Labor Gymnastics Program for metallurgical manual shapers
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Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are a cause of concern for the scientific community, supported by their negative effect on the lives of workers and the productivity of companies. In the metal casting process, manual molders with pneumatic tamper externalize manifestations of these conditions. This led to carrying out a research that aimed to develop a Labor Gymnastics program to contribute to the care of musculoskeletal disorders in metallurgical manual shapers. To collect, analyze and process the data, theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods were used, including historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, systemic-structural-functional, participant observation, survey, interview, documentary review, the experiment, user criteria and descriptive and inferential statistics. The population under study was made up of 19 metallurgical manual shapers, intentionally selected. The diagnosis and theoretical systematization achieved made it possible to develop a Labor Gymnastics program, in correspondence with the requirements of the molding process, whose effectiveness was verified.
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