PODIUM. Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, May-August; 16(2):643-661
Translated from the original in spanish
Educación Física y su contribución al desarrollo integral de la motricidad
Physical Education and its contribution to the comprehensive development of motor skills
A Educação Física e a sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento integral das capacidades motoras
Jayson Bernate1 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5119-8916
1Uniminuto Minute of God University Corporation. Colombia.
*Corresponding author: jbernate1@uniminuto.edu.co
Received: 04/06/2020.
Approved: 24/04/2021
Early childhood education is the first link through which the child begins with classroom training. This work will show the systematic compilation and analysis of specialized academic sources on the importance of school Physical Education and its contribution to the comprehensive development of motor skills in children. The contribution to learning through exploration, the game, the ludic and physical education, provides a comprehensive education in the motor field to infants. The objective of this article was to carry out a bibliographic-systemic review in specialized databases such as; Scopus, Ebsco, Dialnet, Redalyc, among others, on the importance and relevance of motor skills in the child population, visualizing the determining factors for the adequate development of the child, through the teaching and pedagogy of Physical Education and its different areas. The methodology developed was qualitative and its design is a bibliographic-systemic review, considering inclusion and exclusion criteria through categorical and heuristic matrices for the respective analysis of the information. The results illustrate that the training of school Physical Education is decisive and influential in the processes of motor and cognitive development of children, positively influencing these processes. As the main conclusion of the study, it can be inferred that the pedagogical approach of Physical Education encompasses a number of methods and tools, not only offering the possibility of promoting healthy lifestyle habits, but also optimizing motor development processes at school age.
Keywords: Physical education; School; Motor development; Motor skills.
La educación infantil es el primer eslabón por el cual el niño empieza con la formación en el aula; este trabajo evidencia la recopilación y análisis sistemático de fuentes académicas especializadas sobre la importancia de la Educación Física escolar y su aporte al desarrollo integral de la motricidad en población infantil. La contribución al aprendizaje mediante la exploración, el juego, la lúdica y la educación corporal, brinda una educación integral en el ámbito motriz a los infantes. El objetivo de este artículo fue realizar una revisión bibliográfica-sistémica en bases de datos especializadas: Scopus, Ebsco, Dialnet, Redalyc, ente otras sobre la importancia y relevancia de la motricidad en la población infantil además de analizar, sistematizar la postura de diferentes referentes académicos especialistas del tema en la contribución de la Educación Física en los procesos de desarrollo motriz en las etapas infantiles y como estos aporta de manera transversal en las áreas integrales de aprendizaje se visualizó además los factores determinantes para el desarrollo adecuado del niño, mediante la enseñanza y pedagogía de la Educación Física y sus diferentes áreas. La metodología desarrollada fue cualitativa y de diseño revisión bibliográfica-sistémica teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusión y exclusión a través de matrices categoriales y heurísticas para el respectivo análisis de la información. Los resultados ilustran que la formación de Educación Física escolar es determinante e influyente en los procesos de desarrollo motriz y cognitivo infantil, influyendo de manera positiva en dichos procesos. Como principal conclusión del estudio se puede inferir que el enfoque pedagógico de la Educación Física abarca un sin número de métodos y herramientas, no solo brindando la posibilidad de promover hábitos de vida saludable, sino optimizando los procesos de desarrollo motriz en edades escolares.
Palabras clave: Educación Física; Escolar; Desarrollo motriz; Motricidad.
A educação infantil é o primeiro elo através do qual a criança começa com a formação na sala de aula; este trabalho mostra a recolha e análise sistemática de fontes académicas especializadas sobre a importância da Educação Física escolar e o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento integral das capacidades motoras nas crianças. A contribuição para a aprendizagem através da exploração, jogo, brincadeira e educação corporal, proporciona uma educação abrangente no campo das capacidades motoras aos bebés. O objetivo deste artigo foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica-sistémica em bases de dados especializadas sobre a importância e relevância das capacidades motoras na população infantil, bem como analisar, sistematizar a posição de diferentes referências académicas especializadas no assunto sobre a contribuição da Educação Física nos processos de desenvolvimento motor na fase infantil e como estes contribuem de forma transversal nas áreas integrais de aprendizagem. Também se visualizaram os fatores determinantes para o desenvolvimento adequado da criança, através do ensino e pedagogia da Educação Física e das suas diferentes áreas. A metodologia desenvolvida foi uma concepção qualitativa de revisão bibliográfica-sistémica tendo em conta os critérios de inclusão e exclusão através de matrizes categóricas e heurísticas para a respectiva análise da informação. Os resultados ilustram que a formação da Educação Física escolar é determinante e influente nos processos de desenvolvimento motor e cognitivo das crianças, influenciando de uma forma positiva nestes processos. Como conclusão principal do estudo, pode inferir-se que a abordagem pedagógica da Educação Física engloba uma série de métodos e ferramentas, não só proporcionando a possibilidade de promover hábitos de vida saudáveis, mas também otimizando os processos de desenvolvimento motor na idade escolar.
