Therapeutic physical activity program for patients with second and third degree burns

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Juan Nicolás Soriano Justiz
Alexis Rafael Macías Chávez


The presence of the physical activity professional occupies a significant role in the scheme of healing, rehabilitation and social reintegration of the burned patient. The objective of this work was to develop a program of therapeutic physical activities, with a community multifactorial approach in the prescription of the biopsychosocial preparation that allows the recovery of the physical condition oriented to health in burned patients.A minimal control pre-experimental design study was carried out, lasting three years (2021-2023). The selected sample was made from an intentional stratified sampling, not probabilistic. Methods of the theoretical and empirical levels and research techniques were used, among which analysis and synthesis, inductive-deductive, systemic-structural-functional, documentary analysis, structured observation, interview and survey, respectively, stand out.The program was carried out through the implementation of therapeutic physical exercises. 10 patients with burns in the shoulder girdle with second and third degree burns participated, more than 90% showed high levels of anxiety and low self-esteem. 100% showed low levels of physical condition. 100% managed to modify behavior towards healthy lifestyles with good social reintegration. 90% achieved higher records in the elements submitted to evaluation. The study showed that the multifactorial community approach in the prescription of biopsychosocial preparation improved health-oriented physical conditioning in burn patients.


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How to Cite
Soriano Justiz, J. N., & Macías Chávez, A. R. (2024). Therapeutic physical activity program for patients with second and third degree burns. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 19(3), e1519. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Juan Nicolás Soriano Justiz, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma. Granma, Cuba

Departamento de Cultura Física. Presidente del Consejo Científico

Alexis Rafael Macías Chávez, Universidad de Granma. Facultad de Cultura Física. “Manuel Fajardo Rivero”. Bayamo, Granma, Cuba



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