Relationship between cortical activation and moods in judo high performance female athletes/Relación entre la activación cortical y los estados de ánimo en judocas de alto rendimiento

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Anelin Dayris Rodríguez Olivera
Marisol de la Caridad Suárez Rodríguez
Magda Anoceto Mesa


The evaluation of cortical e activation, an indicator of central fatigue, constitutes a demanded procedure for the psychological control of training in high-performance athletes in Cuba. However, most of the studies carried out do not address the relationship between this variable and moods, although the impact that the latter have on the performance of the athlete, on their health status, among other variables, has been demonstrated. The incipient knowledge in this regard has limited the performance of more comprehensive psychopedagogical interventions during the psychological control of training. The present work aimed to verify the relationship between the level of cortical activation and moods. The sample consisted of 10 judokas from the Cuban women's national judo team. Cortical activation was measured during six training sessions using the Flicker, before and after the loads were delivered. Moods were assessed before beginning each training session with the Interactive Moods Profile. Data were processed using Student's T for related samples, Pearson's and Spearman's correlation coefficient, frequency distributions, and descriptive statistics. The main results showed that in the moods variable, vigor prevails, which evaluation was high before starting the training sessions, the presence of fatigue was also evidenced, while the level of cortical activation showed the expected behavior that produced a significant increase in the same after load, confirming a very weak correlation between both variables.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Olivera, A. D., Suárez Rodríguez, M. de la C., & Anoceto Mesa, M. (2022). Relationship between cortical activation and moods in judo high performance female athletes/Relación entre la activación cortical y los estados de ánimo en judocas de alto rendimiento. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 17(2), 672–688. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Anelin Dayris Rodríguez Olivera, Instituto de Medicina Deportiva

Psicóloga del Deporte (Remo, Canotaje, Judo) Máster en Ciencias Psicológicas Estudiante Doctorado

Marisol de la Caridad Suárez Rodríguez, Instituto de Medicina Deportiva

Dra. en Ciencias Psicológicas Profesora e investigadora

Magda Anoceto Mesa, Universidad de las Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte “Manuel Fajardo”, La Habana

Dra. en Ciencias, Profesora de la Universidad de las Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte “Manuel Fajardo”, La Habana, Cuba.


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