Therapeutic alternative for the treatment of hypertension in older adults

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Lida de la Caridad Sánchez Ramirez
Yamila Hall BissetI
Mónica Alexandra Pozo VinuezaIII
Dámaris Galindo Reymond
Elizabeth Duany Sánchez


High blood pressure is a public health problem that generates high financial and social costs due to its high prevalence, long duration, dependence on multiple pharmacotherapy and its often lethal complications. Consequently, an investigation was carried out with the objective of developing a therapeutic alternative, for the treatment of hypertension in older adults from the therapeutic areas. In older adults investigated up to 70 % are over 65 years of age, of them 60% were women and it was observed that diastolic blood pressure was 90 mm Hg, while the upper systolic pressure was 150 mm Hg. The statistical system SPSS 11.5 was used. The results were expressed in absolute frequencies and percentages. The beneficiaries had many variations in the frequency of hypertensive crisis, a situation that varied significantly, from the application of the proposal.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Ramirez, L. de la C., Hall BissetI, Y., Pozo VinuezaIII, M. A., Galindo Reymond, D., & Duany Sánchez, E. (2018). Therapeutic alternative for the treatment of hypertension in older adults. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 13(3), 193–201. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Yamila Hall BissetI, Área Terapéutica “Josué País García” Inder municipal, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

Licenciada en Cultura Física

Mónica Alexandra Pozo VinuezaIII, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba

Doctora en Ciencias de la Cultura Física

Dámaris Galindo Reymond, Policlínico Docente“Josué País García”, Centro Urbano "Abel Santamaría", del municipio Santiago de Cuba

Especialista de Primer Grado en Medicina General Integral, Máster en Ciencias

Elizabeth Duany Sánchez, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba

Estudiante de la Universidad de Oriente


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