Didactical alternative for the formation of the tactical skills in 11-12 aged taekwondo athletes/Alternativa didáctica para la formación de las habilidades tácticas en taekwondistas categoría 11-12 años

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Yoismel Moya Bell
Lida de la Caridad Sánchez Ramírez
Luis Bertot Ortega


The teaching learning of tactics is oriented towards the formation of combat skills, in such a way, tactical behavior configures the mode of action that shows the level reached in this process. The referred skills are conceptualized from two perspectives: technical-tactical skills and tactical skills. The first lacks a holistic vision that integrates the physical, theoretical and psychological components; on the contrary, the second one highlights their interaction and recognizes some singularities of the tactic. However, the proposals for didactic actions from the development of the class are insufficient. Consequently, the training of tactical skills in Taekwondo has been limited; in fact, the tactical behavior of taekwondo players in the 11-12 year category exhibits limitations. This article proposes a didactic strategy for the treatment of tactics, based on elements of class dynamics. All the specialists consulted agreed on the relevance, applicability and social relevance of the proposal, which was evidenced in the values obtained by consensus through the cut-off points. The methods used were observation, analysis-synthesis, functional structural systemic, and consultation with specialists through a survey, empirical frequency distribution and cut-off points.


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How to Cite
Moya Bell, Y., Sánchez Ramírez, L. de la C., & Bertot Ortega, L. (2021). Didactical alternative for the formation of the tactical skills in 11-12 aged taekwondo athletes/Alternativa didáctica para la formación de las habilidades tácticas en taekwondistas categoría 11-12 años. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 16(2), 345–358. Retrieved from https://podium.upr.edu.cu/index.php/podium/article/view/952
Author Biography

Lida de la Caridad Sánchez Ramírez, University of Oriente

Directora de Centro de Estudios de la Cultura Física y Deportes


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