Sports-recreational festival for the elderly, in communities of the Artemisa and Mayabeque provinces
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The sports-recreational festival has promoted the local development of Cuban society, having as its fundamental basis the programs of physical recreation in the elderly, which must be understood and appreciated as something beyond the enjoyment of all the possibilities that exist in their social environment and be prepared to accept, without giving up their own limitations and decreases in their strength. This research aims to propose a Sports-Recreational Festival with the elderly that contributes to the management of community physical recreation in communities of the provinces Artemisa and Mayabeque, based on the constructivist paradigm, in the contextual, in the participatory, in the endogenous, in social interaction and in sustainable development. Characteristic of this research is the participatory action and the use of empirical methods, such as: participant observation, survey, group interview and theoretical methods such as: analytical-synthetic, historical-logical, induction-deduction, documentary analysis and the statistical-mathematical method, which allowed to verify and manage the need to look for ways to favor community physical recreation, which start from the needs and interests that emerge from within the community.
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