Palavras-chave: Educação Física; Escola; Desenvolvimento motor; Competências motoras.
Motor skills, as pointed out by Backes, Porta & De Anglat (2015), should be a fundamental part of human development in the early stages of life due to the capacity to produce muscular movements in a coordinated and voluntary manner in children. This is how bases are formed to acquire the child's language and cognitive development; it also allows spontaneity and creativity in their developmental stages, in addition to optimizing social skills. On the other hand, Fraile, Tejero, Esteban & Veiga (2019) mention in an exploratory and experiential work of motor skills in early ages, the relevance of the game and motor skills in the development in society through didactic and pedagogical units. In this way, the child develops in an integral way in all the dimensions of the human being, it also helps to develop creativity, motor skills, cognitive, personal and social capacities. This is how the school becomes the best place to socialize and explore Physical Education, developing motor skills in the child population.
Meanwhile, Rojas, Bernate, Fonseca & Betancourt (2019) ratify the importance of the integral development of the child in the preschool education stage; they demonstrate how parents and teachers do not give due importance to this phenomenon and neglect, on many occasions, the biological, morphological and social scope of motor skills in the Physical Education of their children and students. In spite of the fact that there are countless theoreticians who research the importance of motor education, in the school environment it is not intertwined and articulated with the educational and curricular processes. It is often an impediment to school growth, body development, motor expression, body awareness and the development of motor and coordination capacity.
Consequently, Delgado & Montes (2017) describe how also some teachers do not take into account motor education at early ages, perhaps because they do not have enough expertise and specialized training; this could also be caused because for most it is not so relevant to educate bodily and motor versus other educational areas. It also happens that when motor skills are worked on, they are not enhanced in an efficient and ideal way, which leaves conceptual gaps in learning. As recommended by Peña, Toro, Osses, Pachón & Hernández (2018) since they emphasize working from the initial ages the basic movement patterns through school Physical Education; these patterns are executed in relevant and predetermined times, in school environments without neglecting the other academic areas, since all are important and have the same value in the integral formation of the child. This activity facilitates the socio-affective relationships they have with their peers, thus forming creative, social and active students. Currently, Bermúdez & Sáenz (2019) give importance to emotion and the physical, an inseparable link, which helps the body and mind to have greater psychomotor development not only in children, but in all biological stages of the life cycle.
However, in order to work the emotional Hortigüela, Salicetti, Hernado & Pérez (2018) relate that the best way to be able to introduce the child to emotionality in the work of motor education; this is achieved by developing self-esteem and self-recognition, fundamental aspects to start the process of motor development. Therefore, these components should be a fundamental part in which parents and teachers see the importance and relevance as a pillar in the training process and the emotional, social, cultural, didactic and methodological benefits that this implies in the formative process of children (Bernate, Fonseca & Betancourt, 2019).
Likewise, Callado (2018) justifies why the importance and relevance of Physical Education in early stages of the life cycle by proposing the following principles, such as:
a) Psychomotor skills should be the first motor learning acquired when starting
to develop in life, since it helps the child to be able to use physical activity as a
channel for his energy, besides involving play as a fundamental factor for the enrichment
of basic movement patterns and favoring his mood, social and personal states.
b) Motor action is the fundamental motor for the sensitive phases of
human development.
c) The expressive-motor education helps to discover one's own body
through experiences and experiences, which develops self-care and self-confidence,
inherent principles in the pedagogical development of Physical Education class sessions.
d) This discipline helps to improve memory and allows the child to develop notions
of orientation and space in real situations of daily life.
