Systematization of studies on the utility of laterality in combat sports

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Omar Martínez Pérez
Eglys Vargas Géliga
Luis Michel Álvarez Berta
Mileidy Paz Fortún


The project "Study of laterality patterns of elite athletes in Cuba" has as its objective the diagnosis, characterization and assessment of laterality patterns of active and retired athletes with high sports results, but so far it lacks a deepening in the usefulness that laterality can have in the technical-tactical preparation in combat sports, so the objective of this article was to systematize the main researches related to the use of laterality in these sports. For this, the inductive-deductive, analysis-synthesis and bibliographic review methods were used in order to determine the background and interpret the main reference research on this subject. It was concluded that among the main aspects addressed were: the competitive advantages of left-handed athletes, the technical volume that was carried out in competitions, the characterization of the athlete according to their lateral preferences and how they influence sports performance. However, no study was observed regarding the use of laterality patterns in technical-tactical preparation in combat sports, which became a lack, for the study of these sports disciplines.


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How to Cite
Martínez Pérez, O., Vargas Géliga, E., Álvarez Berta, L. M., & Paz Fortún, M. (2023). Systematization of studies on the utility of laterality in combat sports. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 18(1), e1176. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Omar Martínez Pérez, Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte " Manuel Fajardo"

Profesor del Departamento de Deportes de Combate


Licenciado en cultura física. Profesor Asistente

Luis Michel Álvarez Berta, UCCFD Manuel Fajardo

Dr. C.


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