Physic recreational activitiy system for body weight decreasing in obese elderly people

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Laura Fernández-Domínguez


The present work has the objective to propose a physic recreational activity system for decreasing the body weight in elderly people. The proposed activity system is necessary and of a great usefulness for the physical culture teacher because it helps him, from methodological point of you, to give the aged people’s organism a more balanced build in a more efficient way, to get a greater acceptation of the participants in the recreational order, as well as to achieve their wellbeing from the community. The work offers theoretical and methodological foundations of the activity system. The physic recreational activity system indirectly contributes to the socialization work in the community. Different investigation methods were used, as analysis and synthesis, historic logic and induction deduction from theoretical level. From empirical level the observation, Revista electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología en la Cultura Física survey, interview and document analysis were used too. Besides, there were used statistic and community intervention techniques.


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How to Cite
Fernández-Domínguez, L. (2013). Physic recreational activitiy system for body weight decreasing in obese elderly people. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 8(3), 40–58. Retrieved from


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