Therefore, it is relevant to mention what is described by Aristizabal, Ramos & Chirino (2018) who state that motor skills should begin to develop while the child is having fun. In this way, the child will be perfecting his motor skills, getting more involved with socialization and help the child's creativity. That is, the game as a fundamental axis develops motor skills and socialization in the child, brings benefits to improve their creativity, skills and physical-cognitive qualities, body recognition, and memory, etc. Similarly, motor education is the form of the complete being, as it associates the awareness of action, the relationship and interaction of the subject with the environment, not only physical but also social and community (Bernate, Fonseca & Castillo, 2019).
In this order of ideas, it is imperative to mention and bring up pedagogy, as a guarantee that all pedagogical actions are carried out fully in the communities and school environments. In this context, students develop not only in the motor area but also by fostering communication and social skills, as recommended by Bernate, Fonseca, Betancourt & Romero (2020).
(...) in order for the human being to have an integral formation it is necessary to have a robust curriculum design, it must have needs in terms of the context and it must be related to the formation processes; in this sense, it must have a sufficiently structured and useful strategy to respond to the needs of Physical Education teaching, where it is sought to be integral. (p. 217)
Thus, Cabrera & Dupeyrón (2019) define emotion as the reaction of the body to the mind. Motor skills become a main plane for the cognitive, emotional, social and affective development of each child, whether in the classroom, in public places such as parks and in their homes. Therefore, it is possible to demonstrate the factors that this implies at the moment of developing in the explorations whose motor skills allow them to perform through play. In addition, this can be implemented through pedagogical proposals inside and outside the classroom in early stages, giving as primary objectives the development of motor and cognitive skills, thus improving performance in school, as the child during bodily interaction will allow him to recognize himself, and on the other hand, helps develop cognitive and motor qualities, which in the future can provide greater ease to effectively solve problems of daily living.
On the other hand, Garófano & Guirado (2017) mention that:
Motor skills are not only important because they allow the motor development of students, but also because through them the child expresses and communicates his emotions and acquires the knowledge belonging to the cycle, being the movement a determining factor in learning by being considered a motivating agent capable of driving the child to action, which together with the game occupies a relevant place in the day to day of the little one, (p. 101)
In turn, Bernate, Guataquira, Rodríguez, Fonseca, Rodríguez & Betancourt (2020) propose that Physical Education should promote and develop processes of awareness, empowerment and self-regulation regarding the quality of life of the individual and the community, with the simple aim of internalizing the practice of physical activity as a complementary element of their lives.
While Gómez, Contreras & Gómez (2009) recommend that:
(...) from the planning of classes and motor work sessions should be carried out, in such a way that, children as a whole can develop the totality of the aspects of their personality, enhancing the processes of self-confidence and self-care, rethinking an integral form of motor education. This implies that the exercises should not prioritize some aspects over others, but that they should all be given the same value, since the practice of Physical Education involves the harmonious conjunction of the three aspects described above, which make up the personality, (p. 11)
Finally, Bernate, Fonseca, Betancourt, García & Sabogal (2019) mention the importance of integrally forming children from their infant stages, strengthening the bonds of social skills through exercises and collaborative games, enhancing body education in values. For this reason, the objective of the following bibliographic-systemic review is to analyze and systematize the position of different academic referents specialized in the contribution of Physical Education in the processes of motor development in the infant stages and how these contribute in a transversal way in the integral areas of learning.
Likewise, it can be pointed out that this bibliographic type of research is aimed at providing a source of consultation for students and professionals of Physical Education at higher and school levels, in order to have a theoretical and academic referenced support regarding the pedagogical strategies of the specific area in the know-how of teaching and motor education.
The methodology used in this research is qualitative and its design is bibliographic-systemic review. Hernández (2018) considers it as a detailed, selective and critical study that integrates essential information in a unitary and overall perspective, which aims to examine the published literature and place it in a certain perspective in an analytical way of conceptual and epistemological referents. In addition, the associated categories emerge in the heuristic development phase. From the operative in correspondence with the dynamics and strategy of monitoring and observation of the different selected academic sources and their respective application. For the development of the present phase, a guide was implemented, which allows locating the steps and actions in the categorical and analytical matrix individually; the guide uses protocols for the search and review of information sources, based on the categorical model proposed by Betancourt, Bernate, Fonseca & Rodríguez (2020).
