PODIUM. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología en la Cultura Física is part of the Center for Studies of Sports Training in High Performance (CEEDAR), attached to the Faculty of Physical Culture "Nancy Uranga Romagoza" of the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saiz Montes deOca", Open Access and Peer Reviewed.It has a system of external review by experts (peer-review) aimed at researchers in the science of Physical Education and Sports, as well as people and institutions that are interested in the training of new generations, both in Cuba and internationally.international. This magazine began publishing in January 2006 and has maintained its edition uninterruptedly since then.

PODIUM's main objective is to disseminate the results of researchers in physical activity and sports sciences and, in turn, help deepen the various dimensions of knowledge;

hoping that those who come to this publication find scientific solidity and informative accessibility through a pleasant language that allows exchange between the scientific community of Cuba and the world.

PODIUM has the mission of promoting the dissemination and exchange of experiences in research work, through the publication of articles of proven quality that provide significant novelties and contribute to innovation in the field of Physical Education, Sports, Recreation,

Physical Culture in general and applied sciences, in Pinar del Río, Cuba and the world.

PODIUM has the vision of achieving visibility and informative coverage in the dissemination of scientific results, which allow projection as a reference magazine in the field of applied sciences, Physical Education, Sports, Recreation and Physical Culture in general. The PODIUM magazine will be published quarterly in the periods of January-April, May-August and September-December.

Its publication language is Spanish and English, and the title and summary of each article are presented in Portuguese.

PODIUM is in the CENDA registry: 3454-11-2017, with ISSN number: 1996-2452.

It can be found at the address: http://podium.upr.edu.cu/index.php/podium/index This magazine does not charge any type of publication fee or charge. Likewise,

PODIUM assumes the Creative Commons 4.0 international License. The journal is in favor of Open Science, and therefore, receives manuscripts from preprint repositories or that promote the placement of research data on data servers, among other manifestations. It is recommended to use: https://preprints.scielo.org/index.php/scielo/login;


Vol. 20 No. 1 (2025): January-April

Published: 2025-02-09

Somatotype and body composition in athletes of the Colombian Cheerleading Team

Jorge Leonardo Rodríguez Mora, Isabel María Fleitas Díaz, Magda Mesa Anoceto, Oscar Adolfo Niño Méndez, Álvaro Bustamante Sánchez


Indicators to contextualize the Pattern of Game in Cuban Women Soccer

Reniel Bonora Peñalver, Héctor Noa Cuadro, Edilberto L. Medina Durán


Strategic planning and budget execution of sports activities for workers of public institutions

Claudia Milagros Pezo Castillo, José Manuel Delgado-Bardales, Rosa Mabel Contreras-Julián

Strategic planning and budget execution for academic and athletic management of graduates from militarized insitutions

Haydee Violeta Zamora Silva, Oscar López Regalado, Zoila Ayvar Bazán, Patricia Marlene Pérez García, Margoth Sánchez Sánchez, Violeta Leonor Romero-Carrión

Cooperative learning in children with physical disabilities: a need in physical education classes in basic general education in Ecuador.

José Gerardo Cortéz Narvaez, Pedro Luis Díaz Braulio, Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo, Silvio Antonio González Catala

Physical conditioning protocol for football referees

Alexis García Ponce de León, Pablo Silvio Campos Baró, José Enrique Carreño Vega, José Raúl Hernández Souza


Effect of physical exercise on the physical condition of climacteric women

Lisset Haydeé Romero Sánchez, Milagro Beatriz Hernández Reyes , Cristina Carrera Valdés


Methodology to Conduct the Sports Initiation to Basketball from Sport for All

Liusván Eduarte Águila, Yasser Stable Bernal, Carlos Emilio Terry Rodríguez, Annette Nuñez González, Luis Alberto Cuesta Martinez

Health-oriented fitness of type 2 diabetic patients with distal peripheral diabetic neuropathy

Alejandro Julián Castillo González , Lexy Figueredo Frutos, José Solin Franco Velásquez, Yisel Suárez Castillo


Curricular adaptations for the inclusion of students with physical disabilities in the Physical Education lesson

Arturo José Tenelema Gómez, Leonardo Darío Dulcey Izquierdo , Fernando Emilio Valladares Fuente, Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Effects of Inspiratory Respiratory Musculature Training on Anaerobic Power in Rugby Players

Cristian Álvarez Varas, Andri Velásquez, Luis Veas Alfaro, Juan Guillermo Díaz Labrín, Pablo Contreras Vivanco Contreras Vivanco


Evaluation of the professional performance of Physical Education teachers

Reynaldo Izquierdo Izquierdo, José Rafael Proenza Pupo, Miguel Angel Avila Solis , Asdrubal Landrove Infante


of cooperative games for the inclusion of students with Down Syndrome in the physical education class.

Diego Enrique Freire Ochoa, Rud Angel Castillo Gallardo, Germán Rafael Rojas Valdés


Combat test to assess tactical performance in ne waza

Jasser Soria Becquer, Iosif Sánchez Nodarse, Raysel Pérez Cuesta, Jennipher Terrero González

Lisandra, where coherence and thought coincide

Rubén Pascual Ordaz Lorenzo, Fernando Emilio Valladares Fuente


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