Analysis of alternative physical tests for personnel with chronic diseases in the Naval Force/Análisis de las pruebas físicas alternativas para personal con enfermedades crónicas en la Fuerza Naval

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Diego Vinicio Lincango Inga
Enrique Chávez Cevallos


The members of the naval force must have various characteristics that define their professional skills, including physical preparation, an essential requirement to remain fit. However, there are naval personnel who, due to their health condition, require adaptations in the physical performance assessment tests, for which proposals that need validation are issued. The objective of this research was to analyze through consultation by specialists some alternative physical tests that can be adapted to Naval Force personnel with chronic non-communicable diseases. This Research is of descriptive-explanatory type, of correlational order. In it, the criteria of a sample made up of 13 specialists in sports medicine and officers of the Naval Force of the Republic of Ecuador are studied. During the study, three inclusion criteria are met, eight physical performance tests are validated and the recommendation of other tests is allowed. Two tests are presented as results, which were not relevant (TLA (2.23 points: not very relevant and ÍB 1.69 points: not relevant), while the rest obtained the following average scores, IA : 4.92 points (relevant-very relevant), DS : 4.85 points (relevant-very relevant), TR : 4.38 points (relevant), TM : 4.23 points (relevant), TIV : 3.23 points (moderately relevant) and TFMPE : 3.23 points (moderately relevant). Agreement between specialists is evident. (0.837). Six alternative physical tests for naval personnel with chronic noncommunicable diseases are validated as relevant, discarding the Barthel Index and the Stand Up and Go Test for not adjusting to the requirements of the naval force. It is recommended to consider the proposals issued by the specialists, carrying out empirical studies with the validated proposals; they adjust and create the necessary scales to prospectively evaluate the military personnel of interest.


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How to Cite
Lincango Inga, D. V., & Chávez Cevallos, E. (2022). Analysis of alternative physical tests for personnel with chronic diseases in the Naval Force/Análisis de las pruebas físicas alternativas para personal con enfermedades crónicas en la Fuerza Naval. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 17(2), 478–489. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Diego Vinicio Lincango Inga, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Quito.

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física, Deporte y Recreación

Enrique Chávez Cevallos, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Quito.

Máster en Recreación y Tiempo Libre


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