Psycho educational workshops for the development of the quality of life of the elderly in the community

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Osvaldo León-Bravo
Clarisleidys Rodríguez-Alberto
Francisco García-Ucha


Promote wellness to people is one of the social responsibilities by its universal aspirations and become points of convergence between the different sciences, so it is not surprising that one of the main objectives of the different states is to improve the quality of life and physical and mental wellbeing of people in the community. This research is a new space, which allowed finding new alternatives in terms of improving welfare from the social body from an educational perspective. For this reason, the study focused toward one of the age groups most complex social, the elderly. The overall objective for the fulfillment of the research was aimed at implementing psycho educational group workshops, which from the bodywork and participatory allowed actions to stimulate and guide the development of the quality of life of the elderly. Within the methods and techniques used in the investigation were found theoretical methods such as historical analysis - logical, analytic - synthetic, induction-deduction and the ecosystem approach. In empirical methods, the literature search, interviews, survey and observation. The result was an effective implementation of psycho educational workshops, which organized from the bodywork participatory allowed forming stimulate multilateral development skills, systematic relationship that influenced body improving the welfare of the elderly. Palabras Claves: Adulto Mayor, Calidad de Vida


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How to Cite
León-Bravo, O., Rodríguez-Alberto, C., & García-Ucha, F. (2013). Psycho educational workshops for the development of the quality of life of the elderly in the community. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 8(1), 19–30. Retrieved from


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