Effect of physical exercise on the physical condition of climacteric women
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The Physical fitness is the term most commonly used to define the capacity of human beings to human movement, which can be improved with the practice of physical exercise. For women in the climacteric period it is important to exercise physically because with the decrease in estrogen levels and advancing age there is a decrease in physical capacities which, together with non-communicable diseases, increases their severity. The aim of this research was to assess the effect of a set of exercises adjusted to the physical condition of climacteric women. According to the methodological design, the type of study was mixed (qualitative-quantitative) of longitudinal cut and the methods used were Analytical-synthetic, Functional structural systemic, Theoretical systematization, Survey technique and Measurement. The main result was to confirm that physical exercise provoked favourable effects in the group of climacteric women when they were evaluated well with the battery of tests applied. By way of conclusion, the practical verification showed significant results in each test evaluated, corroborating the importance of evaluation at this stage. By demonstrating the positive changes that physical exercise brings to its practitioners.
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