Study about the physical exercises to rehabilitation of Fibromyalgya’s patients

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Yusleidy Marlie Gordo-Gómez
Juan Miguel Rodríguez-Gámez
Darvin Manuel Ramírez-Guerra


The present research approaches the theoretical foundation related with Fibromialgya and the importance of the physical exercise to contribute to the rehabilitation of the patients affected with this pathology. In the study they used theoretical methods like the historic logic, analysis synthesis, and induction deduction as the empiric ones as: scientific observation, the interview and measurement, also they used the descriptive statistics and tendency analysis as Mathematics statistic methods. As a solution for the identified problem these were designed eight workshops to guide the patients in relation to the disease characteristics and the importance of the systematic physical rehabilitation as well as stretching a postural correction and aerobics exercises. The obtained results evidence that the applied physical exercise contribute to the physical rehabilitation of the patient with Fibromialgya and are considered like a significant element since this is a pathology that affects many people in Cuba and the World.


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How to Cite
Gordo-Gómez, Y. M., Rodríguez-Gámez, J. M., & Ramírez-Guerra, D. M. (2015). Study about the physical exercises to rehabilitation of Fibromyalgya’s patients. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 10(2), 136–148. Retrieved from


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