Importance of the coordinative capacity of differentiation of technical gestures in U-12 soccer/Importancia teórica de la capacidad coordinativa de diferenciación de los gestos técnicos en fútbol sub-12

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Marco Antonio Romero Mackenzie


Motor coordination is defined as the neuromuscular capacity to work together different components of sports training, senses and body segments with precision. Therefore, improving the theoretical scope and limitations of national coaches in usefulness and importance terms of coordination training in general, and the capacity to differentiate technical gestures in particular, makes it possible to prospectively enhance the teaching-educational process. The objective of this work is theoretically validate some indicators that govern the importance and priority of coordination training and differentiation of technical gestures in U-12 soccer players. This is a descriptive-explanatory correlational research, studied four theoretical indicators evaluated by 22 national and international specialists classified into two independent groups (Group 1: National Specialists; Group 2; International Specialists), comparing results and deducing future national strategies to improve the coordinating component and the differentiation of technical gestures in U-12 players. In general, there are no significant differences in the scores of two indicators studied (ImC: p=0.974 and PeC: p=0.923), with significant differences in the rest (ImD: p=0.000 and PeD: p=0.003); in the latter two, a higher average range is obtained, in favor of group 2 (group 1: ImD=6.92; group 2: ImD=17.00; group 1: PeD=7.83; group 2: PeD=15.90). The validation by specialist evidences the theoretical importance of the training of the coordination capacity in initiation soccer players. In addition, a significant level of importance and priority is evidenced in the international specialists in the training of differentiation in U-12 soccer, with respect to the national specialists.


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How to Cite
Romero Mackenzie, M. A. (2021). Importance of the coordinative capacity of differentiation of technical gestures in U-12 soccer/Importancia teórica de la capacidad coordinativa de diferenciación de los gestos técnicos en fútbol sub-12. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 16(1), 147–157. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Marco Antonio Romero Mackenzie, Central University of Ecuador. Quito

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación, Mención Educación Física


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