Proposal of an alternative from the technical-tactical improvement in the pivot of Pinar del Río's feminine handball team 13-15 age

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Abel Castillo-López
Omar Rodríguez-Leal


This work describes the research carried out with the 13-15 category femenine basketball team at the EIDE Ormani Arenado, in Pinar del Río province with the objective of selecting exercises which contribute to the improvement of the technical-tactical work of pivots. The trainers of this team spotted a group of deficiencies from the analysis of the previous macrocycle and observations to training sessions. Exercises to improve the technical-tactical performance of pivots were selected, as it is applied in this category for provincial and national events under the guidance of the Subsystem for the preparation of the basketball player. The indicator considered was the importance of pivot work. Different questions and tasks were formulated to let the study of the original problem. Research methods such as analysis-synthesis, historic-logic, induction and deduction, survey, observation and descriptive statistics were used.


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How to Cite
Castillo-López, A., & Rodríguez-Leal, O. (2012). Proposal of an alternative from the technical-tactical improvement in the pivot of Pinar del Río’s feminine handball team 13-15 age. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 7(4), 30–43. Retrieved from


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