Sport identity in a reflection from adolescent athletes of Santiago de Cuba

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Asunción Milagros Pérez-Mariño
Ana Celia Matarán-Torres
Ernesto Hernández-Bridón


It was carried out a study with the Table Tennis athletes, using intentional sample techniques to determine the manifested insufficiencies in their reflexive development on how they perceive and project themselves in relation to their identification, self valuation, self conviction in the sport activity, starting from a diagnose by means of the observation to the training and individual interview to the athletes. The results showed the necessity of creating the spaces for the reflexive techniques to contribute to the development of sport identity when expressing values attitude, and feelings. It was favored the athlete active and compromising participation in the team, as their ambitions, expectations, success and failure are identified.


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How to Cite
Pérez-Mariño, A. M., Matarán-Torres, A. C., & Hernández-Bridón, E. (2015). Sport identity in a reflection from adolescent athletes of Santiago de Cuba. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 10(1), 24–33. Retrieved from


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