del Río, where students with intellectual disabilities from different teaching cycles study (Table 1).
Table. 1. - Population and sample
Among the methods applied, there is the review of documents with the aim of verifying information about curricular adjustments through Adapted Physical Education programs. This study is carried out in correspondence with the psychopedagogical characteristics that the students have, the programs and the methodological orientations of Physical Education of general education in the educational levels. These belong to the second and third cycle of education, whose contents are designed in these documents for the initial adjustment of the curricular adaptations.
In addition, the initial diagnosis made by the teachers is reviewed and its follow-up is confirmed through observation of classes. Other documents that are reviewed are the files of those students involved in the sample, with the aim of knowing the background and current status of the disability.
Likewise, the observation to classes method is applied, which is carried out at different times of the research. This allows to know the treatment of pre-sports games applied and to go redesigning for its improvement and later use them with students with intellectual disabilities.
Similarly, a group interview is applied to the students that comprise the sample. This modality is used in students with the objective that they can express themselves without reservations and know their likes, preferences, individual potentialities, related to the treatment of compensatory corrective pre-sports games.
Another method that is applied is the survey of the teachers involved in the sample with the aim of knowing the treatment of the playful activities planned for students with intellectual disabilities, their correspondence with the objectives of the program they receive, as well as the response the teachers offer and their psychopedagogical characteristics.
For the valuation of the data obtained, the methodological triangulation is applied. This consists of contrasting the results of the instruments applied in the assessment of the current state of the application of compensatory corrective pre-sports games in students with intellectual disabilities in order to guarantee a more accurate judgment of their validity and consistency.
The document review was carried out on the Physical Education programs of general education, specifically the 2nd and 3rd cycle of education, the Adapted Physical Education program, the following regularities could be verified.
An initial diagnosis was applied to the students involved in the sample, which is summarized as follows: of the total number of games, 12% were classified as minor games, while 88% were included within the pre-sport games and of them, only 12 % had undergone compensatory corrective treatment (Figure 1 and Table 2).
Fig. 1. - Diagnosis of playful activities
Table 2. - Compensatory corrective treatment of pre-sport games
A total of 15 Physical Education classes were observed, in which the following regularities were found:
In the interview conducted with the students, the following regularities were verified:
In the survey applied to the professionals involved in the sample, the following regularities were found:
In order to process the information received after the application of the different methods, the methodological triangulation is carried out on the current situation of the application of compensatory corrective pre-sport games to students with intellectual disabilities, the following is used as a decision rule:
Potentialities on the application of compensatory corrective pre-sports games to students with intellectual disabilities.
The booklet prepared for compensatory corrective pre-sport games for schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities contains a total of 15 games, completing its methodological structure as follows: objective, name of the game, motor skills to be trained, communication skills to be trained, skills physical that favor its development, method to use, procedures and organizational forms, materials, organization, development, rules and variants.
Example of compensatory corrective pre-sport game for students with intellectual disabilities
Objective. Execute dribble in movement, communication through body language and expression, emphasizing the stimulation of logical memory.
Name: Dribble and leave it in the color of the sky.
Motor skills to train. Movement, dribble on the move.
Communication skills to use. Written and spoken language, body language.
Physical capacities that favors. Movement speed, agility.
Method to be used: educational game.
Procedure and organizational form to be used. groups-lines.
Materials: air balls (basketball or others).
Organization: formed in lines with the same number of students in front of each line at a distance of 10 meters in a circle.
Development: when the students hear the whistle, they will start dribbling in motion, it can be jogging or walking according to individual possibilities. When arriving at the circles, these will be painted with the colors of the flag: red, blue and white, in addition the names will be written. Subsequently, they select and read the name where the ball will be located, which will be that circle related to the color of the sky and they perform one of the dances known to the student on top of the circle, they return moving as quickly as possible until they make contact with the partner who continues and joins the end of the row and so on.
Variants: the game can be used in other sports for class purposes, for example, soccer, basketball.
Methodological observation
Compensatory corrective treatment responds to the stimulation of logical memory through:
The process of Physical Education is located within the properties of the educational policy of the Inder - Mined institutions, Collective of authors (2021), hence the need to raise its quality in the different educational systems, differentiated attention requires the learners with SEN, including learners with intellectual disabilities.
