Strategy to base the technological mediation process in the physical recreation discipline teaching learning, based on learning objects in Pinar del Río Physical Culture Faculty

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Tania Ortiz-Vivanco
Luis Alberto Cuesta-Martínez
Carlos Maya-Camejo


The design of educational material has been, and goes on being a research development and topic. Through the use of the informatic technology, and even more since the coming of Internet, the development of educational materials in digital format has been growing year after year. The materials, as well as the digital environments where they are produced and the Virtual Environments of Teaching and Learning (VETL) in which they are included, favour a new way to know and produce knowledge. In this sense, Internet has produced a paradigm change in how people make the things and, consequently, has also changed the way in which they are designed, developed and distributed the instructional material. The learning objects offer a new methodology for the design of educational materials, they have the potential to be reused in different educational contexts, and permit the migration among different VETL (if they work with standards). They can offer different ways of analyzing one topic, what favour the making of different learning sequences, bringing forth differentiated personalized or learning. Besides, they permit different formative methodologies and pedagogical designs. They have an instrumental character because the proposal establishes the strategy for the application of the basics for the selection, design and production of learning Objects, as well as the elements to keep in mind when designing and inserting them in the process of technological mediation in the teaching learning of the discipline Physical Recreation in the Physical Culture Faculty of Pinar del Río, permitting the transformation and functioning of this process, in a more efficient, productive and viable one.


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Ortiz-Vivanco, T., Cuesta-Martínez, L. A., & Maya-Camejo, C. (2014). Strategy to base the technological mediation process in the physical recreation discipline teaching learning, based on learning objects in Pinar del Río Physical Culture Faculty. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 9(1), 29–52. Retrieved from


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