Teaching of the front crawl style: a proposal for sports continuity during the pandemic/Enseñanza del estilo crol: una propuesta de continuidad deportiva durante la pandemia

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Héctor Raúl Pilca Bermudes


The pandemic has generated much damage in all areas, especially in sports, so strategies are needed to allow its continuity. The objective of this research is to reflect and propose strategies for teaching the crawl style, in the context of the pandemic for the return to training avoiding contagion. This study is of a theoretical nature through the review of scientific documents from the Google Scholar database, among books, theses and articles, which were selected in two dimensions: swimming for teaching the crawl style and safety interpretations during practice in the pandemic setting. A proposal for teaching the crawl style could be established for sports continuity during the pandemic, structured in two strategies, the first called safe teaching and the second safe training. This will allow to contribute directly, as a practical document useful to coaches for the safe teaching of swimming not only in crawl but in different styles.


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How to Cite
Pilca Bermudes, H. R. (2022). Teaching of the front crawl style: a proposal for sports continuity during the pandemic/Enseñanza del estilo crol: una propuesta de continuidad deportiva durante la pandemia. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 17(2), 839–850. Retrieved from https://podium.upr.edu.cu/index.php/podium/article/view/1231
Author Biography

Héctor Raúl Pilca Bermudes, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación. Mención Educación Física


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