Integrated Physical Rehabilitation With Stimulation Of Verbal Fluency In The Older Adult With Cardiopathe

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Mirelis Barrientos Danger
Enrique Casabona Fernández
Martha Cañizares Fernández
Dionisia Yamirta Alcántara Boduen
Grethel De la Caridad Salazar Ramírez


The older adult is characterized by the changes that occur with aging in the different organs and systems, with a high incidence in functional capacity. This individual is subject to diseases and risk factors, such as: dyslipidemia, obesity, stress, cognitive impairment, arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, among others. The objective of the research is: to establish a group of physical exercises of the physical rehabilitation program integrated with cognitive actions for the stimulation of verbal fluency in older adults with heart disease in the maintenance phase, because this age group is more prone to cognitive impairment, and the methodological indications of the cardiovascular rehabilitation program do not include attention to cognition. The methods used were: observation, measurement, specialist criteria, follow-up of cardiovascular function by monitoring vital signs. For the evaluation, the Six-Minute Walk Test, the Minimental Test and the Semantic and Phonological Verbal Fluency Test were applied. The results obtained, after implementing the physical rehabilitation exercises with cognitive actions for the stimulation of verbal fluency, show the achievement of a significant improvement in the investigated subjects because they were able to produce more words and semantic categories, as well as to optimize the cognitive domains, attention and memory, as well as cardiovascular function and global cognition.


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How to Cite
Barrientos Danger, M., Casabona Fernández, E., Cañizares Fernández, M., Alcántara Boduen, D. Y., & Salazar Ramírez, G. D. la C. (2024). Integrated Physical Rehabilitation With Stimulation Of Verbal Fluency In The Older Adult With Cardiopathe. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 19(3), e1651. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Mirelis Barrientos Danger, Universidad UCCFD Manuel Fajardo

Profesora Auxiliar DrC. del Departamento del Cultura Física Terapéutica y Profiláctica.

Enrique Casabona Fernández, Clínica de Trastornos del Movimiento del Departamento de Neuropsicología del CIREN. La Habana, Cuba


Martha Cañizares Fernández, del Centro de Estudio de Investigaciones Psicológicas de la Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte “Manuel Fajardo”. La Habana

Dr. C. Profesora Titular de Psicología del Deporte y directora del Centro de Estudio de Investigaciones Psicológicas 

Dionisia Yamirta Alcántara Boduen, Instituto Nacional de Educación Física Deporte y Recreación. La Habana, Cuba.

Metodóloga de Ciencia y Técnica

Grethel De la Caridad Salazar Ramírez, Combinado Deportivo Granma del municipio Cerro. La Habana, Cuba

Profesora de Cultura Física


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