The figures: their preparation in school artistic swimming

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Liudmila Hernández Soutelo
Erva Brito Vázquez
Alina Bestard Revilla


One of the tasks to be immediately solved in school artistic swimming, is related to the technical preparation that constitutes a fundamental part in the training process of artistic swimmers. In this article, it is offered the results of a bibliographical review that was carried out with the objective of address the main considerations about the process of technical preparation in school artistic swimming, with particular emphasis on the training of figures; in addition, the most relevant theoretical contributions and inconsistencies that justify the improvement of the studied process were specified . To achieve this, analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive scientific methods were applied from the theoretical level, and documentary analysis as an empirical method, in order to reference the results of research on this subject from an analytical and critical perspective, which allowed establishing opinion and debate criteria to achieve an understanding of the topic developed; as conclusions, it was pointed out that the epistemological limitations detected are summarized in methodological insufficiencies present in the content, methods, dosage and distribution of the loads due to omissions of procedures, this made it difficult to correctly orient the training of the figures towards the fulfillment of the intended objectives.


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Hernández Soutelo, L., Brito Vázquez, E., & Bestard Revilla, A. (2023). The figures: their preparation in school artistic swimming. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 18(1), e1145. Retrieved from


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