Biomechanics of the pass with internal edge among prejuvenile and juvenile soccer players of Formative and Academy centers/Biomecánica del pase con borde interno entre futbolistas prejuveniles y juveniles de Formativas y Academia

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Daniel Alejandro Hualpa Loza
Richard Alexander Sarabino Cuichan
Juan Carlos Cerón Ramírez


Biomechanics is a science that helps the study of movements applied in different sports, including soccer, which allows identifying and correcting technical errors. This is a fundamental basis for the control of the athlete's preparation. In this sense, the purpose of the research was to analyze biomechanically the pass with the inner edge of the foot in pre-juvenile and youth soccer players of training and academy. The research is of descriptive-explanatory type, of correlational order; 40 soccer players were biomechanically diagnosed in two independent groups (Group 1: Formative; Group 2: Academy; between 14-18 years). Ten indicators are analyzed, including age. Significant differences were demonstrated in the "DB" indicator (p=0.000), the "ÁFRA" indicator (p=0.006), the "DPAE" indicator (p=0.000), and the "VF", "A" and " TE" (p=0.000) respectively, while the variables or indicators "ÁFRE" (p=1.000), "EX" (p=0.102) and "EY" (p=0.056) did not present significant differences between the independent groups. In the comparison made with the players of a professional team and the players of a training academy, it was possible to show that there are notable differences from the initial phase of the pass with the inner edge of the foot, showing the distance of the player with respect to the ball, as well as in the previous phase where the players in formatiom have a better execution of the technical movement; this is reflected in the contact phase where greater speed and acceleration are evident at the moment of impact with the ball.


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How to Cite
Hualpa Loza, D. A., Sarabino Cuichan, R. A., & Cerón Ramírez, J. C. (2022). Biomechanics of the pass with internal edge among prejuvenile and juvenile soccer players of Formative and Academy centers/Biomecánica del pase con borde interno entre futbolistas prejuveniles y juveniles de Formativas y Academia. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 17(2), 527–540. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Daniel Alejandro Hualpa Loza, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE. Quito.

Licenciado en Pedagogía de la Actividad Física y Deportes

Richard Alexander Sarabino Cuichan, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE. Quito.

Licenciado en Pedagogía de la Actividad Física y Deportes

Juan Carlos Cerón Ramírez, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE. Quito.

Máster en Entrenamiento Deportivo


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