Analysis the percentage frequency to estimate Volleyball´s performance

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Santiago Calero-Morales


The study analyzes the percentage frequency as a mathematical model used to estimate the international volleyball performance. Based on the description of its practical objectives, the paper shows some positive and negative characteristics of the equation, characteristics that affect decision making by the coach. Three studies were conducted involving a population of 42 games in volleyball, men's youth category, 10 game of 13 possible belonging to the Final round of 2006 FIVB World League, and a ranked players in the qualifying phase of the 2006 World League with 48 games as population. The investigation determined that the percentage frequency is a simple computer model that defines a value perfectly isolated from reality, but does not model correctly all variables that significantly influence the final performance, creating false interpretations of reality.


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How to Cite
Calero-Morales, S. (2012). Analysis the percentage frequency to estimate Volleyball´s performance. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 7(4), 3–16. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Santiago Calero-Morales, Escuela Nacional de Voleibol, Federación Cubana de Voleibol

Especialista Técnico Metodológico


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