Morphology like science in the physical culture and its use as a teaching supporting material

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Valia Alina Crespo-Almeira
Liosbel Castillo-Blanco
José Alejandro Álvarez- Crespo


Morphology is a branch of Biology that is part of the biomedical basic sciences; it fundamentally studies the structure, that is to say, the form of organization of the systems of organs. The poor bibliography existence for the content assimilation related with locomotive human system in the Physical culture career first year students, as well as, the access increase of computer equipment. This research proposes a teaching supporting material to teach the content of Morphology II, where the students can apply and check the acquisition and domain of these contents for the a better professional development. The investigation methods used were the historical tendencies, systemic and analysis and synthesis methods. The empiric methods were: the observation, the interview and documents analysis. The consulted theoretical and methodological referents about the treatment of the contents related with the human locomotive system confirm the necessity of these contents in Morphology as science in the career of Physical Culture.


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Crespo-Almeira, V. A., Castillo-Blanco, L., & Álvarez- Crespo, J. A. (2012). Morphology like science in the physical culture and its use as a teaching supporting material. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 7(3), 101–120. Retrieved from


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