The programs and methodological guidelines developed by the national education system, Collective of Authors (2022), still have limitations specifically in the improvement of personalized curricular adaptations, according to the psychopedagogical characteristics of the students, which is why the booklet of compensatory corrective pre-sports games constitute a curricular adaptation, within the Adapted Physical Education program for students with intellectual disabilities.
The booklet is characterized in its interior by the strengthening of the teaching-learning process through the essential dynamic interrelationships between the categories motor skills, communication skills, physical abilities, foundation to resize it for the sake of preparation for adult life and independent of students with intellectual disabilities that, in addition to going through its methodological steps , guides the teacher on the basis of a comprehensive physical-educational approach, a fundamental principle in the process of contemporary Physical Education.
The practical application of the object of study of the research, compensatory corrective pre-sports games, allowed to compare the results addressed by the authors González (2012) and Hernández (2016) on the evaluation of learning from another perspective. In this research, motor learning in students with intellectual disabilities is weighted. In the works of Páez (2016) and Páez (2018), related to the improvement of evaluation in school Physical Education, proceeding through specific games is not contemplated, while the present research responds to a specific curricular adaptation for the educational system of special education, specifically intellectual disability. The results obtained in the present research allowed to benefit the existing programs of Physical Activity Adapted for the Special Education of the author Pascual (2007) and Pascual (2009), when verifying the compensatory corrective treatment of the pre-sport games in a first moment of the research, in 12 % compliance, while in a second moment with the same procedure, it behaves in 87.5, which shows an approach to the objectives of the program as well as a differentiated attention to disability according to the real possibilities that they possess. the learners.
The booklet of compensatory corrective pre-sport games constitutes bibliographic material for consultation in the degree course in Physical Culture, specifically in the Adapted Education subject. It is also used by professionals who teach Physical Education in special education, emphasizing the integration of training of motor skills, communication skills, as well as the development of physical capacities, which guarantees a scientific-methodological procedure from a theoretical-practical articulation.
Blázquez, D. (2017). Las competencias del profesor de Educación Física. Gestión didáctica. Presentado en Conferencia magistral. Evento AFIDE 2017, Palacio de las convecciones, La Habana, Cuba.
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González, M. (2012). La evaluación del aprendizaje: La evaluación formativa y la evaluación por competencias. Presentado en Curso corto 15. VIII Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior., La Habana, Cuba.
Hernández, M. (2016). Consideraciones teóricas-metodológicas necesarias para mejorar la evaluación del aprendizaje en el ámbito de la Educación Física y el Deporte. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 1(2). https://revistas.uam.es/index.php/riee/article/view/4673
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Páez, M. (2018). Propuesta metodológica sobre la evaluación en Educación Física en los escolares con discapacidad intelectual. Podium. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología en la Cultura Física, 12 (3). http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1996-24522018000300248&lng=es&nrm=iso
Páez, M. (2018). Estudio sobre la situación actual de la evaluación en Educación Física en los escolares del segundo ciclo con discapacidad intelectual. Revista IPLAC.
Pascual, S. A. (2007). Programa de Educación Física Adaptada. La Habana, Cuba: Editorial Pueblo y Educación.
Pascual, S. A. (2009). Actividad Física Adaptada. Educación Especial. La Habana, Deportes.
Pascual, S. A. (2017). Nosotros también jugamos. Juegos adaptados para niños con alteraciones motrices. La Habana, Cuba: Deportes.
Sánchez, N. (2014). Concepción pedagógica de estimulación a potencialidades físicas en alumnos con retraso mental. La Habana. Cuba: Deportes.
Ruiz, A. (2010). Teoría y Metodología de la Educación Física. Ciudad de la Habana: Deportes.
Conflicts of interest:
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Authors' contributions:
The authors have participated in the writing of the paper and analysis of the documents.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2022
Marilin Páez Basabe, Surlays Arcia Melgarejo, Clara Escalona García, Eglyis Vargas Géliga, Nancy Darias Ávila