Leading healthy lifestyles with a focus on ICT, interdisciplinarity and the school-family integrated work

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Raúl Cristóbal Olguin Donoso
Juan Francisco Cabrera Ramos
Omar Andrés Aravena Kenigs


During the COVID-19 health crisis, the development of healthy lifestyles in students of the school system has gained special significance, so this study aims to promote, through Physical Education, the formation of healthy lifestyles in the school community from the intermediate leadership, the interdisciplinary articulation, the integration of ICT and the school-family unit. In the study, a mixed paradigm was assumed; 265 students, 11 teachers and 2 directors participated. Group interviews, participant observation and the fantastic questionnaire were applied. A favorable development in the practice of physical and sports activity, as well as the improvement of nutrition habits were evidenced, and practices of the proposed action plan were institutionalized. It is concluded that the action plan can be considered as a valid way for the formation of healthy lifestyles in basic education students, in the studied context.


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How to Cite
Olguin Donoso, R. C., Cabrera Ramos, J. F., & Aravena Kenigs, O. A. (2023). Leading healthy lifestyles with a focus on ICT, interdisciplinarity and the school-family integrated work. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 18(1), e1413. Retrieved from https://podium.upr.edu.cu/index.php/podium/article/view/1413
Author Biographies

Raúl Cristóbal Olguin Donoso, Colegio Clara Brincefield

Magister en Gestión Educativa. Profesor de Educación Física y salud en Colegio Clara Brincefield

Juan Francisco Cabrera Ramos, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación. Magister en Tecnología Educativa. Licenciado en Cultura Física. Profesor Asistente en Universidad Católica de Temuco

Omar Andrés Aravena Kenigs, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Licenciado en Educación Física. Doctor


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