The first protocol was structured in five elements: i) language of the information sources; ii) timeline; iii) keywords; iv) related articles; v) study methodology. The second protocol was structured in four elements: i) review criteria; ii) exclusion criteria (determined on the basis of the problem and the interests of the research group); iii) inclusion criteria represented in the topics relevant to the research; and iv) data extraction strategy (Table 1). A. Protocol for the search of information sources
Table 1. - Heuristic phase development guide
B. Protocol for review of information sources
Review standards
Track the existence of works similar to the object of study, research problem, objectives, authors, laws, decrees, resolutions and institutional documents. Timeline adjusted to the context and national institutional references. Works published in indexed journals and specialized peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Exclusion criteria
Publications that are not related to the specific context of the object of study. Publications that are not found in scientific journals, indexed, databases and referenced as non-research products. Publications that are outside the timeline established in this study.
Inclusion criteria
Keywords referenced research design approach, research problem, methodology, and conceptual references. Publications within the timeline established for the research.
C. Evaluation of the findings
In order to account for the application of a protocol for the review of information sources, a data collection matrix was constructed, where the inclusion criteria of the research are given.
The following is the structure of the document review format, which shows the most significant topics: title of the publication, date of publication, authors, keywords, place of elaboration, description, methodology and conclusions (Table 2).
Table 2. - Analytical matrix of bibliographic-systemic review
During the inquiry conducted on the relevance of motor development in children, the fundamental factors of motor development are evidenced, making known why motor skills should be paramount in the classroom curriculum and outside it, in addition, parents and teachers base as primordial and ideal the Physical Education class in psychomotor development, since this encompasses a high enrichment of determining factors for the child to be formed. For this reason, Cenizo, Ravelo, Morilla, Ramirez & Fernández (2016) recommend that Physical Education is understood as the engine of integral development of the human being, using the game as a complement, in which the child can experience body recognition, environment in which he/she is and the way he/she develops with the society of the same age, just as it can be achieved to strengthen memory, social relationships, attitudes, their emotions, and therefore, strengthen writing and reading skills; This without leaving aside the state of mind in which the child may be (Bernate, Bejarano & Cardozo, 2020).
Specifically, motricity is one of the principles to take advantage of the motivation provided by the practice of activities and the attitudes that the Physical Education teacher expresses to his students, since it depends on this that children take positive and participatory attitudes to find motivation and improve their basic motor skills. In the same way, Urrutia Garmendia & Arruza (2017) state in their contributions to motor skills for the child, mentioning the motivation that the child has when being active; they mention how the student, not only can be motivated through active movement, but also when he questions himself, when he helps, when he begins to recognize and experiment about his environment. Therefore, the child tends to feel the desire to obtain more, analyzing in depth and questioning the reason for the objective of each activity.
On the other hand, it is found that the game is a strategy or resource for motor development, which is used by Physical Education teachers to begin to develop the motor skills of children, as this is how they begin the recognition and experimentation of themselves based on their environment, enriching their imagination and their social interactions, not only focusing on these points, but also on building self-confidence and the confidence of those around them. However, Gómez (2017) determines some results for the game to be used as a didactic strategy, mentioning that it should enhance the processes of autonomous and cooperative learning, so that teachers implement strategies to strengthen the work of both learning, the environment should be suitable for the active and motivational participation of infants, allowing them to learn from each other, learn to integrate in groups and build ways of self-knowledge.
At the same time, emotions can be worked through motor skills, but in children emotions cannot be clearly evidenced as they are shown by adults, therefore, three-year-old children highlight their first emotions, show their pride, success and failure during their stage either of play or of their schooling. Therefore, Contell, Molina & Martínez (2017) sustain that the Physical Education class in infant ages should be a fundamental part of social and human development, since it helps to improve self-esteem, teamwork, improve mental and physical health. This is how the child can be evidenced in its development stage, since it begins to expose emotions when performing motor activities, as well as when executing activities that provide them with interest, because this influences the active participation of children.
On the other hand, motor skills should be implemented in the classroom, through fine and gross motor work in school craft activities and outside them, through the field work of the physical educator, because with the bibliographic support of the contributions of different authors on motor skills, it can be taken as a reference to have an academic and scientific basis on how to develop body and motor education in school and especially in infant ages (Villafuerte & Delgado, 2019).
Reiterating that the game should be the basic and primary tool in the Physical Education class due to the various forms of development that this involves such as: self-recognition, exploration of the surrounding environment and their own body, social relationships, emotions that transmit through active participations, growth of knowledge of both motor and cognitive skills, as recommended by Rodriguez, Pazos & Palacios (2015) ludic and play activities are inspired by the same pleasure of enjoyment, They also contribute to the development of motor skills and allow the child to create his or her own personality, let the imagination flow, strengthen family and social ties, emotions that can be easily expressed, because it is through play that the child can generate more confidence in the use of his or her body.
