Study on the tests used in the triathlon

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Pavel Fundora García


In today's sport, where the physical demands are increasing, a correct preparation cannot be conceived without a rigorous control of it. Tests are used as means of control. These must meet certain conditions, within which is to respond to the characteristics of the competitive activity in which the athlete participates. The condition of specificity to which the control procedures must respond is one of the most important at the time of evaluating the triathlete's performance. In this review we tried to know how this condition is fulfilled in the tests currently used for the evaluation of the triathlete in Sprint distance. From the theoretical level, the induction and deduction was used, and the documentary review was used empirically. The tests for their study were classified into laboratory tests, field tests and mixed tests. The main conclusion is that there is a predominance of laboratory tests, the tests used are characterized by being parceled where segments of the competition of the triathlete are evaluated and not the competition itself and although efforts are carried out the athlete is not studied in conditions similar to those of competition.


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Fundora García, P. (2019). Study on the tests used in the triathlon. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 14(3), 527–542. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Pavel Fundora García, Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas

Licenciado en Cultura Física


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