Increase in physical capacities balance and gait in elderly with Parkinson/Incremento de las capacidades físicas equilibrio y marcha en adultos mayores con Parkinson

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Jorge Luis Abreus Mora
Vivian Bárbara González Curbelo
Ernesto Julio Bernal Valladares
Fernando Jesús Del Sol Santiago


Restoration of motor faculties is one of the goals of rehabilitation. Through this, it is intended to determine the effectiveness of a physical exercise program in the balance-gait physical capacities of people with Parkinson’s, from the specialized area Cienfuegos municipality. In the study, the male sex predominated, the sample n=29, the average age =71.7, with standard deviation S=6.9. The study was carried out using a prospective, experimental, pre-experiment with pre-test and post-test design; the distributions of frequencies and percentages of the indicators balance, gait and level of knowledge, evaluated in two moments, were compared. The independence between the variables age, sex and balance-gait and level of knowledge was correlated and evaluated based on looking for relationships in categorical variables of different subtypes. In the same subtypes, Pearson's Chi-square, Gamma and Kendall's Tau b statistics were applied; a normality in the distribution of the data and a p=0.05 is assumed, by means of the statistical program IBM SPSS for Windows version 21.0. Predominance of the male sex prevails, 55% and the ages of 65-74 years, and in the female sex, 75-84 years. The program reflected changes in the dimensions of the different indicators of the variables under study . In conclusion, the program showed significant changes in the physical capacities, balance and gait of elderly with Parkinson and in the level of knowledge of relatives, but there were no dependency relationships between sociodemographic variables and balance-gait.


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How to Cite
Abreus Mora, J. L., González Curbelo, V. B., Bernal Valladares, E. J., & Del Sol Santiago, F. J. (2022). Increase in physical capacities balance and gait in elderly with Parkinson/Incremento de las capacidades físicas equilibrio y marcha en adultos mayores con Parkinson. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 17(2), 654–671. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Jorge Luis Abreus Mora, Facultad de las Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte. Universidad de Cienfuegos Carlos Rafael Rodríguez.

Gestor de Posgrado. Vicedecanato de Investigación y Posgrado.

Vivian Bárbara González Curbelo, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Cienfuegos Carlos Rafael Rodríguez.

Profesora Auxiliar y Consultante. Departamento de Comunicación Social

Ernesto Julio Bernal Valladares, Hospital General Universitario Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima. Cienfuegos

Especialista en Ciencias Informáticas

Fernando Jesús Del Sol Santiago, Facultad de las Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte. Universidad de Cienfuegos Carlos Rafael Rodríguez.

Metodólogo. Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Posgrado


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