The homework orientation for the autonomous cognitive activity

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Deysi Milhet-Cruz
Alberto Roig-Abreu
Lino Curbelo-Mujica


Present education increasingly demands from a critic constructive vision to the education, as well as from a new interpretation of learning in the school institutions. Taking into account its role in the problematic and considering that the objective, as a leader didactic category, is verified through the homework realization, this work has the objective to reflex about the essential features of the homework for the autonomous cognitive activity’s achievement, which should be structured as a system. General results of the work reveal that the homework should be a task system where the academic, labour and investigative components are closely related. The work was done by means of the historic- logic, induction and deduction, as well as documents analysis methods from theoretical level. The interview and the specialist consult, as empirical methods were also used.


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Milhet-Cruz, D., Roig-Abreu, A., & Curbelo-Mujica, L. (2013). The homework orientation for the autonomous cognitive activity. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 8(2), 87–97. Retrieved from


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