Biomechanical differences of the technical gesture of the flight in professional and amateur archers/Diferencias biomecánicas del gesto técnico del vuelo en arqueros profesionales y amateur

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Ariel Lenin Andino Ortiz
Josselyn Elizabeth Estrella García
Patricio Marino Ponce Guerrero


The archery flight technique is one of the fundamental defensive actions, its improvement depends on specialized methodologies based on studies of high-level athletes, which serve as a theoretical basis to strengthen the process of sports training management. In this sense, the objective of the research was to biomechanically analyze the technical gesture of flight in professional and amateur soccer goalkeepers. The research is of descriptive-explanatory type of correlational order. Under a non-probabilistic intentional sampling, 30 athletes (male; 16-18 years old) classified into two independent groups (Group 1: Professionals: 15 subjects; Group 2: Amateur: 15 subjects) are studied, 5 variables are biomechanically compared (AS : upper body angle; AI: lower body angle; VM: maximum speed; AM: maximum acceleration; TV: flight time ). The variable "AS" did not present significant differences (Group 1: 141.4°; Group 2: 150.3°; p=0.747 ), nor the variable "AI" (Group 1: 141.62°; Group 2: 150.3°; p=0.161 ), nor the variable "VM" (Group 1: 4.62m/s ; Group 2: 4.96m/s; p=0.601 ), nor the variable "AM" (Group 1: 2.54m/s 2 ; Group 2: 3.26m /s 2 ; p=0.202 ), nor the variable "TV" (Group 1: 1.86s ; Group 2: 1.56s; p=0.535 ), although there are variations in the average ranges. There are no significant variations within the execution of the technical gesture of the flight of the soccer goalkeepers studied. However, it is recommended to extend the study to a larger sample, comparing results with categories of lower age range.


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How to Cite
Andino Ortiz, A. L., Estrella García, J. E., & Ponce Guerrero, P. M. (2022). Biomechanical differences of the technical gesture of the flight in professional and amateur archers/Diferencias biomecánicas del gesto técnico del vuelo en arqueros profesionales y amateur. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 17(2), 716–727. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Ariel Lenin Andino Ortiz, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE.

Licenciado en Pedagogía de la Actividad Física y Deportes

Josselyn Elizabeth Estrella García, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE

Licenciado en Pedagogía de la Actividad Física y Deportes

Patricio Marino Ponce Guerrero, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE.

Máster en Entrenamiento Deportivo


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