Effects of nutritional periodization on the body composition of middle-distance runners from Djibouti/Efectos de la periodización nutricional en la composición corporal de corredores de media distancia de Djibouti
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Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the effects of the nutritional periodization intervention on the body composition of elite junior Djiboutian runners in middle distance.
Materials and methods: The sample consisted of 22 male runners, aged between 16 and 18 years. For the assessment, an experiment consisting of 11 subjects in the control group and 11 in the experimental group was designed. As anthropometric measurements, weight, height and six adipose tissue were taken to evaluate the percentage of fat, adiposity index, body mass index and active body substance index, since, in order to monitor the proposed intervention, an interview of reminder 24 hours seven days.
Results: A periodized diet was designed, with the manipulation of carbohydrates. Nutritional periodization with high and low carbohydrate intake for 12 weeks significantly (p<0.05) decreased percentage fat without altering body weight or active body substance index in juvenile middle-distance Djiboutian runners from the experimental group.
Conclusions: The exposed results contribute to improve the biomedical control of training in elite junior middle-distance runners in Djibouti, since there were data limitations on their body composition and the effect that periodized nutrition could have on these indicators.
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