Observational tool to evaluate technician-tactical behavior in volleyball athletes in the base sport areas of Pinar del Rio

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Tania Rosa García-Hernández
Luis Manuel Barrera-Pardo


The volleyball, collective sport characterized by the cooperation-opposition in the obtaining of an ideal competitive performance level, has proven in the last decades a continuous and quick development based on the rules´ transformation that govern them; promoting changes in the methods and procedures trainings conception with reach that it consider the methodological systems for the technical and preparation tactics. The following research intend to search an own relevancy in the context of the initial formation and of the technical and tactical improvement in the high-performance levels that, it has the purpose to offer the volleyball trainers an evaluation tool to check the technician-tactical level of 10 and 12 years children in the base sport areas. In the same way, it hopes to contribute to the achievement of a bigger effectiveness in the technical-tactics evaluation in the initiation volleyball and to improve the theoretical - methodological conception of this evaluation component in the sportsman's preparation, as well as to incorporate instruments that provide it.


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How to Cite
García-Hernández, T. R., & Barrera-Pardo, L. M. (2014). Observational tool to evaluate technician-tactical behavior in volleyball athletes in the base sport areas of Pinar del Rio. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 9(2), 161–173. Retrieved from https://podium.upr.edu.cu/index.php/podium/article/view/433


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