Revista PODIUM, January-April 2018; 14(1): 71-80


Translated from the original in spanish


Non-formal training program for the preparation of football coaches of the third division league in Danlí, Honduras


Programa de capacitación no formal para la preparación de entrenadores de fútbol de la liga de tercera división en Danlí, Honduras


Yefrik Yair Lanza Reyes1, Yusimil Ramos Quián2, Giraldo Machuat Santana3, Jesús Domínguez García1

1Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte. La Habana, Cuba. E-mail:
2Cerro Pelado. La Habana, Cuba. E-mail:
3Universidad de Pinar del Río «Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca», Facultad de Cultura Física «Nancy Uranga Romagoza». Pinar del Río, Cuba. E-mail:


Received: December 5th, 2018.
Accepted: January 11th, 2019.


The results of the determination of needs of the lack of methodological theoretical preparation of the coaches of the third division league are shown, demonstrating the poor training and improvement of the routes they use for their permanent training. Based on the different data collected, it is obvious that when the coach assesses their needs and the competencies that they have, they show that they are not very clear about the first ones and are not able to identify the competencies that are required for their professional performance. It is emphasized that most of the interviewees mention as the most determining needs those related to the aspects of the structure of the planning of sports training, the application of medical controls and with the didactic of sport. It is concluded that the performance as a soccer coach in the different high performance leagues in Honduras can only be achieved if the needs are met and the limitations that it presents are minimized through formal and non-formal training. Taking into account these aspects is that it was taken as a sample to 11 soccer coaches of the third division league in Danlí, Honduras for such research. It aims to design a non-formal training program for the preparation of football coaches of the third division league in Danlí, Honduras.

Keywords: preparation; training; coach; soccer.


Se muestran los resultados que determinan las necesidades de la falta de preparación teórica-metodológica de los entrenadores de la liga de tercera división, lo que demuestra la escasa capacitación y superación de las vías que emplean para su formación permanente. A partir de los diferentes datos colectados, salta a la vista que cuando el entrenador evalúa sus necesidades y las competencias, que posee, denota que no tiene muy claro cuáles son las primeras y no es capaz de identificar las competencias que le son requeridas para su desempeño profesional. Se destaca que la mayor parte de los entrevistados mencionan como las necesidades más determinantes, aquellas relacionadas con los aspectos de la estructura de la planificación del entrenamiento deportivo, la aplicación de controles médicos y la didáctica del deporte. De ahí que el desempeño, como entrenador de fútbol en las diferentes ligas de alto rendimiento, en Honduras, puede lograse solamente si se atienden las necesidades y se minimizan las limitaciones que este presenta, ya sea mediante la capacitación formal y no formal. Teniendo en cuenta estos aspectos, es que se tomaron como muestra a 11 entrenadores de fútbol de la liga de tercera división en Danlí, Honduras, para dicha investigación. Tiene como objetivo diseñar un programa de capacitación, no formal, para la preparación de entrenadores de fútbol de la liga de tercera división en Danlí, Honduras.

Palabras clave: preparación; capacitación; entrenador; fútbol.


The historical-concrete conditions in which the world lives have generated transformations, above all, in the political, social and economic spheres. The constant changes in educational policies have led teachers to demand more of the teaching-learning process, always responding to current individual and social needs. Valencia Torres, H. A., and García González, M. M. (2018).

The changes in the conceptualization of the Sports Movement in different countries of the world favor massivity in this human physical activity, starting from the recognition of the right to sport as a basic aspect for human development, sport for all and the need to create new strategies focused on full participation and increased equality of opportunities, carried out by the communities. Quiñones, F. G. (2018).

The training and upgrading of coaches in today's world is an indispensable aspect for the athlete to reach the necessary performance for the competitions, so it is essential, because of the complexity and variability of the training process, to require the coach a high level of scientific and technical preparation, because dealing with thinking beings forces him to master not only knowledge of sport, but biological and psychological processes of the athlete, which makes him a psychologist, biochemist, sports doctor, among other branches of knowledge, and ensures the success of sports training.

Sports training, as a complex pedagogical process, requires a coach or sports teacher characterized by a consequent behavior in the face of self-improvement and love for his profession, endowed with knowledge, convictions and professional skills, which allow him to successfully face the educational process and, in general, the social assignment assigned. Arencibia Moreno, and others (2018).

The football coach on the base is undergoing emerging study as a key in the formation of the young athlete. The coach is not a mere instructor of football knowledge, but is seen as a professional in charge of coordinating a complex scenario in which the protagonist is the athlete, who is provided with a process of formative-sports accompaniment. Orozco, A. M., Pérez, A. A., and Sierra, F. S., (2017).

A coach's high level of preparation does not end with the acquisition of a higher level, since the accelerated development of knowledge requires a constant updating of scientific concerns, independence and creativity in order to find the causes and respond to the different pedagogical phenomena presented to him.

