Methodology to increase the second year student’s creativity of the Majoring at Physical Culture

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Yudelqui Martínez-León
Ania Teresa Cordero-González
Ana Belkys Amador-Cabrera


The research entitled ¨Methodology to increase the second year student’s creativity of the Majoring at Physical Culture¨ has the goal to increase their creativity from the Pedagogy subject. This research offers a group of pedagogical and psychological bases about creativity that influence in the development of the student’s personality. It also gives a set of actions aimed to increase the creative development through the Pedagogy lessons, as a main way of organizing the teaching learning process. In this investigation it is defined creativity as the process that expresses the professors´ skills in the teaching learning activity. The creative methodology was validated through the development of a pre-experiment. Besides there were used theoretical, empirics and statistics methods to prove the affectivity of this research. The final results of the investigation give the professors a pattern of performance so as to influence positively in their students´ behaviour according to the present demands of the Cuban society.


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How to Cite
Martínez-León, Y., Cordero-González, A. T., & Amador-Cabrera, A. B. (2013). Methodology to increase the second year student’s creativity of the Majoring at Physical Culture. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 8(2), 3–20. Retrieved from


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