Proposal of indicators for the selection of athletes in poomsae for high performance. Practical validation

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Gletechen Yaima Jiménez Fernández
Glenhis Hernández Horta
Mayra Vila Machado
Carlos Manuel Regalado Toledo


The proposed research, in the area of talent selection in high performance, specifically in the poomsae modality in its free style event, represents a strategic study, since limitations were found in the selection process in said sporting modality. Therefore, this work presented the objective of evaluating the technical indicators for the selection of athletes with respect to the poomsae modality in its free style event. This selection is made in accordance with the current competitive regulatory requirements, applied by the World Federation of this sport. Theoretical level methods like inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic and historical were used and from the empirical level, documentary review and measurement, and the angles of the proposed indicators were measured through the Kinovea biomechanical software. The statistical technique used was the SPSS 20 statistical processor. There were defined and evaluated in a practical way the indicators of flexibility (central, left lateral, right lateral splits) with an average of 10.25 points; kicking techniques (basic kicks, holding, kicks with spin in the air) with average results of 2.5; 1.9 and 1.87 points; acrobatic jumps (stride jumps, left split jumps , right split jumps ) and acrobatic elements with average results of 8.69 and 2.21 points, for the selection process of school sports initiation schools in the poomsae modality in their free style event.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Fernández, G. Y., Hernández Horta, G., Vila Machado, M., & Regalado Toledo, C. M. (2024). Proposal of indicators for the selection of athletes in poomsae for high performance. Practical validation. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 19(1), e1515. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Mayra Vila Machado, Dirección General de Alto Rendimiento. Inder. La Habana, Cuba.

Licenciada en Cultura Física •Máster en Metodología del Entrenamiento Deportivo para la Alta Competencia •DraC de la Cultura Física (Universidad de Jaén. España) Validado en Cuba.


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