In order to raise the trainer's level of preparation, it is necessary to overcome it adequately, depending on those aspects that require a change.

The participation of coaches is transcendental in the incorporation, training and development of athletes to increase their performance and even, in effects, counterproductive to the sport, as the abandonment by participants is.

Feltz, (1992), points out that 80 % of children who begin in sport abandon it. Among the most significant causes is the performance of the coach. Of the 80% of children and adolescents who distance from sport, 60 % do it due to mistreatment, punitive behaviour, excessive training, champeonism, lack of positive reinforcements, prejudices and other negative actions by coaches.

Coach and sportsman are the main actors of the sports scene.

The pedagogical preparation of coaches is a process that must be represented in the context of the social function assigned to the development of sport and physical culture, in which the profile of the professional in this area is defined.

The basic knowledge of the discipline is important; the trainer requires knowledge and skills in the use of Sports Pedagogy, which is manifested in the ability to adapt their sessions to the individual characteristics and attitude of the athlete.

"The preparation is the set of activities that are carried out systematically to improve and deepen the knowledge, skills and level of preparation according to the fulfillment of their functions.
In it, it is specified that the preparation is oriented in such a way that its results are reverted in the achievement of a more qualified work by all the teaching personnel in exercise, therefore, its objectives are directed to the improvement of the teaching-educational process, in individual and collective form, its organization and planning require of a precise criterion to materialize, being the most suitable form the methodological preparation.

Training is called the action and effect of training someone. Training, as such, designates the action of providing a person with new knowledge and tools to develop to the maximum their skills and abilities in the performance of a job.

Training, in the context of research, is assumed from the concepts of advanced education, which has been defined synthetically by Añorga (2004), as "an alternative educational paradigm for the professional and human improvement of labor and community resources".

Cázares Arrangoiz, D., and Siliceo, (2005), defines it as "Training is the educational function of a company or organization by which present needs are satisfied and future needs are foreseen with respect to the preparation and ability of collaborators.  

While Bohlander, G. and Colectivo de Autores, (2001), express it in the following way: "The term training is often used casually to refer to the generality of the efforts initiated by an organization to promote the learning of its members.

García, (2005), defends, as a premise of training, the determination of current needs and perspectives of any entity, group of individuals or persons, which explains why they are assumed as a starting point to design activities that make possible the development directed to increase the effectiveness of their work.

Specific professional competencies, in the opinion of experts, is a model that makes it possible to circumvent current changes and challenges with more foresight, hence the urgency of privileging professional practices and developing standards of competencies from the performance of the job, which takes on supreme importance in professional improvement. Caveda et al. (2018).

The observational methodologies, as a substantial part of the register, constitute an essential variable, with influence on the methods of processing and recording of data in the statistical quantification, existing on the part of the author an approach to the application of the statistical knowledge, directed in the fundamental thing to the descriptive analysis, and to the recognition of the necessary applicability of this knowledge in the sport training as pedagogical process. Pupo, (2017).

Training and improvement in Honduras, in the official newspaper of the Republic of Honduras, "La Gaceta", is decreed by the Fundamental Law of Education in TITLE II Structure of the National Education System, CHAPTER I National Education System.

Formal education is organized in a regular sequence of levels subject to progressive curricular guidelines leading to grades and degrees.

ARTICLE 17. Non-formal education is oriented towards satisfying specific educational needs or those different from those served by formal education. It develops educational programs and actions for education, training and artistic formation, educational and labor reconversion, community promotion and improvement of living conditions.

The General Law of Physical Culture and Sports in Honduras, according to ARTICLE 11. They are the rights of coaches, trainers, judges and referees:

  1. Develop themselves in the disciplines of their preference, with no limitations other than those derived from their levels of preparation, experiences, physical and mental aptitudes.
  2. Access to high-level technical training.
  3. Access to and permanence in the National Educational System, under special study and training plans.
  4. The others established by the laws of the Republic.

The National Autonomous Football Federation of Honduras (FENAFUTH) regulates the training and preparation of coaches in its different professional leagues. This federation is an affiliate and is governed by FIFA regulations. There is also the National School of Soccer Coaches in Honduras (ENEFUTH), which is responsible for carrying out courses, conferences, workshops, training and licenses to direct all those who work as coaches in the different Honduran leagues, whether or not they have an academic level. It is necessary to raise that these coaches have deficiencies in terms of overcoming to face the professional pedagogical activity, for this reason, and to comply with it, it is proposed as an objective: to design a training program, non-formal, for the preparation of soccer coaches, of the third division league in Danlí, Honduras.



