Set of nutritional recommendations to develop dietary strategies in athletes

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Fausto Guillermo Ballesteros Saltos
Elizabeth del Rocío Falcones Barbosa
Cristian Oliver Calderçon Palomino
Vilma Viviana García Caicedo
Jordy Joe Murillo Falcones


This study is based on a nutritional characterization of athletes, attended from an academic and scientific point of view by the Luis Vargas Torres Technical University, of Ecuador. It draws the attention of coaches and teachers of this sports pedagogical center that, despite having the appropriate basic conditions for the practice of sports, unfavorable sports results are shown. Among the data collected in the exploratory study (survey of coaches and interviews with managers and teachers), the insufficient nutritional dietary regimen received by athletes was highlighted. The objective was to propose a set of nutritional recommendations that allow perfecting the dietary strategies that athletes need to remain in an optimal state in their sports practice and health. The diagnosis was based on measurement and statistical analysis such as the correlation of intensity (Sprints) and carbohydrate intake and the correlation of intensity and protein intake. After analyzing the results, a group of dietary recommendations focused on improving the sports training situation are designed and established. It is suggested that future research delve into this area, to validate and improve the proposed analytical framework.


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How to Cite
Ballesteros Saltos, F. G., Falcones Barbosa, E. del R., Calderçon Palomino, C. O., García Caicedo, V. V., & Murillo Falcones, J. J. (2024). Set of nutritional recommendations to develop dietary strategies in athletes. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 19(2), e1664. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Fausto Guillermo Ballesteros Saltos, Universidad "Luis Vargas Torres", Ecuador.

Magister en Entrenamiento Deportivo

Elizabeth del Rocío Falcones Barbosa, Universidad Técnica "Luis Vargas Torres". Colegio 9 de Octubre, Universidad Estatal de Milagro, . Ecuador.

Magister en entrenamiento deportivo.

Cristian Oliver Calderçon Palomino, Universidad Técnica "Luis Vargas Torres". Ecuador.


Vilma Viviana García Caicedo, Universidad Técnica "Luis Vargas Torres". Ecuador.


Jordy Joe Murillo Falcones, Universidad Luis Vargas Torres, Ecuador

Lcdo en Pedagogía de la educación Física y el deporte


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