Theoretical methodology model for the talent stimulation during the Physical Culture professional formation

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Lourdes Rodríguez-Pérez
Sonia Ruiz-Amiot


This research proposes a model for the talent stimulation in the Physical Culture professional formation. It is developed in four work phases. In the first phase the diagnosis of necessities related with the stimulation of the talent of the Physical Culture context is carried out. The second phase establishes the talent dimensions and the indicators, starting from the results of the consultation to experts. In the third phase it is built a stimulation experience result in regularities for the design of the theoretical-methodological pattern for the talent stimulation in this area, which in the fourth phase is submitted to experts' criterion, in order to determine the correspondence between the representation of the reality and the truthfulness in the interpretation of the results obtained in the experience.


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Rodríguez-Pérez, L., & Ruiz-Amiot, S. (2015). Theoretical methodology model for the talent stimulation during the Physical Culture professional formation. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 10(2), 195–205. Retrieved from


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