Activities to implement the pre-sports game through the combination of handball - football in university students

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Romario Javier Morcillo-Valencia
Elizabeth del Rocío Falcones Barbosa
Andrea Abad Arroyo
Antonio Andrés López Proaño
Jordy Joe Murillo Falcones


Games as recreational activities constitute an important element in the development of the pedagogical process of Physical Education; tt contributes to collective work, formation of values such as: courage, perseverance, discipline, honesty, camaraderie, organization, respect for the rules, among others, which makes it contain great biological psychological and pedagogical value evidenced in its activities and in the benefits it brings to human beings. However, despite this approach being a strength in the Cuban educational system, the pre-sports game is not promoted from a scientific and academic point of view to achieve these aforementioned components. That is why the objective was projected to characterize the pre-sports games implemented by the teachers of the Physical Education department in the first two years of professional training at the Universidad de Oriente, Cuba. As empirical methods, an interview with teachers and an observation guide dedicated to the teaching-learning process in Physical Education are applied. An attempt is made to know the potential and weaknesses that pre-sports games have to improve the physical and sports skills of these students, in addition to the values in which comprehensive training can be contributed from these practices. The insertion of this type of games has had a very positive level of opinion from students and teachers.


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How to Cite
Morcillo-Valencia, R. J., Falcones Barbosa, E. del R., Abad Arroyo, A., López Proaño , A. A., & Murillo Falcones, J. J. (2024). Activities to implement the pre-sports game through the combination of handball - football in university students. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 19(1), e1585. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Elizabeth del Rocío Falcones Barbosa, Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas. Ecuador.

Magister en Entrenamiento Deportivo

Jordy Joe Murillo Falcones, Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres. Ecuador.

 Licenciado en pedagogía de la actividad física y deporte


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