Physical fitness of young applicants for admission tests in Ecuadorian military schools: study in two independent groups/Condición física de jóvenes aspirantes a pruebas de ingreso en escuelas militares ecuatorianas: estudio en dos grupos independientes
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Annually, calls are opened for young applicants to the different military training schools; for this, there are certain requirements for the selection of the most qualified personnel for access to these institutions. Among them, various demands related to physical fitness. The objective of the research is to determine the levels and differences in physical fitness between two independent groups of applicants for entrance tests at an Ecuadorian military school. The study is descriptive-correlational with a quantitative approach, carried out in a population of (N=40) young people aspiring to a Military Educational School with similar fitness. These are classified into two independent groups with 20 members each (LN: Liceo Naval; CNC: Colegio Nacional Conocoto). The physical fitness was evaluated through three tests of the National Army of Ecuador. In order to correlate data, the parametric Student’s t test was used for independent samples (p≤0.05) in the elbow and hip flexion and extension tests and the 3219 m endurance test. There were significant differences between the two groups evaluated in each test (p=0.000), which were better means in the group of LN applicants compared to the CNC group. Specifically, the Liceo Naval presented better indicators of physical fitness and, in general, a lack of physical fitness was identified by the applicants of the two independent schools, characterized by low levels of physical activity. This aspect has a negative impact on the results of the admission tests to Ecuadorian military academies.
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