For the development of the research, theoretical methods were used such as: Documentary analysis, Synthesis-analysis, Historical-logical, Inductive-deductive and the Systemic and Structural Approach. At the same time, empirical methods were used, such as:

The survey applied to coaches and directors of the third division football league in the municipality of Danlí in order to know the preparation routes that are used at the time of the research, deepens about the main characteristics related to their previous sports or professional experiences, motivations, expectations, working conditions, controls, barriers, available literature, recommendations and others that mediate in the direction of the process of sports training in football, The population consisted of 18 football coaches who lead in the third division league in the municipality of Danlí and who perform or have performed as such, in the last two years or more.

Interview: Those responsible for preparation in the federation FENAFUTH, ENEFUTH, were interviewed and addressed important elements of the research.

Observation of coaches in training sessions: in order to record the behaviour of other unplanned factors of research interest associated with the educational component of sports training, such as the form of orientation for the independent work of athletes and the forms of the coach's response to the athletes' questions in relation to the preparation they receive, the observation guide was applied.

We worked with an elected population of 18 football coaches who lead in the third division league in the municipality of Danli and who are or have been acting as such in the last two years or more.



The research was carried out between May 2017 and September 2018, in the municipality of Danlí, Honduras, showing the following as the main results:

The documentary review of the educational level of the football coaches revealed the following elements:


The interview with managers confirmed the results of the observation, revealing that there are inadequacies in the training of football coaches in this category. The diagnosis of the current state of the coaches showed that they do not have sufficient conditions to carry out the process of management and training in the football teams of the third division league of Honduras.

Based on the insufficiencies detected, a proposal was elaborated, which is presented below:

Proposal for a non-formal training programme for football coaches in the third division league in Honduras.

The aim of the non-formal training programme for coaches of third division football in Honduras is to carry out a series of activities aimed at increasing the theoretical-practical knowledge of coaches in the high-performance leagues of Honduran football.

The contextualization of the program favors the practical significance of the contents in the overcoming of teachers, by responding to the needs and problems of the context of action in relation to the theme of football sport. This element favours the integration of the knowledge system and experience, which allows the search and implementation of innovative solutions to be undertaken.

It will also contribute to the development, based on the theoretical knowledge acquired, of the skills needed to understand and apply the planning of sports training.
The Program is conceived with a duration of 14 weeks, giving a weekly meeting of 60 minutes.  In total, this program includes a total of 14 classroom hours, 5 of them theoretical and 9 practical classes.

General Objective: To train football coaches of the third division league of the municipality of Danlí.
Specific Objectives:

As main methods to use, in the development of the activities contained in the program, it is proposed the independent work and reflective experience in which the facilitator leads and facilitates the activity, promoting the development of the role of coaches in the activity, the exchange of experiences and the socialization of new knowledge.

For the impartation of the program, the facilitator must take into account a logical order in the impartation of the activities, as well as the number of hours; it must be adapted to the conditions of participation, to the needs of the municipality, climatic conditions and depending on the minimum time needed by the soccer coaches to acquire the knowledge, the total hours of the matches will be reflected in the program.

During the development of the manifestations of the football matches in the league, a close link must be maintained between the academic and research components, materialising the application of the knowledge acquired in the rest of the manifestations. In the practical activities proposed in this programme and in the research work proposed in it, the potentialities of the content of the programme will be used to influence the formation of values.

The facilitator must have foreseen the activities to carry out when the climatic conditions do not allow the development of the practical activities.

UNIT 1: Theme: Management of the training process in the Sports Games, Team Sports, (Football).

Objective: To solve all or part of the problems inherent in sports training at different levels of high performance (third division football league).

His function: The need to improve the activity of coaches in the Honduran football leagues, enriched through the activities that coaches develop during the dynamics of the program.

Contents: Preparation of the athlete for high performance, sports training.

Evaluation method: Oral: Interventions related to the topic and orientation of independent work, practical class on the field of play.

Independent work: To investigate the phases of the basic preparation of the sportsman, to look for the different structures for the planning of the sport training.

The evaluation will be carried out in a practical way through the implementation of the plan of the general theory of sports training to be offered in the third division league, where coaches will demonstrate the knowledge acquired. 

It is important that the participating coaches find, in the activities to be developed, the answers to their most immediate needs in the sporting process they direct, which cannot be unknown by the teacher who conducts the activity, because not taking it into account would influence the loss of motivation, interest and usefulness of the same.

The designed non-formal training programme for football coaches responds to the inadequacies presented by the coaches of the third division league in Dali, Honduras, which suits their individual and collective characteristics. In addition, it contributes to the increase of general and specific knowledge of the sport in particular, since it was possible to corroborate the results obtained in relation to those previously achieved. All this allows us to affirm that the program designed is relevant taking into account the motive of the investigation.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license
Copyright (c) 2019 Yefrik Yair Lanza Reyes,
Yusimil Ramos Quián, Giraldo Machuat Santana, Jesús Domínguez García