However, strategies can be created and implemented that help the child's motor skills from school Physical Education, and that in turn, involve the fundamental pillars for the child to be formed correctly, which previously mentioned are active participation, emotions, exploration and social relations; these strategies can be through activities such as origami, dances, drawings (plastic arts), physical and motor exercises, basic movement activities, readings and creation of dialogues such as stories. In the same way, Bernate, Fonseca, Urrea & Amaya (2019) propose three considerations, which are motor, in charge of body control, affective which is in charge of emotions, towards motivation and there is the cognitive which is in charge of awareness to make decisions, execute certain movements and the full execution of the same. In order to articulate and link the motor processes to the experiential and expressive ones.
It is also relevant to mention the role of the Physical Education teacher for the development and improvement of motor skills in children. From what Quirós & Arráez (2015) socialize, the teacher must possess adequate qualities such as cultural, comprehensive and creative, and should be responsible for the assertive learning of each student, preparing to improve their skills as time evolves. This is how the teacher must be creative, inquiring according to the needs of the student, have the qualities to make the classes participatory, active and that the child is involved in them, showing affection on it, that can be participatory and influential and not feel excluded, likewise the physical educator must provide the necessary tools for participation, where the child contributes ideas and help their peers to conflict resolution.
For this reason, Urrea, Bernate, Fonseca & Martínez (2018) raise the importance for the teacher to seek in the daily praxis, the social growth of children in the cultural and community environments of the Physical Education class, through dynamic and comprehensive classes.
Finally, not everything can be accomplished by the teacher, that is where the family comes in to play a fundamental role, as this should be a mechanism to help the child find support and advice on how to improve in each session of motor work; this means helping the child emotionally with values, rules, learning to obey orders, providing appropriate spaces to explore or develop recognition through play, it should be noted that parents begin to provide teaching processes from the prenatal stage, through small processes of movement. In such a way, that the child can obtain all the necessary tools from the family and physical educator, for its motor development and that, in the future, this does not contract problems whether affective, motor, participatory or cognitive; this previously mentioned by the authors which support to achieve demonstrate why the importance of motor development at early ages and its social factors involved (Rius & Torrebadella, 2019).
In conclusion, it is proposed that the pedagogical approach of Physical Education encompasses a number of methods and tools, not only providing the possibility of promoting healthy lifestyle habits, but also optimizing the processes of motor development at school age; it is for this reason that the area should become a tool for life, developing in children the motor assets but also in integrally forming them in values to holistically articulate the learning processes.
The emotional aspect should not be left aside since it is articulated with the development of children's motor skills, since it is a fundamental axis in the cognitive functioning of the child, clarifying that this is due to the experiences that the child lives bodily in the Physical Education classes, for this reason, integral motor class sessions should be planned, where the emotional feeling of the child is involved and thus achieve a significant learning that transforms the somatic reality of the students, turning the motor development area into a fundamental and imperative pillar of the school.
The manifestation of motor skills is evidenced in instruments that allow the ease with which the child begins to demonstrate the development of their motor skills and which should take over all the spaces in which they are. Then, the intervention of teachers and family members for the development process, providing tools and support so that they can have a better performance according to what motor skills imply in all areas already mentioned. With this, we seek to enrich and stimulate the importance of motor skills at an early age and its great connection with the other areas of the classroom and the social environment around them.
Finally, it is relevant to mention the game as the main tool for pedagogues and physical educators for the development of motor skills in infants, generating satisfaction and enjoyment of it with a solid and common objective, which is to enhance and optimize the basic patterns of movements, physical conditional and coordination capacities among others, for this reason this tool should be linked in the pedagogical processes inside and outside the classroom.
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Conflict of interests:
The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.
Authors' contribution:
Jayson Bernate: Conception of the idea, authorship coordinator, general advice on the topic addressed, literature search and review, translation of terms or information obtained, instrument making, instrument application, compilation of information resulting from the instruments applied, statistic analysis, preparation of tables, graphs and images, database preparation,Drafting of the original (first version), review of the application of the applied bibliographic standard, revisión y versión final del artículo, review and final version of the article, article correction.
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