Evaluation indice for risking level lowering of the physical Recreational Facilities, Accsesories and Implements

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Jesús I. Benítez-Llanes
Niurkys Montesino-Cervantes
Isel Benítez-Cuadot


The present work has the general objective to elaborate evaluation indices for risking level lowering of the physical recreational facilities, tools and implements in the different educational and sport institutions of the territory. For the research realization there were used theoretical, empirical and statistic methods which corroborated the existence of difficulties related with the high level risk of the sport equipment. This is the reason for what the present research is considered of a great importance for contributing to solve the mentioned social problematic. On the other hand, an exploratory study was carried out where it was proved that the managers, maintaining workers and physical culture professionals do not use evaluation indices, bringing about as a result they don’t feel stimulated, due to the lack of contents related with this topic in the sport subject programs, as well as the fact they don’t know how to consider these indices in the different areas and sport facilities. The proposed evaluation indices subjected to the specialists criteria is considered an appropriate working tool for the fulfilling professional performance of the workers and physical culture professionals that every day work in those facilities who are going to be able to assume several maintaining functions according to the educational and sport facilities of the territory.


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How to Cite
Benítez-Llanes, J. I., Montesino-Cervantes, N., & Benítez-Cuadot, I. (2013). Evaluation indice for risking level lowering of the physical Recreational Facilities, Accsesories and Implements. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 8(1), 4–18. Retrieved from https://podium.upr.edu.cu/index.php/podium/article/view/421
Author Biography

Isel Benítez-Cuadot, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna”, Pinar del Río.

Estudiante de la Facultad de Estomatología,


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