Cuban women in weightlifting: a methodological perspective

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Orielvis Ferrer Carrasco
Noelsis Pupo-Gé
Helmer Antonio Méndez Infante
Adael La O-Trutié


One of the sports that represents the most versatility is weightlifting, since its practice is not only reduced to competitive sports, but is a physical activity that develops strength capacity in the rest of the sports. This constitutes a reality that is reflected in sports performance, however, the women who practice it do not have treatment adjusted to their gender, so the objective of this work was to determine what level of knowledge lifting coaches have of weights in Santiago de Cuba, to distribute the loads in the women's team of this sport. To achieve this purpose, empirical level methods were implemented such as scientific observation applied to training sessions and surveys of coaches who care for these athletes. As a result of the diagnosis, it was declared that there is a significant lack of knowledge about how to distribute the loads in these weightlifters and there is a lack of a methodology to increase this knowledge and improve the competitive results of the female gender, in this category.


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How to Cite
Ferrer Carrasco, O., Pupo-Gé, N., Méndez Infante, H. A., & La O-Trutié, A. (2024). Cuban women in weightlifting: a methodological perspective. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 19(1), e1590. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Orielvis Ferrer Carrasco, Sectorial de Deportes Sntiago de Cuba. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

Licenciado en Cultura Física

Noelsis Pupo-Gé, Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas

Helmer Antonio Méndez Infante, Universidad de Granma. Granma, Cuba.

Doctor en Ciencias de la Cultura Física

Adael La O-Trutié, Sectorial del Deporte Santiago de Cuba. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

Licenciado en Cultura Física


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