Preparatory actions in underwater activities to improve The Civilian Defense System and the preservation of the environment in Pinar del Río

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Eduardo Roba-Lazo


This work proposes a set of preparatory actions for underwater activities in order to contribute to improve the Civilian Defense System and to preserve the environment. These actions are based on educational-sportive and environmental grounds, as well as on National Security concepts, considering that Cuba is the target of multiple natural disasters and of a military aggression. University students, members of the Saving and Rescue Commands, members of the Cuban Red Cross Lifeguard Body and young activists motivated by this type of activities all through the country were benefitted with this work. By means of theoretical and practical contents, it is performed the physical and intellectual preparation of individuals who fulfill varied missions in cases of natural disasters, long periods of defensive actions and who guarantee the reduction of disaster risks and the preservation of the environment, as well as the effectivity of confronting enemy activities against important objectives. One of the most outstanding results of this research is the creation of the provincial underwater activities group and the establishment of collaboration agreements with different institutions in Pinar del Río.


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How to Cite
Roba-Lazo, E. (2012). Preparatory actions in underwater activities to improve The Civilian Defense System and the preservation of the environment in Pinar del Río. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 7(3), 184–196. Retrieved from


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